Prose and Poetry Thread/General Literature Appreciation

Nico Cinder

Sam Raimi's Revenge
Level 3
Jun 8, 2020
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Heyo! This is a doing-things-with-the-words thread! If you care for poetry or short stories/prose, this is a place for ya to discuss/appreciate pieces you really enjoy or even share your own, if you'd like. I'm sure the kind folks around these parts wouldn't mind giving it a once over if you're looking for second opinions, advice, or any of that. I'd love to swap pieces to read with anyone willing, because I kinda be scribblin' a lot. Cheers!

(The Scribble in question from the discord convo that sparked this thread, fresh eyes much appreciated.)

Devourer, Devouree

Devourer, Devouree
I think I might be dead.

I like driving with the window down,
Because when the wind tugs at my hair,
It carries away the absence of your fingers
But I can't ever get rid of it all
It always lingers.

Drifting away leaves a lot behind,
Can't help it that we're all born to lose.

Nicotine runs Serpentine through my red streams,
Blunt smoke hangs around my hazy head it's a plague in my grimy garden bed - bloodied hedges, darkened sunsets, Ripped off hundreds, bloody bludgeons form my mind.

It's all swept up under the brain rug
So my eyes light up, water soaked wall-plug
I feel the rain in my blood,

Soften up the chest,
But before then,

Go deaf

Submit to the noise,
Sounds all-consuming me,
Devourer, Devouree.

And then a collection of short stories I really enjoy! If you enjoy sci-fi I highly recommend this author. He also does lovely YouTube things.

Happy wording!