Joining and Profile Maintenance

"Who/what Should I Play?"

We’ve tried to make Multerra a place where you can feasibly write and enjoy writing as any ‘type’ of character, whether they’re a sociopath, bureaucrat, fighter, or a scholar. Whether it’s through Abilities, Skills, or Consumables, you should be able to build whoever or whatever you’d like.

We only ask that you don’t write as ‘real world’ people. There might be exceptions, but for the most part, use your brain and think of something a little more clever. This also includes 'AUs' or cartoon characters that are clearly parodies of real world people. Go somewhere else to write your Hitler fanfiction.

Once you’re ready to join, you can just Click Here. That link will take you to the automated Join Form. You form will be sent to the Join Forum, where a staffer will give you the final go-ahead to write. As a spoiler, you’ll need to provide the following information about your character for your join form!

  • Character Name:
  • Character Source:

  • Starting Location: (Pick one of the Eight Worlds; may be specific location or not)

  • Character Behavior:

  • Physical Description (Or an Image):

  • History (Are they native? Non-native?):

  • Abilities/Skills: You have 2000 Essence to spend on your Starting Abilities or Master Skills.

Your Profile

Once you join, you’ll copy-paste your form into a new thread in the Character Profiles forum. We ask that you do not cut out any of the information in this first post (ie - the join form information), but you may feel free to tweak the formatting to suit your needs. An exception is that you may move images and history to a separate post.

Feel free to add extra replies to your Profile that provide further detail on your Character. Common examples include more detailed sections on Personality, Relationships (NPC or PC), a more detailed History, and links to your threads.

Purchasing New Stuff

When you want to purchase a new Ability or Consumable, you’ll submit the required 'Purchase an Ability' form, which will be submitted to an Approval thread. Once staff give you the thumbs up, you can add that Ability or Consumable to your Profile.

Tracking Purchases: You must use your Profile to track all purchases and Consumable use/expiration, along with any other changes to your Profile (damaged Bases, for instance). You can do this in whatever way you please, but staff expect to see entries for when you added ‘stuff’ to your Profile. Here’s an example entry:

Purchased “Power Sword” (50 E) on 12/20/1993 -> [Link to my Submission Post].

We’re placing a lot of faith in people to track their activity, but bear in mind that staff can view edit histories.

  • Published
    Jul 23, 2018
  • Page views