An Unexpected Result

Jul 27, 2018
Mesa Roja
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Within a dark room, a single computer monitor flashed to life. Flickering fitfully, a large crack in the display darkened the upper right corner in a splash of dead pixels. But the machine still powered on, and a few moments later, the operating system fully booted up.

Unseen fingers quickly typed in a user name and password: J. Johansson and kh&Tu86_4. The log-in screen vanished upon the correct credentials being inputted, and in its place a bland, blue background filled with the thumbnails for a few dozen video files sprang into view. Without hesitation, the mouse pointer moved to and clicked on the upper-leftmost one and the video player launched.

Across the lower, left-hand side of the screen, the following words were displayed as the video started and a young, Caucasian man leaned back from the camera:

"Research Log Entry 1
September 10th 2020
1437 local time"

Running a hand through his somewhat messy brown hair, he began to speak.

"This is Researcher Johannson, and today we begin the initial animal trials for our 'CT Serum. Preliminary results look good; all inanimate objects and vegetable matter we've exposed to the compound have fallen within the expected range in regards the change. Mr. McDuck is pleased and excited for the finished product. If all goes well, we can probably expect to be done by Christmas."

The young man laughed softly, as an unintelligible comment for his right drew his attention.

"Yeah, we're breaking new ground on this one. It probably WON'T go well. But we can hope, huh? And, so far, we haven't hit any unexp-"

Suddenly noticing that he was still recording, the man leans towards the camera once more and the video ends abruptly. But the unseen watcher was already moving the pointer to the next video.