

Level 1
Mar 9, 2019
Erde Nona
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Rosa had decided to make a trip to Beviar, the larger city to the south of Hillview.

They had arrived at the small village of Hillview a little over two years ago. When they first arrived, her husband had been coming back from his patrols and telling her about the monotony of them. He had always enjoyed spending the days at the forefront of his own orders, but she could tell that scaring off a sentient beast or two once every few days wasn’t particularly thrilling for him.

Too bad it had changed.

For the last couple of weeks, Hayle had been coming back from his missions more and more often tired. His armour was scratched, and his sword and clothes were stained with the odd black blood of sentient beasts from the forest to the north. He had told her that the frequency of their attacks was increasing. It seemed like the forest was getting less and less safe, and he had no idea why.

A few days ago she had happened to overhear some mercenaries in Hillview talking about the weaknesses of the sentient beasts. They had all shared theories based on what they had individually experienced. She heard a lot of theories ranging from splashing them with oil of a certain plant she had never heard of, to shouting every time you struck them. One idea stuck out, however, as she had previously overheard the clergy speak of it when she lived in Candegron. They had said that silver would open burning wounds on the sentient beasts. She had heard that the wounds would be excruciating to the creatures and practically disable their combat ability after being lacerated by it.

She had travelled to the larger town south of Hillview in order to gather supplies. She needed silver ore for her project, she was going to give Hayle’s sword an edge of the lustrous metal.

Ahead of her, the impacts of steel and iron can be heard. She was approaching the trades district.

There, she could find anything from ores to herbs in their most raw or refined forms, most people just bought the finished products in the marketplaces though.

She noted how trades districts are rare overall, that only the largest cities had them, usually a village may have a blacksmith, and a town may have a carpenter’s guild or perhaps a masonic lodge. But cities, at least the larger ones always seemed to have an entire area dedicated to the various guilds, workshops, and different types of smithies. She could only describe the smell coming from the area as ‘honest’. For the workmen there were the type to see their work done to the end.

She approached the outer area of one of the larger smith’s buildings. The stone flooring was being regularly spattered with sparks as glowing metal was being hammered out under the shade of a tiled roof. After a minute of solid hammering the man inside looked up and greeted her with a flat look.

“Back again Rosa?” came the gritty tone.

“I figured I’d stop by if I was in town, you know. I was wondering if you had any raw silver ore lying around?” She knew he did, after all, he primarily made jewellery. Hammering out blanks for weapons was just his side job, there were already enough smiths in the district doing that.

He laid the bright orange sword blank next to the forge before removing his thick gloves and apron. Sweat coated his face and the massive uncovered arms he had just been exercising.

“Silver ore, eh?” he mused. “How much?”

“A kilogram should tide me over for quite a whi-”

He cut her off “No, how much are you going to pay?”