[M] The Recent Greg Stuff

Jul 27, 2018
Mesa Roja
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I kinda want to address some of the things in that video, for folks who may or may not be aware of the situation. I might get a little... all over the place with it, and I'll probably miss points here and there. But I'll try to touch base on the stuff I remember.

1) No one ever "pretended" to be Greg's friend. We *were* his friends.

2) As far as I'm aware, Ken (Yu Kanda) is not a transphobe. The dude has hung out with and had positive relations with many openly trans people in our community. And, as far as I'm aware, no one knew Dane was trans until well after the "break".

3) I have never lied to either Greg, nor to you, about what he might do or why I wanted to make this site. I never stated that he was going to "shut down the site", and if anyone thought that, it was because his own actions made them feel that way.

4) What Greg failed to address in his video about how we all "betrayed" him is that it wasn't a sudden decision on our parts. At the end of the day, the people who left his site did so because HE made them feel unwelcome. And no "one incident" can do that. It takes a pattern of hostility to breed those feelings.

5) Dane was the instigating factor in the break. Plan and simple, if Greg had listened to his friends when they told him Dane was causing irreparable damage to the community, Multerra would not exist today. We'd all still be happily writing away on the Omniverse.

6) When I mentioned he might be upset about the Ban, it was in regards to Dane's second, and final, banning which was done by Daniel, not the first one by Alex. The "straw that broke the camel's back" that led to the final decision to make this site was when Greg lashed out at Alex for something he would never have taken askance with in better times.

7) As for Baron's comment and the apparent "mocking of disabilities" we do here: it was a single comment, taken out of context, and twisted to mean what Greg wanted it to mean. As we have had members with disabilities in the past, and still do, let me assure you that we do NOT treat them as jokes.

8) Everyone here who knows Alex, or has talked with him for any amount of time, knows he is not a sociopath.

9) Greg wants to be the victim of some vast conspiracy because it suits the narrative that sooths his conscience. And he wants you to believe it too, because if we fail, then we really were the bad guys.

10) It's ok to be in a bad place. It's ok to have a disability. It's ok to be autistic. It's NOT ok to treat your friends and community poorly and use those as excuses for doing so. Apologies only work if you *then* change so you don't do the same thing again. Again, this wasn't a knee-jerk reaction to a single incidence of poor behavior. It was a begrudgingly realization that our friend was abusing us and that if we didn't go, he might never stop.

11) I had long gotten over that DA betrayal, and I wouldn't have even brought it up if not for a discussion on the subject of memorable DA moments. This is not the reason I did what I did, and never has been.

12) Greg was literally my best friend for years leading up to this. I would daydream about taking a trip to England to visit him. I would commiserate with him over his pains and celebrate with him over his triumphs. I *loved* this man. I loved him enough that I was (and still am) willing to be the villain in his story, if that's what it takes for him to get better. I loved him enough that I was willing to kill his "baby" because I saw it was turning him into a monster. I *still* love him. I wish Greg nothing but happiness and success in his life. And, I hope, one day , he'll see that what we did was for his own good.