A Fox From Space And Lost (Open)

King Kong

Force of Nature
Level 1
Sep 20, 2018
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The arwing wrecks in a dense jungle flowing with vegetation and wildlife that's native to Cevanti. Alarm sirens within the cockpit are blaring with noise. Sitting in the Pilot's seat is an anthropomorphic red fox, wearing a sage anti-g suit, red bandana raps around his neck and a white jacket with rolled up sleeves. The feet have metallic boots that suit well along with the outfit. This pilot was unconscious for some quite time but awakens finally to realize where is he. His eyes blink as they look around the interior of the cockpit that's a mess. Sirens still blare into the ears on top of his head that did help him awake earlier. He turns the sirens off with flicking a switch that made the surrounding quiet now.

This anthropomorphic pilot's name is Fox Mccloud, the leader of Star Fox that is a mercenary team that consists of ace pilots that operate starships known as arwings. Corneria is their contractor and ally during the Lylat Wars. Now, Fox Mccloud is lost in this new universe after being transport by a wormhole that appears before in their home planet system. The ace pilot is capable to activate his communication device he's wearing around his head that links to the ship for contacting his team.

"Boys, I'm all right. I crashed and now my arwing is unable to fly now. Can you guys read me?" Fox reports with the hope that his team is fine.

"Can anyone hear me?" Fox questions again but only receives silence from the communication system.

"Star Fox report in!" He commands one more time still receiving unwelcoming quietness.

Concern grows on his face about his team making out fine. Sitting here isn't going to help anything so Fox tries to get out of the cockpit. Luckily in the crash, there are no life-threatening damages to his body parts. He could jump out of the cockpit just fine while examining the environment around him. Fox is in a tropical jungle with the temperature high to fit with the region. Vines dangle above the pilot as the vegetation hangs from the huge branches. The trees did cover the sky well and cause shady spots that cover the jungle floor. Anything that was in the path of the airwing before the crash landing is no more and leaves the ground in a mess with dirt spread everywhere from the wreckage. A cleft is made behind the arwing from dragging along the ground when landing.

Fox puts his hand up to his headpiece to activate his HUD that appears in the one-piece green eyewear. A great piece of technology that is good for survival in this unknown jungle. The ace space pilot walks away from the wreckage on a path that's un-touch from the plant life. Silence remains around Fox and it's eerie to him since he's in the middle of an overgrown jungle that should be filled with animals such as exotic birds calling to each other, monkeys howling, etc.

While the thought comes across him, a wild pterodactyl zoid flies high above the trees with a screech. Fox jumps a little from the sudden scare of a loud noise and looks up to see the robotic creature flying over him.

"What in the world was that?" Fox is curious about the unnatural flying wild creature that he encounters.

He runs quickly through the jungle but was suddenly stopped by an edge of a dropping cliff that's high off the ground. It's thousands of feet away from the land below and gives Fox a great point of view over a largely abandoned metropolis, similar to the ones on Corneria. This baffles the leader of Star Fox, seeing the large city that once sprawling civilization in the past. The wild pterodactyl zoid flies toward the dead city with another echoing screech. This city is in a valley that mountains surround Fox, making this place a venturing spot to reach.

"Looks like that may be the only place I can rely on shelter and scavenging parts I could be capable of repairing my Arwing. I just hope the boys will be fine without me for now. I'm sure they will be." Fox says to himself while looking over the sprawling city that the jungle is slowly taking over every month and year.

King Kong

Force of Nature
Level 1
Sep 20, 2018
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The travel was quite the hike to journey toward the city that Fox has seen. It wasn't the easiest walk due to the dense jungle that the crashed arwing pilot journeyed through. Now, he was walking through a dark highway tunnel with a fiery torch he made from his survival skills that Fox learned in his cadet days at the flight academy. Abandoned cars filled the tunnel that was left an extremely long time ago when this world succumbed to the apocalypse. Still, Fox was able to navigate past the cars to reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

He finally made it at the end of the tunnel and while being in darkness for a long time, the daylight was blinding to Fox as he shed his eyes from the intensity with his left arm that wasn't holding the torch. Once his eyes adjusted to the light, he stood in the middle of the big city that was being overtaken by the jungle. The plant life was growing along all the tall buildings in the metropolis. Patches of moss covered the untouched highway bridge that Fox stood on. It was extraordinary to see this city in this state that once was popular with civilization.

