Character Name: Sigmund Vrell
Location: Mesa Roja
Spent Essence: 10450
Affinities: Inspiring
Sigmund is a Curious Cultmaster.
Gal’skap’s Grip
The Manic Codex
Ascendant mind
We are One
See Beyond
Imaginary Einherjar
Severing Space
Son of Ranvier
Scion of an Old God
Dread Prodigy
The Uncertainty of it All
Location: Mesa Roja
Spent Essence: 10450
Affinities: Inspiring
Character Behavior:
Sigmund is a Curious Cultmaster.
Generally, Sigmund is a cheerful, inquisitive and only slightly deranged man. He possesses an endless thirst for knowledge which he slakes with frequent, somewhat questionable experimentation, the results and observations scrawled into his trusty tome. Following the tenets of the Mad God Gal’skap zealously, Sigmund uses his quest for knowledge to seek new ways to break apart heathen minds.
In battle, Sigmund will do his best not to fight enemies personally. Instead, if an enemy gets too close for comfort, the Cultmaster will typically impair them and leave them to his allies rather than directly engaging, making some distance so he can inhibit his foes and empower his friends at range with the divine powers of Gal’skap.
In battle, Sigmund will do his best not to fight enemies personally. Instead, if an enemy gets too close for comfort, the Cultmaster will typically impair them and leave them to his allies rather than directly engaging, making some distance so he can inhibit his foes and empower his friends at range with the divine powers of Gal’skap.
Physical Description:
Sigmund is a rather short early 20s Caucasian man with angular features, medium length brown hair and blue eyes. He is very thin, looking almost ghoulish in both complexion and build, contrasting his omnipresent grin. His most noticeable piece of clothing is a hooded, royal blue cloak with a gold trim, which is denotes him as a high priest of the madness God. Sigmund will almost never take his cloak off and prefers to keep the hood up at most times. Beneath the cloak, he wears a da long-sleeved tunic and pants. Sigmund constantly carries a large tome bound in dark red leather with a small blue crystal set into the front cover.
Character History:
As is the case with every member of his adopted family, Sigmund was born in the harsh northern country of Ranvier beneath a purple moon. This was a once-a-decade omen from Gal’skap, one known across the land, so no one in the small village was surprised when the Mindbreaker order, the cult of the Mad God, swept in and demanded the baby. His parents surrendered him willingly, even happily, knowing that he would be destined for greatness as a scion of Gal’skap. He was taken to Amygdala, their great temple city, where he was raised as a Vrell and taught in the ways of the order.
As expected of one of the Mad God’s chosen, he took to their teachings exceptionally well under the tutelage of Erik Vrell, the scion preceding him and the man he had come to know as his father. As far as the new priest was concerned, the bonds of divine fate were infinitely stronger than any of blood. When Sigmund was but 20 years old, however, his father was struck down by a mage. Only barely clinging to life, Erik passed his mind, and the minds of every Vrell before him, to Sigmund. With several lifetimes of knowledge in his mind, the new scion crushed the mage’s head with sheer force of will, even as he giddily attempted to parse through the maddening wealth of information that had been passed to him.
Returning to Amygdala, Sigmund began experimenting compulsively with new ways to tear apart heretic minds, collecting his knowledge in an eldritch tome which he named the Manic Codex. His research was, unfortunately, halted when he found himself inexplicably on Inverxe. The cultist was spirited away to form Neo New Babylon with the cunning Victor Wolfe and the not-so-cunning Ahana Varma, ending up as the slightly confused High Priest of the fledgling empire, using the opportunity to spread his faith.
As expected of one of the Mad God’s chosen, he took to their teachings exceptionally well under the tutelage of Erik Vrell, the scion preceding him and the man he had come to know as his father. As far as the new priest was concerned, the bonds of divine fate were infinitely stronger than any of blood. When Sigmund was but 20 years old, however, his father was struck down by a mage. Only barely clinging to life, Erik passed his mind, and the minds of every Vrell before him, to Sigmund. With several lifetimes of knowledge in his mind, the new scion crushed the mage’s head with sheer force of will, even as he giddily attempted to parse through the maddening wealth of information that had been passed to him.
Returning to Amygdala, Sigmund began experimenting compulsively with new ways to tear apart heretic minds, collecting his knowledge in an eldritch tome which he named the Manic Codex. His research was, unfortunately, halted when he found himself inexplicably on Inverxe. The cultist was spirited away to form Neo New Babylon with the cunning Victor Wolfe and the not-so-cunning Ahana Varma, ending up as the slightly confused High Priest of the fledgling empire, using the opportunity to spread his faith.
Gal’skap’s Grip
Move Object (Rank 4) (400)
-Ranged (+200)
-Ongoing (+400)
-Indirect (+400)
-Concentration (-200)
-Removeable (-200)
Total cost: 1000
Sigmund reaches out mentally before taking an object in his psionic grip. So long as it's light enough, he can move it around as he wishes, up to fifty metres from himself in any direction. Sigmund cannot use this ability without his tome.
