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Patch Notes

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[A] Mrs. Gilgamesh
Level 3
Level 2
Jul 28, 2018
Reaction score
Patch Notes

Patch Listing
July 2018
August 2018
September 2018
October 2018
December 2018
February 2019
March 2019
April 2019
June 2019
August 2019
September 2019
October 2019
January 2020
February 2020
June 2020
August 2020

August 2020

  • Following a series of AMAs on the Discord, multiple Wiki entries have been updated/tweaked and Google Docs with the remaining questions from those sessions are available on the Info Threads for each World.
  • The 9 Arbiters each have Wiki entries that can be accessed from the NPCs page of the Wiki
  • The Unmaking (https://multerra.zulenka.com/index.php?threads/the-unmaking.919/) has 'begun' at the hands of Darkseid (who has his own Wiki page)
  • The Beyond has been expanded to include some settlements (Golden Saucer, the Arc), a faction ('the ARC'), and an NPC (Leia) -- all have Wiki Pages
  • By the end of the month, most Worlds should have an extra post in their Info Thread with some 'pre-fabbed' WQs (most will be Faction-based but some may be unique, non-repeatables)
-Graphical/Forum Software-
  • Xenforo (our forum software) and our major plugins have been updated to the most recent versions. Please report any weirdness you experience, especially with the currency add-on
  • Players can now set a 'Faction' allegiance as well as a 'Writing Status' to their profiles.
  • Our image host (Storm Motors) is working once again, please check the appropriate thread for more details.
  • Darktabbed Classic/Blue and Darktabbed 'Edge Lord' are now available as Forum Styles. Both work well on mobile and desktop, in case you're someone who has lag issues with Titan or has a nice enough phone to want to have a genuine forum style. Darktabbed Blue is now the default skin.
  • Titan should be free of most technical issues, after being updated and retooled.
  • Lathanum has been added as another style choice. It is a work in progress, but functions.

June 2020

  • The Wiki has been extensively updated/face lifted by the Wiki Custodian ('Dadthulu'). All pages should have images and information on them.

February 2020


January 2020


October 2019


September 2019

  • The world formerly known as "Hurshii" is now called Nos'Talgia. The setting of this world has been totally adjusted, so check out Nos'Talgia's information thread to learn more!
  • Crawl rules have been modified so that members can no longer buy Crawls. Instead, Crawls will serve as mini-events or mini-sagas, hosted by a staff member or an appointed stand-in. The intention with this change will be to retain a structure we like but shift it's purpose and use these as ways to build the overall story of the Crossroads.

August 2019

  • Travel no longer has any Coin Cost. People who have the Travel Perk may refund it for full value. I repeat: Travel is now free.

June 2019

  • New Character Switch system: One free switch per user every 6 months, which halves your essence/resets it to 2000 if half would go below 2000, and takes away ALL your coin. Pay 50 tokens or 1x $10 donation to switch at any time (does not add to your cooldown at all if you have one), and retain all of your essence- however you will still lose your coin.

April 2019

  • Minions rules updated. Rank Cap for level 10 increased, clarified that the rank cap also applies to essence abilities given to minions.

March 2019

  • Master Skills & Perks, now just 'Skills and Perks' have been extensively overhauled. They are now separate-but-bundle-able in the process of character creation. Please see the page for a fuller overview - https://multerra.zulenka.com/index.php?pages/rules-skills/
  • Starting Essence has been increased to 2000, up from 1500.
  • There is a one-time redemption code for 500 free Essence. The redemption code is 'arbiter'
  • The Standard Price for Bases has increased to 1000, up from 200. [staff will conduct a checks and audits at a later point]
  • Minion Rank Caps: Character Level: 1-3=Minion Rank Cap 3 ; Character Level: 4-7=Minion Rank Cap 4 ; Character Level:8-10=Minion Rank Cap 5
  • Character Progression updated to match increased starting Essence.
  • Shapeshifting added back to the Effects list.
February 2019

