Sarah Kerrigan


The Reigning Wyrm
Staff member
Level 2
Aug 15, 2018
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New Character Name: Sarah Kerrigan

Is this character an OC or a Canon character? Canon Character

Character Behavior
Overpowering Dictator - Sarah Kerrigan fights her opponents with raw psionic force, combining brutality with finesse to completely ham-string an opponent. She delights in making sure that opponents know the futility of opposing her and will make sure to completely crush an opponent's spirit along with their body. She leaves no quarter, and delights in taunting her opponents of their weakness as she fights.

In general altercations, Kerrigan brooks no dissidence and sees herself as fit to rule over all, treating others as tools, amusement, or fodder for her zerg. It is very rare for anyone to gain any other notice from Kerrigan. While possessing the charisma to rule, she sees other human life as little more than ants, and with the exception of her own zerg, who are intimately bound to her, seeks no other relationships. For Kerrigan, the only creatures worthy of full trust are those bound in slavery to her own will.

In practice, she puts on a bright face while constantly scheming to turn every situation to her benefit, and while maintaining an unaffected pretense, is perfectly willing to kill people over petty slights or the barest hint of threats. when she does so, however, it may take years to do, waiting for the perfect time to put their usefulness at an end while giving her the full advantage.

Physical Description:

Kerrigan stands at an impressive 6'5 and is very toned, having a thin body that's been left with absolutely nothing unnecessary by the zerg experimentation. her eyes glow a constant yellow that can intensify at certain moments and she radiates golden energy unless she consciously chooses to suppress her psychic abilities. She moves with a calm sway of her hips and rarely allows any sort of weakness to show on her face.

Character History:

Shortly after the Brood war finished, this Kerrigan was thrust into the Omniverse, and soon after, a vicious game by the well-known Cosmic God and game show host, Karl Jak, known as Dante's abyss. As the chaotic maelstrom whirled and warped the area, both Kerrigan and the Bandit were thrust into the void, and found themselves close to oblivion, yet within the swirling Vortex, Kerrigan's psychic powers hit on something - by chance, she found a pocket she could manipulate, that could take her elsewhere. She attempted to bring the bandit with her, but the energy engulfed them both, and the Zerg queen quickly realized her chances of rescuing the human were zero - and that she wasn't willing to lose her life trying to bend those odds. Swirling through the nexus of energy, she soon found herself in the crossroads... In a place where Reality had weakened but not yet succumbed, hungrily eager to take her in.

Thus Kerrigan found herself in Markov.


Mastered Telekinesis: 4200 Essence total
Move Object 6 (600)
-Modifiers: Ranged (300)
-Modifiers: Indirect (600)
Concentration (-300)
-Ongoing (600)
Damage 6 (600)
-Modifiers: Ranged (300)
Indirect (600)
Concentration (-300)
Protection 6 (600)
-Modifiers: ranged (300)
Concentration (-300)
Kerrigan is an incredibly powerful psychic and can manifest intense force with just her mind alone. with a bit of applied force of her telekinetic abilities, she can rip apart steel without having to lift a finger. It does require mental focus for this power to be utilized however, and has little area of effect.

With this power, she can lift objects or people, throw things around with violent telepathic force, rip beings apart, stop bullets before they strike her, throw heavy objects at offending problems, or choke a person with nothing but the air around her - to name a few applications.

Claws: 300 essence total
Damage 3(300)
As part of the swarm, Kerrigan's body has been changed in numerous ways. one particular change has been to her hands - where beautiful, feminine nails once were, Claws have now taken their place. capable of gutting a man without remorse.

Wings: 400 Essence total
Damage 4 (400):
Kerrigan is a powerful combatant in the first place, but her knife-blade wings do a lot to assist that notion, cutting through durable materials and killing with a single blow. the bladed wings on her back number four in total and can all move independently of eachother, giving Kerrigan easy access to a quick killing blow.

Zerg Carapace: 600 Essence total
Protection 3 (300)
Ongoing (300)
Kerrigan is protected by the best carapace abathur could initially grow, and while it's still recovering from her sudden transition, she still manages to be far more durable than any being has a right to be. her body is covered in natural armor that makes her skin as durable as a suit of armour.

Command: 375 Essence total
Debuff 5 (suggestion) | 500 essence
-Limited (Only things character wouldn't be opposed to doing) |-250 essence
-Weakness (only biological, thinking organisms.) | -125 essence
-Ranged | +250 essence
-indirect | +250 essence
-Activation (10 seconds) | -250 essence

Kerrigan uses her telepathic abilities to plant a course of action or an idea in someone's head that they feel compelled to do. This may be something odd for the character, but it cannot be something they would be actively opposed to - they may be compelled to try some new attack, investigate something they normally would not, or try something outside the norm for them, but they will not attack a friend, do something against their own moral code, or treat someone they trust unkindly as a result. This ability can be guarded against with enough telepathic training, and actually planting a telepathic command so subtly takes Kerrigan a lot of time and concentration - requiring her to focus for ten seconds prior.

Spent Essence: 5,875

Affinities: Persuasive
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