[MS] "Team Mirage" Travels (Day 6-)


Holographic Trickster
Nov 18, 2020
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Apex Legends
Mirage casually strolled with the squadron placed under his command. With a stride and swagger that would intimidate even the coolest kids, he saluted and nodded to his troops.

“Yeah guys, don’t worry we got this. We’re the best, after all. I mean, why wouldn’t we have this? There’s plenty of nice colorful trees around here, the air is fresh, there’s no armies around…”

“Sir, I’ve spotted an army.” Sergeant Scáthach stated, looking into the distance behind the trees.

Mirage slowed down until he stood still. “Oh. Yeah that’s uh, that’s great. Uh, how big is that army?”

“It’s hard to tell, we would have to get closer, but we risk discovery.” Came the sergeant’s reply.

Mirage, contrary to how he had been up to this point, stayed quiet. On one hand, he had orders. Commander Roy was depending on him to deliver that message to Gilgamesh and provide support for the troops in case more diplomatic events occured. Given the time and their speed, they could make it there before nightfall. But he wasn’t here to follow orders. In all honesty, he was often forgetting that he was here to win. Wind blew leaves off of some of the trees beside them, an oddly eerie silence falling over all the soldiers. An eerie silence with a lingering danger that usually had another voice to trump his own when things got serious.


Against his orders and better judgement, at least what little he had, he knew that Wraith was in this war, and it was possible that she could be over there, commanding her own troops and soldiers. She was always a better leader than he was, even if he did somehow always make it out alive. Sometimes. Okay, maybe when he didn’t pretend to be the decoy and mess her plans up being knocked down by some sniper wielding Bloodhound. Still, he couldn’t shake the feelings he had since he joined this event. The whole past year he had been searching the hospitals on Cevanti to see if she showed up. He hadn’t seen the other legends either. At least he managed to buy himself a better Mirage Vo’yage, but it felt empty, even with all his holograms cooking holographic pork chops or singing karaoke.

Mirage looked over all of his soldiers. In each of their eyes he saw his own reflection, and with that reflection, his brothers. In his mind, he saw his mom. His biggest fan, the whole reason he was able to join the games. He always told himself he wouldn’t leave her behind, and he missed being able to call her in times like these. Then again, he knew what she would say.

“I'm going in.”


“Look, I know it’s crazy, just,” Mirage shook his head and took a deep breath to reinforce his resolve. “Trust me on this. Take the message to Gilgamesh, alright? Tell him I'm on the way. If you don't hear back from me by tomorrow..." the legend paused for a moment before giving a anxious chuckle. "Then consider yourselves bamboozled."