Major doubts filled his head that he may not find anyone to help him. There might be a chance to find something that could help repair his ship and this city has to help him find shelter. He looked down at a gadget on his risk that was a digital radar that helped track where his arwing crash landed at. It still showed that the ship hasn't moved to a different place ever since he left it. That was good news to him that no one has tried to take his crashed arwing.

Fox continued to venture out into the city to hope he would find anyone to get into contact with for SOS. His instincts didn't back down for any hostile wildlife to attack him, so he already had his blaster primed and ready. He already threw away the torch since he didn't need it anymore. After getting off somewhere on the highway, Fox was in the middle of a jungle and it was still crazy walking on a concrete street in this environment. In the distance, wild Zoids could be heard roaming through the vast city. They were a far way off where Fox Mccloud was located.

Wandering into this city was easy to get lost since Fox wasn't familiar with the landscape. The only thing to rely on direction was his digital risk gadget that located his downed ship and acted like a compass. It was late afternoon and Fox was losing time fast while trying to find a perfect shelter. There's no telling him how unsafe it is to venture out into the nighttime of this unknown planet.

King Kong

Force of Nature
Level 1
Sep 20, 2018
Click Here
The evening was approaching quickly upon the city in ruins that was being consumed slowly by mother nature's vegetation. It was kind of breathtaking and beautiful to see how no matter what, if steel or concrete destroyed the planet's natural life, it will regrow and take back what the land used to be.

Fox had never seen any city like this before back in the Lylat system. Sure, not every planet was fully consumed with civilizations and ecosystems still existed, but he had not seen any cities like this. The silence was present, walking in the ruined streets filled with cars that have been rusted and destroyed.

Green Moss grew upon the surfaces of the abandoned automobiles City blocks were vacant with sections that once housed businesses or apartments were destroyed or damaged a long time ago.

The city was giving a creepy vibe in Fox's head, but he had faced numerous dangers before and still showed bravery as he walked in these lonely streets. A big traffic intersection ahead of the fighter pilot filled with cars and trucks that were left to rot, had vegetation protruding out of the automobiles.

Patches of medium height grass stuck out from the concrete street, completely covering the street's surface, making it look like there was no concrete. His feet within his metallic boots can feel the hard-solid surface that the grass-covered.

The sun shined down peacefully across the scene with some clouds in the sky with the weather staying normal. Tiny rhythmic vibrations could be felt along the surface as the metallic boots detect it. Fox's ears twitched by the unnerving moment.

No matter what, his blaster was armed and ready for any unwelcoming surprises that could await since this city looked inhabitable. Thuds of something hitting the ground were getting closer and closer.

Fox got into cover quickly behind a rusted-out pickup truck that still had doors on it. The vehicle faced sideways from the intersection filled with abandoned cars. He stayed hidden on the other side of the pickup that met away from the traffic intersection. His hand reaches for the trusty blaster that had a custom white decal on the body of the weapon that wrapped around and represented the symbol of Star Fox.

The thuds get closer and closer coming from the right-hand side street from the pilot's view. Sound of the footsteps became louder than they were before. The blaster remained in his right hand with both hands wrapped around the firearm. His right index finger rested on the trigger softly.

Coming out from behind the city's structure was a fleshed monster, but this was something prehistoric. A long neck stretched out into the intersection with a medium-sized head attached to it. The creature made noises that were alien to where he was.

He has fought monsters before back in his home system, but this thing did not sound very hostile. It was too gentle and lower-pitched to look like an animal that doesn't belong as a predator. The creature moved its vast full body into the intersection while crushing cars and trucks like insects.

Fox peaked over to see what it was, and it appeared a creature that he had heard tales of before coming from a planet called Sauria or well known as Dinosaur Planet. The reptile on this planet was known as a diplodocus, which was a sauropod herbivore dinosaur. It must be prime feeding time for the diplodocus with his or her head lowering toward the ground to consume fresh vegetation.

A herd of diplodocus followed the leader since the giant four-legged dinosaur communicated with the pack that no predators were present. Three more diplodocuses move into the intersection for feeding time. All of them spread out to find plants that would complete their appetite. The stranded pilot holstered his firearm and stood out from his cover to witness this moment.

