Greatest Warrior Alive


Level 1
Sep 24, 2018

It was Lu Bu's last few words. at least in Orochi's twisted realm.

Cosmic Piercer collided with Orochi's weapon and sparks of all colors appeared as they tried to match each other might for might. Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang had their troops at the ready, but it was Sun Wukong, that shocked them all. The portal wound up behind Lu Bu. The plan had been for Lu Bu to take Orochi on head on while the strategists and magicians opened a portal to the serpent man out of his own realm. Lu Bu had this foe right where he was supposed to be, but the realm portal was in the wrong spot.

The stupid monkey must have done the math wrong and opened it in the wrong area, or perhaps this was their way of getting rid of himself and Orochi!

It was too late before the 'Greatest Warrior Alive' could protest. He was sucked in and sent off into limbo spiraling into another world.


"NO! DIAO CHAN! COME BACK!" The Warrior took a minute to adjust himself. He was on a farm. Maybe he had drank too much the night before. Maybe it was all a dream. All of that couldn't have happened could it? was it even possible? The Chinese Warrior looked to his back and noticed that he was resting against a tree. He looked around hunting for a skin or gourd for sake, to help ease his mind, but there was none. Only a simple Halberd, made to fit his stature. Even his armor seemed dull and rusted.

He looked around for his noble steed, Red Hare and tried to give a whistle, but even his mouth was too dry. After sucking on his own saliva, he gave a weak shrill, and still there was no sign of his fiery horse.

What the hell had happened?