Dante's Abyss Power Rankings

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
<3 Barracks Power Rankings <3

(Out-of-Karl [OoK] Quip – As in the past, preshow Power Rankings (a concept used in sports and other stuff to rank teams less on tangible things like Win-Loss records and more so on analyst’s attempting to incorporate other, intangible factors as well) should not be taken as an indictment on your writing capabilities, as these are entirely ‘in universe’ quips from the host of the show. They are based primarily on preshow activity with some nonexistent points for what your character was up to during the preshow, hence why people who joined super late or didn’t participate much are nearer the bottom. I know not many of you are sports people, but these rankings are kind of like pre-season rankings for sport’s teams.

The next Power Rankings will come… let’s say either halfway through Day 1 or at the start of Day 2. I want to see how much goes on the first few days before I commit to either option. The next set of Power Rankings will rely primarily upon: Gear (weapon or support item), any injuries, any partnerships, and your character [I have a blurb in the rules if you want to read more on this].)


Wait, where the hell is this?

The Medium’s communications area, Karl. It’s like a digital place where people communicate in the Crossroads.

So yet another not-Internet? Does this one have Youtube?

Hush now, they’re reading.

"Hello, Ladies and Gentle… people? Multerrans? Two years and you think my communications department would have this sorted out. Good evening, Lovelies, Karl Jak here, and I’m welcoming you to the first installment of the Power Rankings (or Power Feelings, if you please). With our twenty-eight contestants relaxing and resting for the trials ahead, we should take some time to reflect dootyfully upon our prospects.

28. Nico – You are not Serbian.​

27. Pecan – A nut name for a nut. Huh.​

26. Kayleigh – ‘July embers’ just doesn’t have the same ring. Also, It just makes me miss that one clown (not the loli, the other one with the teeth).​

25. Bruce Banner – Nerds went out of style when they cancelled that stupid sitcom, didn’t they? Wake me up when Mr. Hyde shows up.​

24. Ellie Vaughan – Did we lose you??​

23. Toga – Spent the preshow in the bathroom? Was it makeup or cigarettes? I hope you’ve transitioned to those electric gizmos.​

22. Yuuka – All pruned up and good to go? Or are you wilting? (this shitpost sponsored by the Coca Cola Co.)​

21. Doomguy – Loading guns you can’t bring along must take a while.​

20. Mr. X – Please dream deeply as you ponder what, precisely, this not-man will ‘gon give it to ya’.​

19. Frieza – Y’know, I’ve known not one… but two of you who were secretly English. True story, ask Wade!​

18. Gildarts – You know, you look familiar.​

17. Cho – Make sure to keep yourself grounded, kid.​

16. Jak Mar – Don’t forget not to look at the explosions.​

15. Suwako – ‘Shrine goddess’? Isn’t that just fancy talk for ‘country bumpkin pseudo-diety’? Come back when they upgrade you to space goddess… or even cosmic space goddess. Then we can talk.​


13. Jason Voorhees – CHH CHH CHH AHH AHH AHH​

12. Roy Mustang – Please make certain to retrieve a list of appropriate, fire-based puns from a Syntech employee before boarding the helicopter. You seem like the type who can’t pull out a quality pun in the spur of the moment, Colonel.​

11. Mugen – Hey, is this another one of those Rurouni types? An angry saiyan with high blood iron levels once told me that redheads are more fun (did he?), and I’m willing to take his word on that one.​

10. Malloki – If things don’t work out, I’m sure we can find you an off-Broadway production of Les Miserables to star in. Either that or an angsty movie where a bounty hunter (doesn’t) kill people? You seem like you could fit either.​

9. Victor Wolfe – Hey, does this guy know his boss is here?​

8. Okuyasu – I can list you about a dozen better ways to use a Hand that large, sweetheart.​

7. Sigmund V – I knew your (not) daddy. Hell, I might even know your cosmic space daddy, but I guess that’s not very important in the given context, is it? ?​