These gentle giants sensed Fox but already knew that he didn't pose a threat due to his size. This particular time wasn't to stand here for a while and observe these magnificent creatures; Fox needed to find a place to rest for the night fast before the night consume half of the planet. He walked away from the block that was filled with dinosaurs now and continued forth.

Something caught the pilot's attention on the horizon that could help his needs. It was a tall skyscraper with an iconic architecture design that stood out from the other city structures. The tower located on the block he was on and what came to his mind that this building would make a great place to rest since the establishment was higher than any other of its surroundings.

It took fifteen minutes for him to make it where the skyscraper located. Now, he walked through the entrance of the structure, and it was a big lobby with the furniture thrown around everywhere. A big circle of welcome desks built stuck into the ground in the middle of the hall. This place might look luxuries back in the day that people had many careers in their past lives.

Who knew what happened to the people of the city; instead, they moved out safely or perished in the event known as with this world's history "The End." Of course, elevators did not even work, but Fox already knew since how this place looked like it hasn't touched in centuries. This whole lobby completely vandalized as the marble floor, and metal walls were scratched or had at least some fungus.

The space pilot found where the stairwell was, and it was utterly intact where they started. His metal boots made clanking noises as each step he used. Darkness filled the staircase, and he activated part of his headset that shined a flashlight. Fox kept going and going until there was a segment in the stairwell wholly broken with the steps missing. The only way to continue was by jumping, but he didn't want to find out if the stairs will crumble apart if he tested on the broken structure.

Fox already climbed up eight floors and stepped out of the stairwell through a door frame with a door missing. A dusty hallway was on the other side of the door frame, and doors spaced out from each other with office numbers identifying them. He walked in the very dark hallway with his flashlight shining.

As he looked around the room, an office door opened to see if it would make a great spot to rest. The office consisted of two comfortable chairs untouched facing toward a desk, and pictures on the wall with images that fit with the encouraging quotes remain hanging on the wall. Miscellaneous items were on the counter, which was typical for doing office work.

A two-piece rectangle panel window covered the end of the room, looking down upon the city. Both panels of glass shattered a long time ago. The workplace appeared to must be an executive's studio by how everything had a luxurious taste to it. There was a wooden wardrobe behind the desk that sat against the wall. Metal bars were on the two wardrobe doors that open by swinging out.

The closet was taller than Fox, and so were the doors too. It had to be expensive back in the day when this city was populated. He opened the doors out of curiosity and found a hideaway bed folded up. Lucky for him, he saw something that was going to be comfortable to rest. He pulled the mattress out, and it clamped to the ground while flattening.

Fox sat on the bed in an exhausted manner and took his boots off, one at a time. The shoes placed next to the bed, and he laid flat on the bed. His flashlight went by a single press of his finger on the headset. He took the headset off to finally free his fur that pressed against it for a while. As the day drew to a close, the stars filled the sky, and darkness fell upon the city.

Slumber has overcome Fox, and he finally slept for the night to regain his energy for survival tomorrow.

King Kong

Force of Nature
Level 1
Sep 20, 2018
Click Here
Midnight has started, and rainfall just began from the cloudy night sky that covered up the stars. Water droplets pattered the glass window that was still intact in the office where Fox slept. The sound was soothing to hear, while no lighting and thunder weren’t present. He tossed and turned in his sleep from what was going on inside his brain. A dream was happening in Fox’s head as he was deep in his slumber.

In his dream, he was inside his arwing’s cockpit, piloting the space fighter. The sky that Fox was flying in was similar to Corneria’s with blue present and white clouds. His arwing glided above the clouds and sometimes skinning a few of the naturally white puffy material that had the presence of a marshmallow. On the radar, it detected three unidentified aircraft that was coming closer to his ship. His head looked around at the precise locations that the detector was reading.

Emerging from the clouds below Fox was three identical arwings that had the same paint color scheme to his ship. It was Fox’s crew that appeared. In his arwing’s display, three screens popped up to fill the black void on his monitor’s screen. Peppy, Falco, and Slippy appeared on the screen with their cockpit cameras activated.

“All aircraft report in!” Fox commanded as his focus remained on piloting the aircraft.

