Pilgrim Wickllrrackscar Character Switch

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Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
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Cytokine Industries
Are you spending 50 Tokens? No

Has it been at least 6 months since your last switch? Yes

How much essence will this new character have? 2000

New Character Name: Roy Mustang

Is this character an OC or a Canon character? Canon Character

Starting Location? Cevanti

Character Behavior
Roy Mustang is an Ambitious Officer. He is motivated to improve his standing, looking to gain a position of power within a far-reaching organization. His efforts are focused on improving his career and establishing his reputation to further his goals.
As an Officer, Mustang is well suited to strategizing and organizing his team of subordinates. He looks to maintain his image in combat, and though he is quite willing to do battle at the front of his squad, he strives to control the battlefield above all else.

Physical Description:

Roy is approximately 30 years old, a tall and broad military man. He has unkept black hair and almost always wears a blue military uniform.

Character History:

A young upstart. Roy Mustang has recently distinguished himself during the Ishvalan uprising in the eastern slums of Markov, an infamously violent response from the otherwise strictly restrained peace-keeping forces of Palatina. Mustang’s Flame Alchemy was key to the swift and brutal suppression of the uprising. For his efforts during the conflict, Mustang was awarded the rank of major, though his reputation is inextricably linked to that massacre.


Total essence spent: 1750

Flame Alchemy:

Explosive blast (400)
Spontaneous Combustion (400)
Pinpoint Searing (400)

Considered possibly the most powerful form of combative Alchemy, Roy mustang is able to manipulate the concentrations of the air around himself or his opponents with Alchemy, allowing him to create and manipulate fire seemingly at will. With a snap of his fingers, The Flame alchemist can engulf a foe in column of flame.

Alchemy is performed with an appropriate transmutation circle, in this case, allowing Roy to change the concentration of air around his target. The air becomes separated such that a single spark can create a spontaneous fire only where he wants it to burn. Though he could in theory do this by drawing out the appropriate circle by hand, it would not be possible to do so within the timeframe allowed by most combats. To accomplish this effect with the speed required, Mustang uses a specially crafted pair of gloves, made of a reactive “ignition cloth” inscribed with the required transmutation circle. These gloves not only provide him with the transmutation circle, they can create the necessary spark simply by snapping his fingers while wearing them. Though he only requires one glove to use his alchemy, if the circle should be damaged, he will be unable to use the glove.

Flame alchemy is both incredibly powerful and extremely temperamental. To combat the inherently volatile nature of such an explosive weapon, Roy must very carefully manage the surroundings, creating areas were the lower concentration air will create barriers for the flame. Furthermore, water can disrupt flame alchemy’s delicate procedure very effectively. Mustang’s gloves do not create sparks when wet, and even small changes in the humidity of the air, (for example from even a light rain) prevents his alchemy from working as intended.

Flame Alchemy: Explosive blast

Damage: Rank 2, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Limited (water prevents this power from working), Removable (requires glove)
(200 + 100 + 100 – 100 – 100) = 200
Flight: Rank 1, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Limited (water prevents this power from working), Removable (requires glove)
(200 + 50 + 50 – 50 – 50) = 200

Total = 400

Best used for less lethal crowd control, Roy creates a sudden explosion, scorching an area and even capable of lifting his opponents off their feet with its force. This attack is intentionally less scalding than many of his attacks, most suited for suppressing multiple targets and keeping them off balance. Also beneficial for giving Mustang some distance.

Flame Alchemy: Spontaneous Combustion

Damage: Rank 4, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Limited (water prevents this power from working), Removable (requires glove)
(400 + 200 + 200 – 200 – 200) = 400
Total: 400

The purest expression of flame alchemy. Using the appropriate transmutation circle, Mustang manipulates the air around his intended target, as well as in a controlled line in front of himself. The gasses of the air become so heavily concentrated that a simple spark will ignite the target in a searing fireball practically without warning. Mustang tempers his power when thinking clearly but could easily kill a normal human with this attack if he did not restrain himself.

Flame Alchemy: Pinpoint Searing

Damage: Rank 5, Ranged, Limited (water prevents this power from working), Removable (requires glove)
(500 + 250 – 250 – 250) = 250
Debuff: Rank 3, Ranged, Limited (water prevents this power from working), Removable (requires glove)
(300 + 150 – 150 -150) = 150
Total = 400

When sufficiently endangered or enraged, Mustang can hone his flame alchemy into a disturbingly precise application of flame alchemy. He can boil the liquid in his foe’s eyes, sear their tongues out of their mouths, or any number of nastily debilitating attacks. Mustang is extremely reluctant to use this power, due to its brutal and horrific effects, but if his opponent survives such an attack the pain will often leave them rolling on the ground.