6. Ashe-0 – I prefer the black war machine. Adding lady parts just feels like Cheadling.​

5. Kopaka – I believe I already made an erotic joke about robotics in the last fortnight, which means I can’t use this blurb for that purpose. So, uhhh… let’s just say that I’m certain you’ll be serving up a few more iced lattes in the coming days (if you catch my drift).​

4. Deadpool – Did you expect him to land anywhere else, regardless of circumstance?​

T-2. Gilgamesh – Just like in many years past, the King of Heroes has the ego, the skill, and the guile to manipulate and bulldoze his way into the Finale. But with great ego comes great paranoia… Will Gil thrive or will he be driven mad? Will he be undone by a mouse? A cutthroat? The icy hand of justice?​

T-2. Mickey Mouse – Oh, look, this guy. We’ve gone all these years and he can still barely dress himself in the morning, yet I’m the walking fiasco? Also… “Mickey Mouse and worming his way into the top quartile of these rankings… name a more iconic pairing (aside from green people and lifetime bans … or green people and ellipsis… or green people and beer.).”​

1. Arthur Morgan – Anytime you want to take part in my Brokeback Mountain LARP, you have my number in your Survival Bag. I know you’re looking for some horses, and I assure you that I have plenty of willing mounts.​

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
<3 Day One Power Rankings <3

(Out-of-Karl Bulletin: As mentioned in discord, Day 1 and all future rankings heavily factor in current injuries, Weapon/Support Item, and partnerships, writing a good character tale is still important but someone with an Insane injury is going to drop on these rankings because, in-character, they're going to seem like the walkin' dead, y'know?)


"Enjoy Day 1's thoughts and feelings. This time, with even more obscure references!"

29. (Down 18) Malloki – A star that shines brightest often burns out the quickest.

28. (Down 1) Pecan – How is this guy still alive?

27. (Down 7) Mr. X/Nemesis – Wait, how is this fucking thing still alive? Why does nothing want to unwillingly die on this island?

26. (Down 10) Jak Mar – Not quite used to the ole Dynamite Kid layin’ low. Perhaps he needs to hop on the ‘Friendship is Magic’ train with the rest of these yahoos.

25. (Down 12) Jason Voorhees – Something tells me he’ll outlive us all, anyway.

24. (Down 18) Ashe-0 – At least you had extras?

23. (Down 17) Okuyasu – Someone give this guy a Hand, I think his is a little beat up.

22. (Up 1) Toga – Explosive way to start the show, Lil’ Loli!

21. (Unranked) Kefka – Trading raptors for little green aliens with laser hands probably isn’t that bad a trade off, y’know.

20. (Down 8) Roy Mustang – Sometimes, I hear you can pour gasoline on embers to get one last burst of fire outta them… does that work with you?

19. (Up 6) Bruce Banner – How’s the cave treating you, Bruce?

18. (Up 6) Ellie Vaughan – That’s one way to pass your time.

17. (Up 4) Doomguy – Rip and tear, Marine. Rip and tear. Let the PTSD wash over you.

16. (Up 11) Kayleigh – All the cool kids breath fire out of their mouths.

15. (Down 4) Mugen – Well-played managing to exit that Lubbock train before it hit full speed.

14. (Down 5) Victor Wolfe – Look at this protegee of the cerebral assassin archetype. Some might call him an architect of sorts. This guy knows what we I mean.

13. (Up 6) Frieza – When I said ‘Ask Wade’ I didn’t mean to literally ask Wade.

12. (Up 5) Cho – When an older person tells you to nail someone, that’s not what they mean. If you need some pointers, I’ll leave my number in your gift bag.

11. (Up 17) Nico Cinder – This seems like the wrong place to get a band started. There are 26 Yokos out there with their eyes on your crew.

10. (Up 12) Yuuka – Going from a soda bath to having a new piece of hardware ain’t too bad. That’s an authentic piece, so you’re going to want to take better care of it than the last guy. It’s not 100% waterproof.

9. (Up 9) Gildarts – Lay off the drugs

8. (Up 7) Suwako – Calmed down after your earlier excitement, eh? No worries, I’m sure you won’t be alone for long.