“I’m doing well with all systems ready!” The green frog pilot, Slippy, exclaimed through the broadcast that connecting their ships.

“All systems are greenlit! Ready to engage!” Peppy the hare pronounced with bravery and courage that his old soul will never run out.

“Everything is a go here!” Falco reported back to Fox in his usual cocky manner.

All four arwings formed a V formation while soaring through the sky at incredible speed. Before Fox would give his next command, a storm broke loose out of nowhere in a blink of an eye. Wind speeds picked up immensely that shook the ships violently. Lightning occurred all around them, with thunder rumbling through the sky like a big-block V8. The team took evasive maneuvers so that lightning strikes don’t strike their ships.

From the far left, Slippy was struck with lightning and caused his arwing spinning out of control while a blazed by fire.

“FOX!!!” Slippy cried out before his camera lost footage on Fox’s monitor.

“No, Slippy!!!” Fox yelled in a worried tone to see his friend shot down.

Another immense white lightning hit Falco’s ship and made him fall out of the sky with his space fighter on fire.

“Dammit! I’m going down!” Falco said in frustration while he tried to control his systems before his camera footage went dead.

“FALCO!!!” Fox shouted back in chaos while seeing his buddy disappear.

Peppy was the only one remained on Fox’s screen as they flew into the storm while winds battered their arwings.

“I’m sorry, Fox…” Peppy said his last words before a bolt of lightning struck his aircraft and sent him toward the ground in a fiery mess.

The last camera footage shut off from the screen, and a black void filled the rest on his monitor. The remaining Star Fox member gripped the centre stick and moved it around furiously as he avoided the deadly lighting strikes that are a couple of feet away from hitting his arwing. Luck ran short for Fox, and he got lightning struck along too. Helplessly, he witnessed his systems being fried with electricity, emitting out of the computers. All screens went from green to red and sent out warning messages that damage occurred and in need of repair.

The ship spun out of control and started heading toward the surface of the planet. Fox frantically tried to get his fire extinguishers to come on and have enough control of the space fighter. Before making it to the ground and crashing, his arwing exploded.

Fox woke up in a heartbeat and sat up from his bed after a nightmare had happened. The rain was still hitting the window in a steady momentum. After awaking, he had to take a breather for a minute before heading back to sleep. His chest bobbed up and down, frantically from fear. The Star Fox commander looked out at the window one last time before laying his head to rest.

“I hope you boys made out alright,” Fox uttered in desperation as he watched over the desolated city.

He closed his eyes and went back into his sleep, waiting for the morning sunlight.

King Kong

Force of Nature
Level 1
Sep 20, 2018
Click Here
Commencing Arbiter's Rage Quest
This Post Word Count: 1,486 words
Quest's Word Count: 1,486/2,500
Morning arises over Cevanti, beginning a new day stuck on this unknown planet that's not apart of the Lylat system. The space fighter fox's mouth opens, releasing a massive yawn from his slumber. Slowly, the natural sunlight consumes the darkness surrounding the abandoned post-apocalyptic city. Dark clouds remain in the sky, but they weren't any humongous storming cumulonimbus clouds. Fox rolls in his sleep on the comfortable hideaway bed he found last night.

The city remained wet from rain that occurred last night during the late hours. Wrapped up in the covers, he felt extremely relaxed; almost he could comfortably sleep in the throughout the morning. His slumber did not last long for the morning until a wild Zoid Pteranodon landing on top of the skyscraper that Fox housed in screeched incredibly loud. Fox's eyes shot open thanks to the rude awakening the frightening beast caused, then soaring away from the giant human-made structure. He rubs his eyes, getting rid of eye boogers that formed during the long period of keeping his eyeballs shut.

Slowly, the space pilot slides up in bed in an awakened state. In the early hours, he can see the sky having a beautiful awe pink mixed with purple and a hint of orange. Fox stretches his arms outward while his fingers are connected flexing each other, creating a bone popping noise. New opportunities and functional outcomes in hopes will happen to do for this poor stranded fox. He gets out of bed slowly and walks to stand near the window, admiring the magnificent view of the morning, taking over the concrete jungle that mother nature is steadily taking back her beloved land.