Military Trained:

Endurance Rank 1 (100)
Athletics (Soldier) Rank 4 (200)
Social (Officer) Rank 5 (250)

Total cost: (100 + 200 + 250) 550

Mustang has been part of the military for years, and while the officer’s life sees far less direct action than that of the rank-and-file, he is accustomed both to the physical rigors of military work and the proper decorum and professionalism to accord an official.
Jul 27, 2018
Mesa Roja
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Explosive Blast: Move Object is the Effect you want, not Flight. Make sure it's at a high enough Rank to throw people.

Pinpoint Searing: Be aware that without Ongoing, any Debuff applied only lasts a few seconds.

Everything else looks fine.

Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
Click Here
Cytokine Industries
Flame Alchemy: Explosive blast

Damage: Rank 2, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Limited (water prevents this power from working), Removable (requires glove)
(200 + 100 + 100 – 100 – 100) = 200
Move Object: Rank 2, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Limited (water prevents this power from working), Removable (requires glove)
(200 + 100 + 100 – 100 – 100) = 200

Total = 400

Best used for less lethal crowd control, Roy creates a sudden explosion, scorching an area and even capable of lifting his opponents off their feet with its force. This attack is intentionally less scalding than many of his attacks, most suited for suppressing multiple targets and keeping them off balance. Also beneficial for giving Mustang some distance.

Flame Alchemy: Pinpoint Searing

Damage: Rank 5, Ranged, Limited (water prevents this power from working), Removable (requires glove)
(500 + 250 – 250 – 250) = 250
Debuff (intense pain): Rank 3, Ranged, Limited (water prevents this power from working), Removable (requires glove)
(300 + 150 – 150 -150) = 150
Total = 400

When sufficiently endangered or enraged, Mustang can hone his flame alchemy into a disturbingly precise application of flame alchemy. He can boil the liquid in his foe’s eyes, sear their tongues out of their mouths, or any number of nastily debilitating attacks. Mustang is extremely reluctant to use this power, due to its brutal and horrific effects, but if his opponent survives such an attack the pain will often leave them rolling on the ground.

Changes are bolded. Moreso than a particular debuff, this is just really a really brutal burn, that'll mess someone up for a few seconds. I can imagine a whole host of awful burn-related debuffs to give people, but I'll need some more essence to make them work to my liking. If you think the examples I gave are misleadingly precise I can remove them.


Staff member
Jul 31, 2018
Erde Nona
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I would ask that you mention the modifiers in the descriptions following each of your three abilities. This is easier than needing to scroll up to refer to the three paragraphs of information above.

For “Flame Alchemy: Explosive Blast” -

For both of the Effects listed here, the Limited negative modifier refers to Effects usable only in certain situations and those usable only on certain things. In order to qualify for Limited, it wouldn’t be that “water prevents this power from working”, but rather that the Damage Effect “only functions in a dry environment/when dry.”

For “Flame Alchemy: Spontaneous Combustion” -

Same as the above, in order to qualify for Limited, it wouldn’t be that “water prevents this power from working”, but rather that the Damage Effect “only functions in a dry environment/when dry.”

For “Flame Alchemy: Pinpoint Searing” -

Same as the above.

For “Military Training” -

Master skills and abilities should be listed separately. You should absolutely list your Endurance Effect as an ability, but the Master Skills will need to be in their own category on your character profile.

Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
Click Here
Cytokine Industries
Flame Alchemy:

Explosive blast (400)
Spontaneous Combustion (400)
Pinpoint Searing (400)

Considered possibly the most powerful form of combative Alchemy, Roy mustang is able to manipulate the concentrations of gases in the air around himself or his opponents with Alchemy, allowing him to create and manipulate fire seemingly at will. With a snap of his fingers, The Flame alchemist can engulf a foe in scorching fire.

Alchemy is performed with an appropriate transmutation circle, in this case, allowing Roy to change the concentration of air around his target. The air becomes separated such that a single spark can create a spontaneous fire only where he wants it to burn. Though he could in theory do this by drawing out the appropriate circle by hand, it would not be possible to do so within the timeframe allowed by most combats. To accomplish this effect with the speed required, Mustang uses a specially crafted pair of gloves, made of a reactive “ignition cloth” inscribed with the required transmutation circle. These gloves not only provide him with the transmutation circle, they can create the necessary spark simply by snapping his fingers while wearing them. Though he only requires one glove to use his alchemy, if the circle should be damaged, he will be unable to use the glove.

