Cthulhu, Lord of Madness

Toga Voorhees

Stabby Gurl
Level 3
Mar 31, 2019
Dread Cthulhu

Cthulhu is a Tyrannical Horror, imperious in manner and able to bend the will and minds of others to his own dread machinations. Those who follow him willingly are shown favor and lavished with all earthly delights, while those who oppose him shall only know terror, madness, and a quick, inevitable death. For Cthulhu's mastery of his own abilities, honed over a timeless eternity of war, knows no equal.


In the beginning, before the stars were formed, and even before time itself, the Great Old Ones lived and died, amongst the vast, unknowable cosmos. They fought each other for dominion over the void, as the demoniac pipings and reverberant drummings of Azathoth’s mad chorus played counterpoint to their struggles. Many were the Great Old Ones in that time before time. Hastur, The Unspeakable. Yig, The Father of Serpents. And of course, Cthulhu, High Priest of the Great Old Ones.

Far across the nameless gulfs of space and time, a light in the dark drew the attention of two of the most powerful of the Great Old Ones. A star had formed in that vast night, brilliant and shining, and pulled upon their unknowable minds. A ravenous desire filled the two, and they shot through the infinite cosmos towards it. Woe be unto that new land, for Hastur and Cthulhu had come. And, when they arrived, they found a solar system in the making. Beings of immense power were shaping worlds from the cosmic dust, but they felt there was a place yet for another.

Each determined, in their own way, that they would take that final place, and in the space of minds, and of souls, a war waged as they grappled with one another for that high seat. A world formed underneath their feet as they battled for supremacy, and creatures sprung into existence with their merest thought. The mental war became a physical one as Cthulhu struck out, yet Hastur was ready and returned the blow with one of equal ferocity.

Their battle laid to waste the lands, and burned the minds of Inverxe’s first inhabitants, but though Cthulhu was able to lay the seeds of his progeny, the illithid, upon the surface of that blasted moon, he could not best his brother. In the end, Hastur was victorious and took upon himself the mantle of Arbiter, and Cthulhu was left to lick his wounds and retreat from the battlefield. He flew upon his benighted wings, with body and soul wearied and broken from the conflict, and soon landed upon another world. Perhaps, had he not fought with his brother, it could have been his world, but all he could do now was sink into the deep abysses of its oceans and sleep. Sleep until Hastur had become weak, and glutted on the complacency of the years. And then, he would rise again, and take what was rightfully his.


Growth 3 (600)
-Ongoing (0)
Damage Rank 3 (300)
-Limited: Rank capped by Growth Rank being used (-150)
Endurance 3 (300)
-Limited: Rank capped by Growth Rank being used (-150)
Healing 3 (600)
-Ongoing (0)
-Limited: Rank capped by Growth Rank being used (-150)
Move Object 3 (300)
-Ongoing (0)
-Limited: Rank capped by Growth Rank being used (-150)
Protection 3 (300)
-Ongoing (0)
-Limited: Rank capped by Growth Rank being used (-150)

The bulk of Cthulhu’s anatomy resides in a higher spatial dimension, but he is able to draw it through into this one, changing his size at will. At the size of a mortal man, he possesses very little of his eldritch might, but as his bulk increases, so too does his dread strength.

Variable Creation 3 (600)
-Affects Multiple 3 (450)
-Ongoing (0)
-Chaotic (-150)
-Indiscriminate (-150)
-Limited: Rank and Area both capped by Growth Rank being used (-150)

Cthulhu’s effect upon the three-dimensional plane is evident in the way reality bends and cracks in his presence. Like a tennis ball between two sheets of paper, the Great Old One’s higher-dimensional form can reshape the world around him, creating pitfalls where none had previously existed, barriers seemingly out of thin air, and forcing familiar shapes into unfamiliar patterns. These effects become more pronounced as he brings in more of himself.

Adaptation: Space (300)
Adaptation: Incredible Heat (100)
Adaptation: Incredible Cold (100)
Adaptation: Need to Breathe (200)
Adaptation: Radiation (50)
Adaptation: Starvation and Thirst (50)
Adaptation: Need for Sleep (50)
Adaptation: Chemical/Toxic (50)
Adaptation: Disease (50)
Adaptation: Non-Biological Anatomy (300)
Adaptation: High Pressure (100)

Cthulhu is a being beyond the confines of normal matter and possessed of certain celestial immunities that mortal men are not.

Flight 3 (600)
-Ongoing (0)
-Limited: Rank capped by Growth Rank being used (-150)
Movement: Swimming (200)
Speed 3 (600)
-Ongoing (0)
-Limited: Rank capped by Growth Rank being used (-150)

Upon mortal-loved earth, beneath the eldritch seas, or even amongst the clouds; none are safe from the Lord of Madness.

Communication: Telepathy (100)
-Side Effect: No normal speech (-25)
-Side Effect: Unintelligible, but meaning is understood (-25)

Though Cthulhu is without voice, and his language beyond the understanding of mortal men, his telepathic call is that of images, feelings, and madness easily understood by even the simplest of minds.

Senses: Extrasensory 3 (300)
-Ongoing (0)

By peering beyond the three dimensions of normal reality, Cthulhu can see what lies beyond. Nothing of man may hide from its true master.

Debuff: Sanity 3 (300)
-Ongoing (0)
-Affects Multiple 3 (450)
-Indiscriminate (-150)
-Limited: Direct Sight (-150)
-Limited: The Sane (-150)
-Limited: Rank and Area both limited by Growth Ranks being used (-150)
-Weakness: Beings that can perceive beyond 3 spatial dimensions (-75)

All those who gaze upon the visage of Cthulhu are driven mad, save those who are already insane or whose minds are able to process the true image of a higher dimensional being. This effect is more pronounced as more of his true form enters reality.

Specialized: Ongoing
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