[26] Gilgamesh (NPC) (Miniskirt Armada)

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
Personality - Gilgamesh is an arrogant King who believes he is the rightful owner of all things. To his allies, he treats them tenderly and is extremely protective. He is extremely vindictive of his enemies and will use harsh language and isn't afraid to put them down. Recently, Gilgamesh has been trying to become less of a villain, giving people a chance before making such snap decisions. This has been a source of conflict for some time.

Possible Reactions - When Gilgamesh is with an ally, he will support them as a front-line leader. When Gilgamesh meets someone who is neutral to him, he will try to persuade them to his side and if they reject, Gilgamesh will act aloof and will be hostile to them. When Gilgamesh runs into a hostile person, he considers them insects and will not hesitate to crush them.

PJ - They have some kind of weird platonic hate-friendship vibe where she's really good at killing things and Gilgamesh doesn't ask too many personal questions. It's worked out so far.​
Deadpool/Arthur Morgan - This cowboy can go to hell >=o​
Toga - She can get stabbed and cur'b stomped.​
Doomguy - Gilgamesh 100% would kill this guy​
Roy Mustang - A military officer pretending himself a king? Mongrel.​
Jason - If this strange monster shows himself again, Gilgamesh will send him back to whatever puddle he dragged himself out of.​

'Combat' Style - Gilgamesh will try and find a more advantageous position to fight, but if he is backed into a corner he will go all out.

Eligible Abilities: Just go here - https://multerra.zulenka.com/index.php?threads/gilgamesh.547/#post-6910
Extra: Nah you got it

"You would attack me, you filthy mutt!?"​
"Spending time on a mongrel like you is beneath me."​

  • https://multerra.zulenka.com/index.php?threads/rebirth.549/#post-5499