Strapping on his gear and getting ready for another day of survival, the lonely fighter pilot wonders if others like him live on this alien planet. Worse possibility to happen is that he crashed here too late after an intelligent species went extinct. That idea does not bog down Fox's optimistic feeling that he is bound to cross paths with someone. Sitting here won't solve any problems; he must go out in this unknown environment to find a way to get off this crumbling planet. Now is the time for adventuring into this mysterious wasteland.

Before leaving, his stomach growls in protest for hunger to store energy. Luckily, the arwing's survival kit included MREs that needed to be rationalized for them taking up two weeks. Fox had them on hand since he carried that survival kit away from the crash site. Eating them without any cooking will be no problem because there is no fire source to be made—a bad idea too for making a fire inside a building that can be a potential hazard.

He opens one pouch that reveals a naked bar packed with nutrition. His jaws chomp down on the top, and Fox munches to break down the food. Crunching noises muffled by the stranded space pilot keeping his mouth closed while chewing. It wasn't the best meal he had, but it did beat eating insects or other gross alternatives. Ten minutes pass, Fox finishes his meal and ready to venture out into the unknown city.

Throughout the start of Fox's day, it has been nothing but hiking and surveying his surroundings for anything to turn the tide of survival. Still, it felt that he's the only conscious creature living in this forest-grown city that is thriving with animals, dinosaurs, Zoids, and something far more sinister than those two that locals on the planet feared for at night. At the main street of this desolate city, a clean river flowed through the cracked open concrete that created a V arch. Lilly pads and other aquatic plants thrived off this water environment. Marine creatures ranging from fish to amphibian called this river home swimming and eating part of the circle of life.

Fox kneels on the hard-concrete broken street toward the shore of the river. He dips his gloved hands into the water, submerging them. His hands come out of the water, cupped together to hold the freshwater. The pointed jaws of his mouth draw closer toward the handheld water, bending his head downward. Fox begins drinking the refreshing aqua to stay hydrated in this unforgiving heat.

After a minute of staying hydrated, he resumes his journey inside the mysterious city. The river flows into a thick green forest that took over a couple of blocks, mother nature claiming her rule when no sentient beings take care of their beloved civilization. Grass covers the concrete, strangely having the appearance that no asphalt is showing underneath the fine green blades. It felt weird that the metallic boots' sounds were still making a clunking noise, stepping onto the giant grass patch. Bravery and fearless, Fox travels through the natural forest that rules the concrete jungle.

Venturing into a quarter of this ecosystem, the merc trips and falls into a crater, but turns out it's a giant clawed footprint left behind by an alien creature. This track can only belong to a predator Zoid that's hunting within the vicinity. Fox doesn't desire to find out what this footprint belonged to, and his weapons will not be effective in defending himself from this thing. The space pilot continues to make his way across this forest. Life in this forest is at a standstill that Fox realizes about his situation of the surroundings.

That footprint he discovered previously is four hundred yards away from his position must be the culprit that causes this forest to stay quiet. Fox remains silent, thinking that safety needs to take effect here and carefully not to produce much noise in attracting any attention. Half-way into this gorgeous woods, the air felt strange today. Yesterday, the oxygen on this planet was exactly Corneria's, and he did not have any trouble breathing. The merc takes a rest at a big tree and sits down to gather his thoughts, panting to catch air.

Was the water not clean enough to drink at that unnatural formed river? Maybe an alien toxic plant nearby is activating its defense mechanism to suffocate predators nearby? While Fox leans his back against the tree, numerous sensations come over him immediately. This lost pilot is mostly consumed by rage and sorrow, almost making his eyes tear up if he was at a funeral belonging to one of his friends. His hands tremble to react to the unnatural phenomenon happening to him.

During these intimate events happening to Fox, the sun begins to darken across the planet. The time of day appeared to be evening, but there is no way for that to happen. Fox can tell before he set out into the unknown forest, it was almost noon. Something startled the unfortunate space pilot after the world darkened. An excruciating ear-piercing humanlike scream rings through the air of this planet, shaking the trees and fauna surrounding him, comparable to a shock wave coming from a giant destructive bomb.