-Ranged (+200)
-Ongoing (+400)
-Indirect (+400)
-Concentration (-200)
-Removeable (-200)
Total cost: 1000
Sigmund reaches out mentally before taking an object in his psionic grip. So long as it's light enough, he can move it around as he wishes, up to fifty metres from himself in any direction. Sigmund cannot use this ability without his tome.
The Manic Codex
Debuff (Rank 2) (200)
-Affects multiple (20 ft) (+100)
-Ongoing (+200)
-Removable (-100)
Total cost: 400
The Manic Codex is Sigmund’s trusty tome of eldritch knowledge, a large, thick book containing far more pages than seems possible, bound in odd red leather with a glowing crystal set in its cover. The tome, or more specifically the crystal, is a necessary component for any of the cultist’s supernatural abilities. The Codex itself is also an item of rather potent eldritch power, and it's mere presence can cause a sense of creeping dread in those that see it.
-Affects multiple (20 ft) (+100)
-Ongoing (+200)
-Removable (-100)
Total cost: 400
The Manic Codex is Sigmund’s trusty tome of eldritch knowledge, a large, thick book containing far more pages than seems possible, bound in odd red leather with a glowing crystal set in its cover. The tome, or more specifically the crystal, is a necessary component for any of the cultist’s supernatural abilities. The Codex itself is also an item of rather potent eldritch power, and it's mere presence can cause a sense of creeping dread in those that see it.
Ascendant mind
Ascendant Mind
Adaptation: Incredible Heat (100)
Adaptation: Incredible Cold (100)
Adaptation: Starvation or Thirst (50)
Adaptation: Need for Sleep (50)
Adaptation: Need to Breathe (200)
Adaptation: Immune to Pain (200)
Endurance - Rank 7 (700)
Total cost: 1400
Through pure devotion to the Mad God, the strength of Sigmund’s mind has lifted him above the frailty of his body, allowing him to overcome all manner of mortal weaknesses such as pain, hunger, extreme temperatures, suffocation, and even the most debilitating exhaustion.
Adaptation: Incredible Heat (100)
Adaptation: Incredible Cold (100)
Adaptation: Starvation or Thirst (50)
Adaptation: Need for Sleep (50)
Adaptation: Need to Breathe (200)
Adaptation: Immune to Pain (200)
Endurance - Rank 7 (700)
Total cost: 1400
Through pure devotion to the Mad God, the strength of Sigmund’s mind has lifted him above the frailty of his body, allowing him to overcome all manner of mortal weaknesses such as pain, hunger, extreme temperatures, suffocation, and even the most debilitating exhaustion.
We are One
Communication (Telepathy) (100)
-Transferable (+50)
-Affects multiple (20 ft) (+50)
Total essence: 200
Sigmund’s mind reaches out, grasping an allied consciousness with 20 feet and binding them to his own. The cultist can bind multiple allies at a given time, and any bound allies can communicate telepathically with each other or with Sigmund himself. This ability cannot be performed without Sigmund’s tome.
-Transferable (+50)
-Affects multiple (20 ft) (+50)
Total essence: 200
Sigmund’s mind reaches out, grasping an allied consciousness with 20 feet and binding them to his own. The cultist can bind multiple allies at a given time, and any bound allies can communicate telepathically with each other or with Sigmund himself. This ability cannot be performed without Sigmund’s tome.
See Beyond
Sense (Sight) - Rank 3 (300)
-Ongoing (300)
Total cost: 600
Constant exposure to Gal’skap’s eldritch power has enlightened Sigmund at the cost of mild mental fraying, allowing him to see what others cannot.
-Ongoing (300)
Total cost: 600
Constant exposure to Gal’skap’s eldritch power has enlightened Sigmund at the cost of mild mental fraying, allowing him to see what others cannot.
Imaginary Einherjar
Summon (300)
Growth - Rank 3 (600)
-Ongoing (300)
Total cost: 1200
The most potent illusion Sigmund can muster, the cultist’s shadow twists and writhes before pulling itself up, forming a five meter tall silhouette of vaguely worm-like figure, with four long, spindly arms and four glowing violet eyes placed haphazardly around its face. Despite being illusory, the Einherjar is real for all intents and purposes, able to affect the world around it as well as Sigmund himself. It has a degree of autonomy, able to follow its summoner’s orders, but lacks a personality of its own.
Growth - Rank 3 (600)
-Ongoing (300)
Total cost: 1200
The most potent illusion Sigmund can muster, the cultist’s shadow twists and writhes before pulling itself up, forming a five meter tall silhouette of vaguely worm-like figure, with four long, spindly arms and four glowing violet eyes placed haphazardly around its face. Despite being illusory, the Einherjar is real for all intents and purposes, able to affect the world around it as well as Sigmund himself. It has a degree of autonomy, able to follow its summoner’s orders, but lacks a personality of its own.