  • Focus rules have been streamlined to remove built-in, quantifiable Effect boosting
  • Boost, Prediction, and Alternate Form have been removed from the Effect list
  • The Triggered Positive Modifier has been reduced to +50 Essence, down from +100 Essence
-Site Dev-
  • The site chatbox has been removed and replaced with a Discord widget to streamline/condense the chat experience
  • Forum software was updated
  • Tags have been streamlined
December 2018

-Site Dev-

October 2018

-Site Development-

  • The structure of the Rules has been overhauled. It is now divided into 3 sections: Community Use, Basic Character Creation, and Errata/'Advanced' concepts. The first two are essential reading for new members.
  • World Quests and Crawls may not be pursued/completed concurrently. Please resolve one before embarking on the other.
September 2018

--Site Development--

  • Arbiter Silvis and Discord Integration have been removed due to add-on conflicts.
  • Prefix Add-on Update was applied.
  • Sub Account Update was applied, fixing previous errors that occurred when a guest registered.
  • Added an Add-on that expands Editor functionality and displays word count in the bottom right corner of the text box. It also has some fun stuff on the back end for the IT Staff.
  • Patch notes are now going to be done entirely by month, instead of by date.
  • A prefix will no longer display on the browser tab in front of the thread name.
  • A section has been added to the end of the Manual (aka 'The Rules') called 'Errata'. This is a section of 'advanced' rules that do not necessarily need to be read prior to joining for one reason or another.
    • Crawl Mode Rules have been consolidated on a new page in the Errata section of the manual, and the old threads (Leaderboard, Signups/Overview) have been merged.
    • Focus Rules have been moved to the Errata section of the manual.
    • Coin use Rules ('Consumables, Bases, and Minions) has been moved to the Errata section of the manual.
  • Completed Join forms have been locked, with the exception of some older beta testers.


  • Changed it so that 'Effects' target either you or other people, but not both by default.
  • Expanded our Mission Statement.
  • Focus is now used once per use of an Ability rather than "once per post"; clarified that it ranks up all Effects within an Ability.
  • "Nondiscriminating" changed to "Indiscriminate"
  • Added Transferable modifier
  • Clarified targets in Effect descriptions
  • Added Self/Other modifier
  • Changed Illusion so that it is now a functional ability.
  • Wording on Affects Multiple changed to allow for non-circular shapes: -- Normally Effects usually only have one target. This Modifier allows you to use an Effect on any number of targets within 20 feet of each other. You can create any shape of affected targets you please, so long as no two targets are further apart than 20 feet. Anything within the given area may be selected as a target at your discretion. If it targets everything within the given area, it has the Indiscriminate Negative Modifier. You can take this Modifier multiple times, each time adding 10 feet to the affected area.
[*]-- Consumables/Bases/Minions--
  • Fixed typos in the Consumables page and added a paragraph about trading them.
  • Added a paragraph about Bases targeting things inside of the boundaries of the base.


  • All the Information Threads for the 8 Worlds have had their formatting homogenized (as best as possible).
  • The World of Multerra page has been overhauled to include expanded sections on player-generated content and non-player characters.
  • (Work in Progress) A table of contents has been added to the Ability's page.
  • A 'Back to Top' option has been placed at the bottom 'nav panel' in each Rules page.
  • The option to return to the Table of Contents has been bolded.
[*]-- Abilities --
  • Added to Communication: This communication always allows you to talk to anyone else with "Communication" regardless of what form of Communication they have. Yes, that means you can call a cell phone with a crystal ball. Weird, right?
  • Senses are now Ongoing by default.
  • Phasing now costs 1,000, was 1,500.
[*]-- Consumables/Bases/Minions--
  • Bases are now Rank Capped to your Rank, used to be double your level
  • Consumables have a rank cap of 10, used to be level +5
  • Consumables no longer expire
  • Clarifying statement about adding more stuff to Bases added.
  • Crawls no longer cause Damage or Casualties to Bases and Minions
  • Base Damage is now Capped at 50%

-- Discord Integration --

  • The site now allows for Discord integration into your main account for logins so that you don't have to enter your username or password. However, it is restricted to being linked to one account.
  • Discord Integration also comes with the ability to post IC and OOC activity to the official Discord.
  • You may have noticed Arbiter Silvis hanging around the Discord. Well, she's there to automatically make sure your nick name is coincides with your forum username among other bot related duties.

