[05] Stheno (Miniskirt Armada)

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
Name: Stheno, codename GORGON-3

Appearance – Stheno is a woman in her late-twenties to early-thirties with a tanned complexion and an athletic, muscular build befitting a mercenary. Her hair is dark and cut to just below her ears to keep it relatively manageable. Her clothing is what one would expect from one in her field, dark combat gear with plenty of pockets. She also wears a pair of dog tags, one reading “Stheno” and the other reading “GORGON-3”. One unorthodox addition to her outfit is her blindfold. Thin enough to see through, but thick enough to obscure her eyes at a distance, the mercenary keeps it on at all times to prevent her gaze from hitting any unintended targets. Beneath the blindfold, her eyes are an emerald green with snake-like pupils.

Personality – Off the battlefield, Stheno gives off the appearance of a dedicated, if rather irreverent mercenary, promising the satisfaction of her client and her ‘colleagues’. She has a friendly but somewhat menacing demeanour, speaking about her violent work and her status as an arcane bioweapon with a casual enthusiasm that can catch those unfamiliar with combat off-guard, something she finds highly amusing. Once the fighting starts, her love for violence goes from heavily implied to incredibly blatant and it's not uncommon to hear her taunting or joking with her opponents in the heat of a fight. Despite her levity, she does her best to make sure her comrades stay safe during battle, displaying a rough but surprisingly protective side.

Possible Reactions –
  • Victory: Enthusiastic celebration, though not to a reckless degree.
  • Defeat: Venting of frustration, followed by proper planning for the next engagement.
  • Attacked friend: Brutal defense. Stheno is quick to remind enemies that their fight is with her (even if it really isn’t).

Relationships – None so far, though those familiar with mercenary groups and other underground organisations may recognise ECHIDNA, the PMC Stheno works for.

‘Combat’ Style – Stheno is a warrior through-and-through, preferring to take straight-forward, close-range engagements. She favours brutal displays of violence, using them as a psychological weapon as much as a source of entertainment for her client. Though she is reasonably skilful, she relies more on her pure strength. If the tide of battle turns against her, she will remove her blindfold and use her gaze as a trump card.

Eligible Abilities –

Gorgon’s Gaze (1000)
Debuff (Paralysis) - Rank 5 (500)
-Ongoing (500)
-Affects multiple (2) (500)
-Limited (Eye contact) (-250)
-Indiscriminate (-250)

True to her codename, Stheno’s eyes are enchanted with powerful magic to petrify anyone who meets her gaze. Unlike the myth, however, they do not truly turn to stone. Instead, anyone within 40 feet who makes direct eye contact with the mercenary will be quickly paralysed. Once eye contact is broken, they will gradually regain their ability to move. This ability is typically held at bay by Stheno’s blindfold as she has no manual control over it.

Monstrous strength (1500)
Move object - Rank 4 (400)
-Ongoing (400)

Damage - Rank 3 (300)

Endurance - Rank 4 (400)

While already having gained a muscular figure through training and battlefield experiences, Stheno’s bio-arcane modifications have granted her even greater strength and endurance than one would expect, and she is not afraid to use it to beat a foe to death if unarmed.

Ladon (700)
Damage - Rank 4 (400)
-Removable (-200)

Damage - Rank 2 (200)
-Ongoing (200)
-Removable (-100)
-Weakness (Inorganic enemies) (-50)

Debuff (Healing difficulty) - Rank 2 (200)
-Ongoing (200)
-Removable (-100)
-Weakness (Inorganic enemies) (-50)

Stheno’s favourite weapon, a massive, jagged machete almost a metre long that she claimed for herself and named on a previous job. Ladon is a barbaric thing, deadly enough with its large size and the prodigious strength of its owner, but is made even more so by its rough, twisted edge. Any cuts made by the blade will be torn and messy, causing wounds that bleed profusely, dealing damage over time, and make healing difficult.

Extra – The third of three ‘sisters’, mercenaries who participated in project GORGON, one of many experiments performed by the mercenary group ECHIDNA that have turned willing soldiers into living weapons through magical and scientific means.

Quotes –

“Stheno, ECHIDNA mercenary, magical bioweapon, your new comrade. Pleased to meet you.”

“You gonna hit me? Better make it count. Better kill me in one shot.”

“My client hired me to put on a show. ‘Extra gorey’, he said… man, I love my job!”