Whompt Skullkrakah Character Switch

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Jul 27, 2018
Mesa Roja
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Are you above Level 3? No

If above Level 3, how much Essence does this New Character have?

New Character Name: Bowser

Is this character an OC or a Canon character? Canon Character

Starting Location? Hurshii

Physical Tendencies:
Power(P): 45
Toughness(T): 45
Quickness(Q): 5
Skill(S): 5
  • Bowser favors the use of his impressive durability and strength over the cowardly tricks or fleet feet that lesser beings prefer. He rarely thinks about fighting, relying on his instincts and brute force to prevail.

Personality Tendencies:
Aggression(A): 70
Cunning(C): 10
Diplomacy(D): 5
Support(S): 15
  • Impatient, arrogant, and prone to fits of rage, Bowser tends to settle all of his problems by overpowering them. Even so, he's willing to work with others, talk things out, or even strategize, should the situation call for it.

Physical Description:


Bowser is a huge, burly Koopa with reddish hair and eyebrows, natural spikes upon his shell and tail, and a couple of bullish horns upon his head. Each of his fingers and toes are tipped with a thick claw, and he wears black, spiked bands on his arms and neck. His face and his shell are green, his chest and muzzle are lightly-scaled and beige colored, and his various limbs are a leathery orangeish-yellow. The King of the Koopas stands at an impressive 8'7" (262cm) tall and weighs well over a ton.

Character History:

Long before the Wondertainment Toy Company came into control of Hurshii, two kingdoms vied for control of the planet. Ruling over the sweet, the kind, and the naive, Princess Bubblegum represented the saccharine people of the Candy Kingdom. And reigning over the angry, the dissatisfied, and the cynical, Bowser Koopa was the face of the cartoonish denizens of the Koopa Kingdom.

While Bubblegum is effectively immortal, the title of King of the Koopas was an inherited one, passed to Bowser from his father, and from those before them. Perhaps their mortality was the cause for the contention between the people of these two kingdoms. The Candy People always flitted through life, because the grim spectre of death never lay on their mind. But the Goombas, Koopas, and others who made the Koopa Kingdom their home knew they had but a limited time on this world, and that they needed to make their time matter.

Or perhaps it was simply that the rulers of the Koopa Kingdom saw the wealth of their neighbors and wanted it for themselves. No matter the true cause, the two kingdoms had been warring for a long time. The Koopa Kings would regularly ransack the Candy Kingdom, only to be rebuffed by Bubblegum's defenders. For their part, the Candy Kingdom focused solely on stopping the Koopa Kingdom's advances; their army was entirely a reactionary one.

This all changed when Scrooge came into power on Hurshii. Seeing the Koopa Kingdom as a threat to his holdings, he employed mercenaries, assassins, and other cunning tactics to effectively wipe the Kingdom from the map. In less than a year, the Kingdom was but a memory, its few remaining citizens either being enveloped into Bubblegum's citizenry, to become little more than slaves to Scrooge's greed, or having gone into hiding under an attack they were unprepared to deal with.


Damage: Rank 2 (200)
Growth: Rank 1 (200)
-Ongoing (100)
Move Object: Rank 2 (200)
-Ongoing (200)
Protection: Rank 2 (200)
-Ongoing (200)
Total: 1300 Essence

Large and in charge, Bowser's natural turtley-ness makes him both powerful and durable.

Damage: Rank 1 (100)
-Affects Multiple: Rank 1 (50)
-Ongoing (100)
-Indiscriminate (-50)
-Finite (-50)
-Weakness (-25)
Total: 125 Essence

Much like the dragons of yore, Bowser possesses the ability to launch a stream of fiery doom. After prolonged use, it takes some time for Bowser to "catch his breath" and use this again, and it can't be used in any place where Bowser cannot breathe air.
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