[01] Zenitsu (Hell Divers)

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
  • Appearance

    Zenitsu is a young man of slight frame and unimposing height - at the age of sixteen he stands at about five feet and five inches. He wears the traditional Demon Slayer uniform worn by others of the Demon Slayer Corps, though his is a variant. His gakuran jacket is dark brown, as are his hakama pants - the two are slashed in the middle by a stark white belt. Overtop the uniform Zenitsu wears his recognizable haori: an orange yellow gradient garment patterned with white triangles.

    He's of meek face, fair complexion, and hosts fearful gold-hazel eyes that are often welling with one extreme emotion or another. Atop his head rests long locks of straw colored hair that color shifts to a darker orange at its ends - it squares off like a scarecrow and hangs unruly about his face in a frame.

  • Personality

    Cowardly - Zenitsu is terrified of conflict, and even of ordinary interaction to a lesser extent. It's tough for him to put a finger on exactly what about fighting brings forth the heebie jeebies. Some of it is self-preservation instinct, some of it is a wildly unbalanaced fight or flight response; whatever the case, the Demon Slayer always avoids a fight.

    Transcender - When things are at their worst, something changes in Zenitsu. He will lose himself completely...sometimes he blacks out standing up, sometimes he faints and slumps to the ground, but he always reawakens in the face of danger a changed man. His eyes will reopen, rolled up into his head and milky white, and his subconscious warrior's spirit will be in control of his body. When this occurs he is agile and lethal. He will strike down any in his path with honed precision utilizing the Lightning Breathing (see abilities) technique instilled in him by his Master.

  • Possible Reactions

    In any situation of combat, Zenitsu will melt. He will flee, hide, and do anything to avoid direct confrontation. He will cry, grow hysterical, and do whatever he can to avoid the fray. The only change in his personality will come from unconsciousness - if he grows inconsolable enough to pass out or is rendered incapacitated, he will awaken anew. The awakened Zenitsu will fight with speed and vigor. He will down whoever he can, subconsciously aware of his allies, until he is stopped.

  • Relationships

    None to speak of.

  • ‘Combat’ Style

    As previously referenced, Zenitsu will not fight until he is downed. Once unconscious, he is a speedster who strikes quickly and forcefully and will target weak foes first. He balks at no challenge, as he operates strictly subconsciously, and will shy from no danger.

    Otherwise, he will hysterically flee, dodge whatever he can, and hide.

  • Eligible Abilities
    Demon Slayer Physique
    Agility - Rank 3 (600)
    Modifiers: None
    Endurance - Rank 3 (300)
    Modifiers: None
    Sense (Hearing) - Rank 5 (500)
    +Ongoing (+500)

    Years of training and physical conditioning have made Zenitsu exceptional hardy and agile. He can dodge and maneuver with dizzying speed and reflexes. Additionally he can withstand extended periods of exertion that might drive others to the brink.

    Total Cost: 1900

    Thunder Breathing (Thunder Clap and Lightning)

    Agility - Rank 5 (1,000)
    -Activation (-250)
    Endurance - Rank 5 (500)
    -Activation (-250)
    Damage - Rank 5 (500)
    -Activation (-250)

    When Zenitsu faints or is rendered unconscious in situations of danger or immense stress he will awaken soon after as a changed man. Eyes rolled back, body limber and lithe, aura serene and zen, he becomes a user of Thunder Breathing. Zenitsu will dart about the battlefield at heightened speed, using his yellow sword (inscribed with the words Destroy Demons on its blade), and strike down enemies that stand in his way.

    While using this form Zenitsu channels his strength into his legs and pushes off of the ground to move in quick bursts, zig-zagging patterns, and even straight forward. Often times his final attack in this state will be a quick dash in a straight line ending in a horizontal slash aimed to pass straight through his opponent.

    Total Cost: 1250

  • Quotes
    "H-h-here's your c-cup, m'lord! I mean, m-m'lady!"
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