[MS] Lt. Connor and Company


Dynamite Kid/Mar
Level 3
Sep 10, 2018
Mesa Roja
Click Here
He didn’t know if he felt relieved or had more stress on his shoulders. Years and years gone by, he’d been force fed his destiny about leading the human Resistance and wartime stress had built up on his shoulders. But here he was, once again finding himself in a leadership position. He took a few breaths, his T-800 following him as he watched his boss eye the crowd.

If he was going to live up to his name here, he’d have to work his magic on the group of soldiers under his command.

One soldier in particular was interested in Connor’s antics in the past and how he was able to turn a fighting force of ragged men and women into a literal fighting force against Skynet.

The T-800 stood by Connor as cold and menacingly as possible.

Connor’s orders were bold and fearless as he stood in front of the rows of the soldiers under his command. Not only did these men and women entrust him to lead them to victory, he shouldered their weight as well. The reason why Connor was liked personally among his men and women was his enduring rally speeches, his ability to pull people together and his willingness to not only give orders but fight on the frontlines with his soldiers.

He’d earn the trust of the men and women under him as a reliable leader at the moment.

Connor watched as the soldiers under his command marched in lines much like at home. It reminded him of the time at home he led the Human Resistance against Skynet.

He eyed Uncle Bob, who traded spots with him for a short time as even Connor tried to fit within his own forces to show he could be trusted to lead them to victory.


Dynamite Kid/Mar
Level 3
Sep 10, 2018
Mesa Roja
Click Here
(In John’s voice)

Who was this man these soldiers looked up to keep them alive? Was he a madman or was he just another nobody who signed up to Dante’s Abyss just for the chance of glory? Nobody knew the name “John Connor” here. Here he was just another face in the crowd, a number sent for the kill for the glory of a General who was royalty here and a Commander who knew little about the man except what he looked like or what he was known for in his past life. Where were the men and woman who signed up to die for him? In another world… another time.

A soldier shook awake Connor in another one of his coffee drooped stupors. The Lt. took several cups of coffee, staying awake almost all the hours of the night to check in on troop movements, and other various orders.

The T-800 sat for a second, waking Connor when he tried to get some shut-eye for the short 15 minute breaks he had.

Another soldier, younger and a bit tired, walked up to Connor while he was still getting his bearings “Sir, when is a good time to start doing our orders, Sir?”

Connor sat up and stood up “Get started on Operation: Dark. I’ll inform you when it gets closer.”

His communicator was on his pants, and he stood again, watching for danger from all fronts.