-- Abilities and Effects --

  • Changed the structure of the abilities section. Each ability description is now hidden under a spoiler that you can click to access it's information. Click here to check it out. Scaling has also been changed on most of them.
  • Added short questions to narrow down what each ability does.
  • Ranged and Duration have been removed. You now modify the duration with the Ongoing Modifier and effect Range by adding the Ranged Modifier.
  • Removed Lingering, Increased Range, and Increased Duration modifiers.
  • Prediction has been simplified in accordance with the new rules.
  • Updated ability examples.
  • Rank Cap has been increased to 5 starting at level 1, increasing every other level.
  • Added description for the unmodified state of Effects.
  • Summons are now one-time purchases that share your Rank Cap.
[*]-- Quest Payouts --
  • 1,000 words now awards 300 Coin upon completion. Granting 60 to the Quest Giver.
  • 2,500 words now awards 1,000 Coin upon completion. Granting 200 to the Quest Giver.
  • 5,000 words now awards 2,500 Coin upon completion. Granting 500 to the Quest Giver.
  • 10,000+ words now awards 6,000 Coin upon completion. Granting 1,200 to the Quest Giver.

-- Spoiler Tags --

  • If the spoiler title is not specified, the button displays the word "Spoiler". If title is specified, the button displays only the title, without the word "Spoiler". This makes it look cleaner for those of us wanting to format our rosters or use spoilers.


-- Patch Note Thread --

  • Reversed patch note order. Older notes are at the bottom. Newest changes are at the top. Patch Listings will jump you to the start of a specific month, not to the newest patch for said month. That is subject to change. It depends entirely on what it looks like down the road.
[*]-- Crawl --
  • Post deadline increased back to 36 hours.
  • Minimum word count and post count updated as follows:

    4-person Crawls: 8 total posts, with the minimum word count for each post being 1/2 of each party member's required word count.
    3-person Crawls: 9 total posts, with the minimum word count for each post being 1/3 of each party member's required word count.
    2-person Crawls: 8 total posts, with the minimum word count for each post being 1/4 of each party member's required word count.
    Note: In all cases, exceeding the word count or total post count is an acceptable option. Just let your GM know so they can plan accordingly.

-- Forms and Character Profiles --

  • Removed base fund option on coin purchase form and moved it to it's own form located here.
  • Added "Base Fund" field in character profile blank form. Please update your profiles accordingly.
[*]-- Chat --
  • Added Multerra Discussion chatroom for IC conversations.
  • Added rules to chat. Accessible using little book icon in upper right hand corner of chat window. (Click here)
[*]-- Planet Cevanti --
  • Added currency type to information thread.

-- Crawl --

  • Changed default Quest length to 5,000 words total. Successful Loot, special encounter, and story element rolls now add total words, no longer per member. This does not change the function—total word count will still be divided equally among participating members—, but it does reduce the total word count for the average Quest, especially for larger parties.
  • Changed story elements to add 300 words total.
  • Changed unique Loot assignment to a random selection by the GM. The party may still elect unanimously to designate the party member who receives unique Loot.
  • Added a Crawl identifier # to the GM requirements.
  • Included Coin calculation formula below The Quest section.
  • Added Deadlines, Strikes, and Post Order section.
  • Reordered sections for clarity.
  • Post deadline reduced to 24 hours. Yes, Crawl is supposed to be hard. ;)
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