The Rise of Mar


Dynamite Kid/Mar
Level 3
Sep 10, 2018
Mesa Roja
Click Here
The ottsel waited, checking his false watch every so often and paced around Erde Nova’s busy city grounds. It’s been days since Jak showed his face back here.

The last he knew Jak revived out of almost nothing laying on a Syntech branded bed. He still had been impressed that the man could literally revive like it was nothing.

It was then Karl was shooing everyone out of the verse like it was nothing.

A huge bag with items was given to Mar as he blinked for a second.

Jak was fully recovered and was pushed out with his prizes out the door on the transport pad. The eco warrior arrived “home” on Erde Nova.

Daxter looked up as the knife eared warrior arrived before his eyes.

“What the hell, Jak.. You scared me back there.” The ottsel felt like punching the eco warrior for leaving him worried and scared once again.

But then the bag Jak was holding made his eyes widen in shock. “What do you have there, Jak..”

Jak grasped the bag “I’ll show you when we find a quiet place.”

The eco warrior took the back way around Erde Nova, finding a quiet, abandoned area for the time being.

Daxter made sure the door was locked on the outside.

The warrior opened the bag and found

A hell of a lot of coins and something.. Oddly familiar..

Daxter’s mouth opened “Holy crap, Jak, Look at all this prize money!”

The eco warrior examined the bag even further and sat down, his mouth suddenly agape when he saw it.

Mar looked up “Dax, look at this.”

The ottsel bent down near the eco warrior struggling to see the thing inside the bag.

“What is it?”

Jak’s eyes were wide and almost bugging out.

Daxter was worried and almost excited

“What?! WHAT?!”

Jak bit his tongue.

“You know the old legend, Dax?”

Daxter gasped “What? You mean…”

Jak nodded, almost shocked beyond belief.

His hand was shaking.

“The bag.. It’s glowing..”

Daxter backed up “Whoa, no.. It can’t be what I think it is, right, Jak?”

Jak bit his tongue “Remember when the Baron tried to rip this from its place in Mar’s tomb?”

“Well, I think.. I might have gotten it.”

Daxter blinked “But.. how, Jak?”