Flame alchemy is both incredibly powerful and extremely temperamental. To combat the inherently volatile nature of such an explosive weapon, Roy must very carefully manage the surroundings, creating areas were the lower concentration air will create barriers for the flame. Furthermore, water can disrupt flame alchemy’s delicate procedure very effectively. Mustang’s gloves do not create sparks when wet, and even small changes in the humidity of the air, (for example from even a light rain) prevents his alchemy from working as intended. In addition, the spark ignites the gases in the air, as such, most of the fire will burn away into smoke within seconds after igniting.

Flame Alchemy: Explosive blast

Damage: Rank 2, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(200 + 100 + 100 – 100 – 100) = 200
Move Object: Rank 2, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(200 + 100 + 100 – 100 – 100) = 200

Total = 400

Best used for less lethal crowd control, Roy snaps his fingers, creating a sudden explosion. The explosion scorches an area and even capable of lifting his opponents off their feet with its force. This attack is intentionally less scalding than many of his attacks, most suited for suppressing multiple targets and keeping them off balance. Also beneficial for giving Mustang some distance.

In order to use this power in combat, Roy requires a pair of specially crafted gloves with the transmutation circle for flame alchemy. In addition, the conditions for flame alchemy are temperamental. If there’s too much humidity in the air, or the gloves become wet, Mustang cannot create the spark required to trigger the flame.

Flame Alchemy: Spontaneous Combustion

Damage: Rank 4, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(400 + 200 + 200 – 200 – 200) = 400
Total: 400

The purest expression of flame alchemy. Using the appropriate transmutation circle, Mustang manipulates the air around his intended target, as well as in a controlled line in front of himself. The gasses of the air become so heavily concentrated that a simple spark will ignite the target in a searing fireball practically without warning. Mustang tempers his power when thinking clearly but could easily kill a normal human with this attack if he did not restrain himself.

In order to use this power in combat, Roy requires a pair of specially crafted gloves with the transmutation circle for flame alchemy. In addition, the conditions for flame alchemy are temperamental. If there’s too much humidity in the air, or the gloves become wet, Mustang cannot create the spark required to trigger the flame.

Flame Alchemy: Pinpoint Searing

Damage: Rank 5, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry)
(500 + 250 – 250 – 250) = 250
Debuff (intense pain): Rank 3, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(300 + 150 – 150 -150) = 150
Total = 400

When sufficiently endangered or enraged, Mustang can hone his flame alchemy into a disturbingly precise application of flame alchemy. He can boil the liquid in his foe’s eyes, sear their tongues out of their mouths, or any number of nastily debilitating attacks. Mustang is extremely reluctant to use this power, due to its brutal and horrific effects, but if his opponent survives such an attack the pain will often leave them rolling on the ground.

In order to use this power in combat, Roy requires a pair of specially crafted gloves with the transmutation circle for flame alchemy. In addition, the conditions for flame alchemy are temperamental. If there’s too much humidity in the air, or the gloves become wet, Mustang cannot create the spark required to trigger the flame.

Military Training:

Endurance Rank 1 (100)
Total Cost: 100

Though he is a normal human, Mustang is a military trained veteran who’s seen several years of combat. As such he can power through pain and injury far better than the average civilian.

Military Officer:

Athletics (Soldier) Rank 4 (200)
Social (Officer) Rank 5 (250)

Total cost: (100 + 200 + 250) 450

Mustang has been part of the military for years, and while the officer’s life sees far less direct action than that of the rank-and-file, he is accustomed both to the physical rigors of military work and the proper decorum and professionalism to accord an official.

I added a few sentences to each move pointing out the limitations directly. I felt it was better to leave the three paragraphs above still, to explain the reasoning in more detail.


Staff member
Jul 31, 2018
Erde Nona
Click Here
Looks good, your character switch is approved! Only one thing of note:

Flame Alchemy: Pinpoint Searing

Damage: Rank 5, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry)
(500 + 250 – 250 – 250) = 250

You forgot to list the Removable modifier here. That's it though, so you can go ahead and post your character information in the Character Profiles section of the forum before adding it. Happy writing!
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