[24] Karl Killing Comic Relief (Miniskirt Armada)

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
  • Personality – So Mirage is a bit of a by the seat of his pants kind of guy, make mistakes now, forget they happened later. He somehow manages to completely fumble through his interactions, focusing either on himself or some obituary object completely off-topic. Does he smell pork chops again or is he having a stroke? No wait, that's just the pork chop stickers his sponsors had given him earlier. He is often very airheaded but manages to pull off some crazy stunts, whether its skill or insane luck is debatable.

  • Possible Reactions – Often times will react by boasting or being a bit too casual, even in the face of danger.

  • Relationships – Very fond of Wraith, will most likely not attack her unless there is no other choice.

  • ‘Combat’ Style – Bamboozles for the foozles. That rhymes right? Mirage loves to play into his daftness and catch his opponent unawares. He is actually quite skillful in combat, but often will sacrifice that skill for more of a show. Actually, will always sacrifice that skill for a show. The only time he won't is when he has to protect somebody, in which case he tends to put that just a bit before the funnies. Just a little.

  • Eligible Abilities
Body Shield (250)
Protection V (x100)
Finite (-50)
Ongoing (0)
Mirage wears a Body Shield, a protective armor that absorbs the impact of firearms and other weaponry. Tough and effective, it can absorb a large amount of damage before needing to be recharged. Mirage is able to recharge small amounts of his body shield with small cells, which takes about two seconds each. Four will fully recharge his shield. Alternatively, he can also use a battery, which takes five seconds to fully recharge his shields. Using a battery while his shield is not fully depleted does not charge his shield past its maximum.

Wingman (250)
Damage V (+100)
Ranged (+50)
Removable (-50)
A high powered pistol that has a low fire rate. It is fairly accurate and can be held in one hand. It has a six-round clip and must be reloaded once all ammo is expended. Reliable recoil makes it accurate even at long range so long as you have a steady posture.

Illusion IV - Sound/Sight (+250)
Concentration (-50)
Sensing III - Sight (100)
Affects Multiple(+50)

Mirage is able to use his holo-tech to create impressive decoys of himself. Mirage can control these decoys as he wishes, but in battle, he can only concentrate on controlling one of them at a time, either mimicking his actions or moving in other ways. These decoys are the same size and height as Mirage, carrying the same weapons that he had when the decoy is created and can take a light hit from an attack, acting damaged before phasing out of existence. When a decoy is hit, the enemy that struck them is pinged to Mirage and his allies, revealing them behind walls until another decoy is sent out. If no decoy is sent out within 60 seconds, the decoy simply disappears.

Heirloom (200)
Damage III (x100)
Debuff I [Smells like Porkchops](x100)
Side Effect [Mirage also smells Porkchops] (-50)
In celebration of his many Victories, Mirage has a trophy dedicated to his form. Being hit by this weapon causes the target to smell nothing but pork chops, but so does Mirage. Smells like dinnertime.

  • Extra – Easy writing: Mention porkchops, bamboozles, or some dumb joke about duplicates or clones. Bonus points if Mirage unintentionally does something really good and pretends like it was on purpose.

  • Quotes
    • "Of all the fights, this was a pret—predesc—a parduh... pr-predicular—it was a really good one, is what I'm trying to say."
    • "Ah, you should've known fighting me is... is presposter—prespr—ah... pres... is dumb."
    • "I'm good! But, there's two of me. So I'm good twice! Check out that math."
    • "Trust me, losing ain't that bad. I mean you learn something new every time! 'Least... that's what I've been told. I wouldn't know what that's like."
    • "You lost this one. But it has nothing to do with your skills! Well-- 'cause you don't have any, I mean clearly."
    • "I'm proud to have fought with you! I'm serious. I-- I mean it. No one ever believes me!"
  • Threads/Post-