6. (Down 1) Kopaka – Sauce is the boss. I hope I’ve taught you a lifelong lesson, RoboCop.

5. (Up 2) Sigmund – The finger blades are a nice touch. Really match the look. Continue to work it, girl.

4. Deadpool

3. (Down 1) Mickey Mouse – I think this guy just has a thing for Gils. Also a think for getting betrayed? Next time you get betrayed, I’mma just start calling you Sting (#cryzoomer #goodoledays)

2. (Down 1) Arthur Morgan – Guns rust and muscles get sore if you don’t use ‘em cowboy (get the fuck out of her with your ‘science’, Birkin, no one trusts ‘science’ anymore!)

1. (Up 1) Gilgamesh – Should we all be shocked at this turn of events? When that guy with the funny little mustache thought he was losing, he went and invented an eldritch robosuit so of course this dude’s gonna crack open the space alien to get an advantage.

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
<3 Day Two Power Rankings <3

28. (Down 4) Ashe-0 – Everyone eventually runs out of arms. It’s just an inevitability, I’m afraid. I’m sure you can just walk off that ALT+F4 job from the green man. We’ll send your parts to your next of kin (if we find them <3)

27. (Down 7) Roy Mustang – Flame on out.

26. (Down 3) Okuyasu – You did a hell of a (Hand) job, bud.

25. (Up 2) Mr. X/Nemesis – You had ONE job. Oh well, I’m sure the remake will be better and more action-oriented. Zoomers love button mashing.

24. (Up 4) Pecan – You’ll always have the starlight, Nico, and the sandy beaches that the two of you senselessly exploded for shits and giggles.

23. (Down 16) Aku – The saying is don’t go quietly into that dark night (it was either this or another metaphor about fires)

22. (Down 7) Mugen – Stay strong, samurai… (do you know how hard it is to not make any more hand jokes?)

21. (Up 4) Jason Voorhees – Good for at least one more gut-clenching pop-in, I’m sure.

20. (Up 6) Jak Mar – Slow and steady wins the race.

19. The Hulk – I hear long falls just make this guy angrier.

18. (Up 3) Kefka – Why couldn’t it have been this guy that exploded himself? RIP

17. (Down 6) Nico Cinder – Something tells me this guy isn’t playing with a full deck any more

16. (Down 10) Kopaka – Ice cold.

15. (Down 3) Cho – I like this guy. You might say he’s really GROUNDed in reality.

T-13. (Up 8) Toga – Upwards and onwards, Campers!

T-13. (Up 3) Kayleigh – Need to keep better tabs on people you’re with, y’know, especially when they’re substance abusers. Those people are wild cards, amirite?

12. (Up 6) Ellie Vaughan – A few cracks shouldn’t ruin your time on the island (spending another 24 hours with a petulant teenager might, though)

11. (Down 9) Arthur Morgan – Well that’s one way to survive a shootout. Probably a terrible choice in a Huckleberry – I probably would have just let the tuberculosis kill me

10. Yuuka – Yes, I’ve always told the children that alcohol and murder go together like peanut butter and jelly

9. (Up 8) Doomguy – Not enough tear. There’s at least four high-quality sets of guts for tearing, and all I see on your hands is mud.

8. (Down 1) Gildarts – Hey, did this guys drugs wear off yet?

T-6. (Up 8) Victor Wolfe – (see note below)

T-6. (Up 2) Suwako – HANDS ABOVE THE DESK

5. (Up 7) Frieza – They sometimes say the last one is the best one (I’m not sure if they say that).

4. Deadpool

3. Mickey Mouse – … wait, did I fall through time? Am I trapped in a 1980s comedy?! Quick, someone go kill a groundhog for me.

2. (Up 3) Sigmund – What do you call a High Priest when his boss dies? Does he become the Highest Priest (huh? Oh, that’s Gildarts? My bad).

1. (Up 1) Gilgamesh – Dude goes on a rampage where he breaks limbs and eats a guy and still winds up with a best friend at the end? And I am the one people get all snippy with?