#01 - Arthur "Deadpool" Morgan

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
Arthur "Deadpool" Morgan
Origin: Baltimore? Chicago? New Austin?
Grand Champion: Dante's Abyss XV
Winner: Dante's Abyss XVI, XVII, XVIII
Finalist: Dante's Abyss X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV

Arthur "Deadpool" Morgan is a cowboy who is so handsome that he covers his entire body in a latex (spandex?) suit to ensure that ladies don't get too distracted by his rugged, tuberculosis-infested physique. He wears one of those culturally appropriated poncho things that cowboys love, and he has one of those hats. Y'know. Cowboy chic.​

Personality / Lore

Deadpool is essentially a good-hearted psychopath (if there is such a thing) with a knack for using inappropriate jokes. While some of his friends would call him a care-free individual, almost everyone else would consider him a lunatic who self-justifies his actions by referring to imaginary people. Over the last few years, Mr. "Wilson" Morgan has mostly kept a low profile outside of his appearances on Syntech 'television'. Is he fighting the Unmaking? Is he having sexy siestas in space Mexico? He's probably just riding horses or fishing or something, but that's not important. Have you seen his sketchbook? Deadpool is renowned for his excellent crayon sketches of pretty ladies, landscapes, and horses.​

Possible Reactions

Deadpool is always looking for a way to interject humor into whatever situation hurled his way. Though he would be open to the option teaming-up with other competitors, his lack of conscience would make any feelings for them shallow at best. Also, he's been in like a thousand (okay, ten) of these events, so he understands the logistics. Also, his insanity seems to, if anything, give him more of an edge. Watch how you communicate. Deadpool is said to somehow be able to 'read Discord'. Karl has to assume that the cowboy-mercenary is just trying to be poetic about his ability to navigate the chaos of the Crossroads, but we can't be too certain.​


Deadpool knows everyone. Yes, even you. Sleep with one eye open. Or don't. He's pretty lazy.​

Fighting Style

Even within the midst of a brawl, the mercenary always finds time to crack jokes and pass nonsensical banter, even if it detrimental to his survival; when staring death in the face he prefers to try and give it a wet kiss rather than retreat. Usually consumed with by own antics, he devalues the lives of those around him, and probably would not bother to save an ally. In his older age, Wade has somehow become even more dissociated and prone to talking about stuff and things that don't seem to exist. Don't listen too hard, because most of it is probably lies or made up stories to keep you off guard.​

NPC Handicap and Notes

Handicap – Deadpool is like... "Deadpool is like Gilgamesh, but if people actually liked him and didn't just tolerate him because he's got such a punchable face. Deadpool's Handicap is a 10." Deadpool's Handicap is a 6. "Still better than Gilgamesh."
Notes – Deadpool really just wants to win. He doesn't care how it happens, but he'll do whatever it takes with whoever it takes to win.​
Unique – Deadpool's Super Attack is rumored to have five different varieties (Standard Super Attack rules apply). He's just an asshole like that.​
Focus - 5​


"Sorry. Alex was too lazy to dig up a bunch of my really awesome quotes. Dude probably hopes someone runs into me so he can just pawn my off on some other writer."
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