Severing Space
Damage - Rank 7 (700)
Total cost: 700
The illusory weapon that Sigmund has chosen to bestow upon the Imaginary Einherjar, Severing Space could charitably be called a sword. Almost three metres long and an inch thick, rather than having a cutting edge, the weapon is made of a faintly glowing violet energy and destroys by annihilating anything it touches.
Total cost: 700
The illusory weapon that Sigmund has chosen to bestow upon the Imaginary Einherjar, Severing Space could charitably be called a sword. Almost three metres long and an inch thick, rather than having a cutting edge, the weapon is made of a faintly glowing violet energy and destroys by annihilating anything it touches.
Damage - Rank 7 (700)
- Ranged (350)
- Indirect (700)
- Removable (-350)
Total cost: 1400
Sigmund traces a line in the air with his finger, drawing it across a target that he can see. Moments later, a scything blade of psionic energy appears near the target and slashes across the same line that Sigmund drew, attempting to split them open. This ability can only be used while Sigmund has his tome.
- Ranged (350)
- Indirect (700)
- Removable (-350)
Total cost: 1400
Sigmund traces a line in the air with his finger, drawing it across a target that he can see. Moments later, a scything blade of psionic energy appears near the target and slashes across the same line that Sigmund drew, attempting to split them open. This ability can only be used while Sigmund has his tome.
Son of Ranvier
Protection - Rank 7 (700)
Ongoing (700)
Limited (Cold) (-350)
Sense (Sight) - Rank 5 (500)
Ongoing (500)
Limited (Darkness) (-250)
Total cost: 1800
Descriptor: Sigmund, like an everyone born in the far-North land of Ranvier, is supernaturally inured to the effects of the cold and possesses exceptionally good night vision, even exceeding his sight in the daylight.
Ongoing (700)
Limited (Cold) (-350)
Sense (Sight) - Rank 5 (500)
Ongoing (500)
Limited (Darkness) (-250)
Total cost: 1800
Descriptor: Sigmund, like an everyone born in the far-North land of Ranvier, is supernaturally inured to the effects of the cold and possesses exceptionally good night vision, even exceeding his sight in the daylight.
Scion of an Old God
Master Skill
Knowledge (Arcana) - Rank 7
Knowledge (Rituals) - Rank 7
Knowledge (Supernatural phenomena) - Rank 7
Knowledge (Eldritch creatures) - Rank 7
Knowledge (Eldritch religion) - Rank 7
Total cost: 1750
Descriptor: Of all the members of the Mindbreaker Order, Sigmund stands above each and every one of them in his comprehensive knowledge of all things supernatural.
Knowledge (Arcana) - Rank 7
Knowledge (Rituals) - Rank 7
Knowledge (Supernatural phenomena) - Rank 7
Knowledge (Eldritch creatures) - Rank 7
Knowledge (Eldritch religion) - Rank 7
Total cost: 1750
Descriptor: Of all the members of the Mindbreaker Order, Sigmund stands above each and every one of them in his comprehensive knowledge of all things supernatural.
Dread Prodigy
Mimic - Rank 7 (2800)
-Ranged (350)
-Ongoing (700)
Total cost: 3850
A prodigy that comes along once in a lifetime, Sigmund has memorised countless invocations and rituals of Gal’skap and has created many more himself. His experience and knowledge combined with the freeform creativity of weaponised madness has culminated in the ability to comprehend and recreate almost anything his enemies can throw at him, replicating their effects through the reality warping powers of his god.
-Ranged (350)
-Ongoing (700)
Total cost: 3850
A prodigy that comes along once in a lifetime, Sigmund has memorised countless invocations and rituals of Gal’skap and has created many more himself. His experience and knowledge combined with the freeform creativity of weaponised madness has culminated in the ability to comprehend and recreate almost anything his enemies can throw at him, replicating their effects through the reality warping powers of his god.
The Uncertainty of it All
Teleport - Rank 5 (1500)
- Ranged (250)
- Affects multiple (I) (250)
- Limited (Must swap with ally) (-250)
Total cost: 1750
In a blink, Sigmund and a willing ally swap places, teleporting to each other’s previous position. This ability has no flash of light, no chant, no sign that the swap has happened other than the abrupt change of position, making it disorienting for both enemies and unprepared allies.
- Ranged (250)
- Affects multiple (I) (250)
- Limited (Must swap with ally) (-250)
Total cost: 1750
In a blink, Sigmund and a willing ally swap places, teleporting to each other’s previous position. This ability has no flash of light, no chant, no sign that the swap has happened other than the abrupt change of position, making it disorienting for both enemies and unprepared allies.
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