The screaming continues for a solid minute and abruptly stops creating a more ill silence filling the air. Still, Fox's lungs attempt to catch breath giving a sick feeling washing over him. Beneath his body, the planet rumbles, furiously releasing series of quakes. In instinct, Fox scrambles to get up immediately if danger is soon coming his way. Parts of the grass-filled concrete begins to crack underneath him and revealing dark matter.

Fox instantly flees away from the scene that he witnessed this chaos unfolding. The forest surrounding him begins to wither and die within astonishing seconds. This space pilot has never seen anything this catastrophic happening before. He hops and skips over the cracking surface that revealed this threatening darkness. This world-ending crisis makes him deep down, needing to retreat where the arwing crashed.

In the adrenaline-pumping second, Fox makes sure that it rests at the exact location he embarked onto this strange planet with his ship's beacon. Yes, the fighter class arwing remains where she crash-landed. Maybe she got some power left in her, but Fox doubts it since severe damage has become. Before taking a route to follow the flashing beacon on his tracking device. A hulking beast lands ten yards away toward the direction he faced.

Fox comes to a screeching halt as his heels made an unpleasant squeal, scratching against the pavement. The beast looms well above Fox's height as this metallic monster stands tall. Its Eyes glow solid yellow, no pupils involved in the creation. This body is entirely made out of metal and gears powering this monstrosity. A darkness aurora dominates the entirety of this creature, confusing and tormenting its mind with rage and atrocities.

This monster rears it's head back and releases a deafening bird-like screech out of its metallic beak. A griffin Zoid stands ferociously in front of Fox, stretching the wingspan far and wide. Both stand there in silence before one of the two makes a move.

King Kong

Force of Nature
Level 1
Sep 20, 2018
Click Here
Arbiter's Rage Quest
This Post Word Count: 1,273
Quest's Word Count: 2,759/2,500
Could this planet get any worse?

For the first time in his career, he had to face a planet on the verge of total cataclysmic state on foot, and a giant robot creature out have a fox for its lunch plans. The helpless Fox sprints away from danger, and now, it wasn't a great time to see if his weapons would damage the mechanical creature. Doubt runs across his mind that none of his equipment will be effective against the solid metal armor. Jumping and sliding to escape the grasp of danger, the corrupted griffin zoid's temper is more relentless than before the unmaking doings. Trees and foliage get ripped out from the concrete street by the mighty sharpened metal claws belonging to the ferocious zoid.

The tremendous roars escaping out of the zoid's mouth pierces Fox's ears, exiting the forest in a full-on sprint. He looks back over his shoulder to see the griffin zoid brandishes it's wings and takes flight high in the sky to pinpoint the lost pilot. Still, the city gave way to the unmaking process; structures begin to crumble apart as the dark void creeps across the city. Fox has to dodge potholes of unnatural darkness that sheds Cevanti's natural skin.

At an intense speed, the zoid zips through the air slicing it if it were butter. The wings remain sharp as ever, and the zoid's unmaking appearance felt intimidating. It slams its full-body onto the concrete for the next attack, attempting to capture Fox but failed since the pilot is a split second faster. It roared in anger and retook flight to track him. He tries to remain calm and steady, not to become this Zoid's meal.

While being chased, he cunningly keeps track of where his ship's distress beacon is. Possibly, getting into the rough foliage of his ship's location could slow down the beast and provide safety. Unfortunately, this city isn't worth hiding in due to the world ending events. Fox runs and turns at a couple of blocks, but the creature remained on his trail. It attempted to keep slamming or soaring above Fox's head to grab him by the threatening claws.

The griffin had enough of this cat, and mouse chase then screeches across the abandoned landscape in an attractive call. In this region, any unmaking infected zoid heard the need for help and became alerted of the area's enemy. The rest begins to move toward the city's part where the cry came. As for Fox, he dared not looking back, remaining calm to put his focus on jumping over or sliding under any obstacle in his way. In the city section he entered, on his left is a ramp leading up toward a highway that has become a sea of cars.

That place brought back a memory that made it familiar to Fox, and it was the way he entered the city. If he heads up the highway leading away from the city, he will be closer to the crash zone. The desperate pilot slides and drifts into a turn going up the highway ramp. His mechanical predator follows in pursuit, soaring above Fox at an impressive height. Its wingspan spreads wide, gliding in the breeze and making a considerable shadow covering the fleeing prey.

They merge onto the highway filled with a sea of rusted abandoned cars that became decimated from the far past planetary disaster. The pilot hops one car to another, unable to touch the solid concrete just how compact it was. Fox sees ahead a humongous tunnel built into a side of the mountain spanning eight lanes wide. In a surprising twist, his path now becomes obscured by a pack of dilophosaurus zoids. Four mechanical reptile-like dinosaurs smaller than the griffin zoid move in on their prey by responding to the griffin's call.

You've got to be kidding me.

The thought comes over Fox that the whole planet is now trying to kill him.

They stood on top of the rusted cars, ready for their prey running into their ambush. Their metallic frills sprout out from their necks, revealing colorful pattern displays painted onto the surface. Growls and snarls escape was made, readying their attack. With no detours or turning back, Fox charges forward, holding back any fear to not choke up in the moment of survival. The pack's jaws begin to drool out acidic saliva, their main attack.

Their frills rattled and vibrated in a hostile manner toward Fox. Meanwhile, the griffin zoid continues to tail Fox but is smart enough not to get hit by the acid attack the dilos make. Only six yards divided Fox and the pack of unmaking zoids now, they release their spit squirting out of their jaws aimed at their prey. The pilot activates the reflector that protected him in a blue hexagon shield surrounding him at the right timing. The series of acid spits get reflected and sent back to their makers.

They became covered in their acid, melting away their metal bodies. Screeches and howls escape the pack of dilos' jaws as they slowly get eaten away by the metal-eating acid. Landing on a car's roof, Fox bends down and springs off the rusted roof, long jumping over the zoid pack. The mechanical dinosaurs turn to see their prey escaping. They attempt to follow Fox in pursuit, but each step they make, the acid gets closer to eating away their entire structure.

After Fox makes a big lead ahead of them, they couldn't pursue, and their legs collapsed underneath them, breaking away after the acidic damage. The dilos are unable to hunt their prey and lie there as the acid eats them alive. Only now, the griffin zoid chases Fox into the dark tunnel that continued a sea of abandoned vehicles. Fox continues hopping and skipping across any car he came across. The griffin's eyes glow inside the tunnel, helping the pilot to spot it in the darkness. A bright light remains at the end of the tunnel, resembling the hope left in Fox.

It Unleashes another attack, landing on top of a rusted car group, crushing them with its weight. It howls before swiping it's giant metal claws to catch the prey. Fox narrowly avoids the swipes, stumbling and rolling over the rusted roofs. He hastily gets back up on his feet and continues his escape. Almost reaching the end of the tunnel, Fox runs into a solid object, smashing his face into it similarly if he ran into a wall. His ears ring for the brutal outcome his face met and realized something camouflages in his path.

The invisibility wears off to reveal an unmaking chameleon zoid rotating its eyes in opposite directions. Its eyes lock on the dazed and confused pilot while the targeting system closes on the prey. The chameleon opens it's mouth launching a long thick red rubber flimsy tongue, wrapping around Fox and immobilizing him.

This moment is it.

Fox is surrounded by mechanical beasts that want to destroy/make lunch out of him as the unnatural unmaking phenomenon corrupts the zoids.

They were relentless to catch him.

Only death now awaits for him.

He closes his eyes tight, ready to feel what it's like getting chewed up by steel jaws.

Memories rush through his head, everything flashing before his eyes, his father, Star Fox, and saving the Lylat system.

Its tongue retracts back, holding Fox tight about to be consumed.

The griffin comes to an abrupt stop and is too late to catch the lost pilot, but its prime directive objective will be complete in this area.

Destroy Living Organisms for The Unmaking.

King Kong

Force of Nature
Level 1
Sep 20, 2018
Click Here
Finishing Arbiter's Rage Quest
This Post Word Count: 948
Quest Total Word Count: 3,407/2,500
They were all interrupted by surprise, Fox being inches away from the wide-open jaws belonging to the zoid chameleon. Hundreds of military hard-grade bullets fill the zoid, ripping it to pieces. Fox was immediately let go, and he recovers, landing on both his feet in a knelt position. He looks up to see the rattled chameleon fall to the ground, dying from its hardware torn up in shreds. The giant griffin zoid roars at the rude guests, surprising it.

Fox gazes at the far end of the tunnel obstructed by four OZ-06MS Leo mechs. Their gun barrels smoke after they stop their intense suppressing fire. The unmaking griffin takes it's attention off the harmless fox and makes a final aggressive roar, launching into the air using its flight capability. It flies toward the mechs that threaten it's existence. One of the mechs aims a long-range sniper rifle by both arms and pulls the trigger shooting a humongous caliber.

The griffin maneuvers away from the bullet, but the shot pierces one of the wings, making it incapable of flying. It lands hard on the ground, rolling on a pile of cars. The only thing Fox can do in a situation like this is watch. He gets into a safe cover, away from the battle. The griffin zoid roars angrily toward its enemies and attempts to make a final charge.

Only this time, the griffin gets decimated by the firing squad as they suppress fire once again. The stubborn zoid struggles to attack its targets but goes down being broken away piece by piece. They stop shooting their guns to witness the dangerous, the zoid's final moments; their eyes slowly dim and blackout. After the fight ends, an intercom turns on from one of the mechs.

"Step out of hiding. State your full name and allegiance." The mech's intercom echoes through the vast tunnel, booming a voice.

"Fox McCloud, captain of Star Fox. I am a captain serving the Cornerian Army." Fox replies loudly, standing out in the open for his rescuers armed to the teeth, raising his hands to surrender.

"I crashed on this planet a day ago in my arwing, surviving off the landscape. I was soon going to attempt to send out an SOS signal." the lost pilot explains of his reasoning here.

"You're lucky we were scouting a certain perimeter; this land is turning more hellish the longer we stand here. The zoids that we just killed isn't acting normal and more hostile than they were before. If you want to live longer, I suggest we bring you back to HQ. Our city is under attack, and by your status, you're fit for a soldier." The mech pilot booms out on the intercom once more about what is happening.

Fox runs toward the rescuers for safety, and they propose fox to hop on one of the mechs for a ride so that traveling would not be too dangerous on foot. As he sprints, the tunnel rumbles, beginning to collapse by the unmaking. Rubble falls out the ceiling making Fox aware and more agile to dodge the incoming debris. Giant concrete debris continues to fall up above, putting Fox into danger. Amazingly, the lost but found pilot made it out alive before the tunnel cave-in.

"Damn son, your quick for a fox." the pilot, amazed by Fox's quickness, escaping danger.

He jumps and crawls on the back of the squad leader's mech, holding on to a safety bar that helps pilots climb into the cockpit.

"Hang on tight." the commander speaks into the intercom.

They rush away from the abandoned city as Fox looks back where he was camping. The squad steps off the highway and enters the growing unmaking jungle of Cevanti.

"Hold up. We need to get my ship." Fox blurts out, causing the team to come to a halt.

"If we don't return to HQ, those demonic zoids will tear us to shreds in seconds. Our firepower will not hold off more than three zoids." the commander explains how terrible the situation has become for their safety.

"My ship is not far off in this location. The beacon I carry helps keep track where the arwing lands and is one click northeast." The rescued pilot attempts to persuade his mind.

"So, this ship of yours is capable of fighting?" the commander questions if it is essential.

"You bet, it is the finest and most advanced fighter class to any Cornerian fighter. The arwing is still intact and not destroyed. Repairing it shouldn't be a problem." Fox goes into more in-depth detail about the arwing.

"Fine, we'll run your errand before heading back to central." the commander gives in to Fox's plead.

The squad moves through the jungle, crushing any brush or log in their path as Fox guides them to where the crash site's location. They get there in-record timing, to avoid any hazardous unmaking situation. The jungles still are freshly ripe and decaying by the unmaking events. Plants die around them, darkness feeding off their energy. They snatch up the crashed arwing, strapping it to one of the mechs backs.

Onward, the team travels hastily over the dangerous terrain to make it to their last haven. An hour later, everyone makes it out from the jungle and into the dead grassy plains, giving Markov a view. A blue shield dome surrounds the heart of the city, protecting it from attacks. Gunfire, mortars, bombs, and jet engines sound off in the distance, giving off an eerie battlefield setting. A darkened giant hulking mech stands behind the overwhelming unmaking zoids that terrorized the outer city so far off their location.

"There it is, boys, home."