#14 - Ben

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
Origin: Star Wars

Appearance – These the only images I could find of obscure character sorry:

(Due to DA rules, Lightsaber not included)


Ben is marked by Patience and wisdom, having spent a lot of time getting into a plethora of strange situations in his life. As a Jedi, his life has been full of adventures and full of lessons, and he often wishes to impart them - even, despite it sometimes being a bad idea, to his enemies. He is a kind and compassionate man, who will, nonetheless do what must be done. He puts much faith in a mystical energy field known as "the force" which his Jedi religion aspires to follow.​
As a Jedi, and as a man, Ben is generally contemplative, calm in the worst of situations, and will seek the right solution to challenges both physical or mental, with a generally passive and defensive nature that is undercut by a very decisive willingness to, say, go on an arm-lopp
ing spree if he sees that as the correct and proper approach to a certain problem. While far from naive, he will try to find the best in people, and treats everyone he meets, including his enemies, with respect and care. His goal in this tournament is not necessarily to win, but to do what the force may will of him in this tournament.​
Ben himself does not fear death - partially because he's been told revives exist, partially because he's old and tired of straining his voice screaming in every single near death experience, and partially because he knows that - no matter how he dies, he can die happily, knowing he lived by the code and will become one with the force as the man he was meant to be.​

Possible Reactions

"How may your character respond to certain situations? How may they respond when confronted by certain types of people?"​
Kenobi will respond to challenging or threatening situations with a bravado that would make even the most accomplished swashbuckler or rogue blush, gracefully traipsing through danger while treating the inconvenience as no more than an errant stain on a jacket or coin lost to a sewer grate. he simply has been in no chill mode so long he has all the chill, though he still handles the problems with a measured level of seriousness and experience despite his seeming lack of concern.​
In light-hearted situations, he does not mind playing the fool and enjoying a shenanigan or too, and in a dark situation, he will summon his own strength, but always look to his comrades, as well - he does not just look for his allies physical condition, but their morale as well.​
He is quite extroverted despite his demeanor and can enjoy a drink, but often tends to try to fade into the background when louder characters are out and about, preferring to enjoy listening than talking, and learning more about others around him.​
He does not respect or deal with betrayal well, with the specter of such things following him like a grim reaper, as it has all his life. He will not tolerate long the truly villainous in his presence - though he will generally avoid causing a pre-mature blow-up, and is quick to hold his tongue and work with even the despicable when the choice is standing together or dying alone. Should he be confronted aggressively, though, his sharp tongue tends to find many witty barbs to pierce through the confidence and insecurities within the armor of another.​


Like who would even remember some random dude named Ben? Dude's coming in totally anonymous and not knowing anyone here.​
Unless Jar Jar binks joins. they dudebros.​
‘Combat’ Style
Ben is a very cautious and experienced fighter and will tend to prefer waiting for his moment, or preparing a plan. years as a general, decades as a jedi knight, and a lifetime of experience in the most defensive swordsmanship style of his order leave him the opposite of the usual 'rush in and hope for the best' types. If he is attacked unawares he will tend to retreat to a better position, staying on the defensive and waiting for an opponent to give him the perfect opportunity. Even when using the power of the force, he favors finesse and subtlety over large displays of power when he's given the option.​
He will fight honorably, however, in that he will defend his allies and make sure to prioritize their safety, often above his own. When he's decided to work with another, even one he might not professionally respect, he will do his best to keep them alive with all the ferocity of a Bear protecting her cubs, though with only a large fraction of the fuzziness. He will not trade the life of a friend in a hostage situation, either, though he will immediately try to stack the deck in favor of their safety, and won't risk the lives of innocents or cause massive devastation in normal situations, though given DA is an artificial island with very few innocents, that's not likely to come up.​
When it comes to his enemies, though, ben is a trickster and while not an outright bastard, is willing to use some amount of deception and trickery in combat to defeat his opponents, studying their weaknesses, psychological or otherwise, and using them against them. Often Ben wins not due to his raw power, but by gaining an understanding of his opponent's emotions and motivations, and allowing them to drive themselves into their own doom.​
Eligible Abilities
The physical rigors of being Qui-gon Jinn's apprentice: (300)​
Swordmaster: Soresu 6​
Athletics 6​
Awareness 6​
Tech use 6​
Swordmaster: Ataru 6​
the Order taught Ben much, but being the Apprentice of Qui-gon Jinn tends to force you into many rough-and-tumble situations, as you're taught a book of tactics that resemble the ravings of a drunken madman that also happen to have a near 100 percent success rate. Ben learned much from his master in both his master's acrobatic swordstyle, Ataru, which focuses on overpowering an opponent with feats of athleticism and unpredictable attacks from every angle - and the foundation he would hone for Soresu, a defensive style that allows someone to finely control the fight with a nearly unbreakable wall of defense, using one's sword as an unbreakable shield. both are applicable with most bladed weapons but are most valuable with the weapon of choice of the order - a light saber.​
Further, Ben was more or less forced into athletic feats that made him understand how to jump, twirl, spin and flip with all the understanding of a trained athlete in any of these - as he was forced to do them in one life-threatening situation after another.​
Jinn also made sure Ben knew the basics of both how to use advanced technology that might be around the galaxy and how to quickly learn how to use unfamiliar technology, in case a newly found device might prove the key to holding onto an advantage.​
General of the Republic (300)​
Battlefield tactics 6​
Battlefield strategy 6​
Naval (space) tactics 6​
Logistics 6​
navigation 6​
General Kenobi was thrust into a three-year long war soon after a harrowing adventure, given control of a portion of the grand army of the republic with zero prior training, and forced to wing it in the first real intergalactic war in a cool millenia. luckily, he seemed to ease into it with an ease others could only envy. While the truly insane and unconventional tactics were often left to Anakin, Kenobi was capable of blending much of what he knew into unorthodox, but capable maneuvers, a side-effect of his training under Qui-gon Jinn. where his actual speedily earned knowledge did not always serve, the force would always serve to assist him.​
"The Negotiator" (600)​
Master skills:​
Group 1:​
Diplomacy 6​
Economics 6​
Persuasion 6​
Salesmanship 6​
Negotiation 6​
Group 2:​
Investigation 6​
Inverse Dun Möch 6​
Tact 6​
Performance (oration) 6​
Sincerity 6​
Ben earned a position as "the negotiator" in the Clone Wars, due to his skill with words and his understanding of both negotiation and the underlying forces needed to make a position. While Ben would never do such a thing to an unsuspecting civilian, he is fully capable of selling you a bunch of rocks for a million dollars if it is needed. He is fantastic at giving speeches, communicating, easily making friends, and convincing others of his genuine intent.​
This has also been weaponized, particularly against sith lords, with his tongue able to push people to lose their mental focus, allowing him to push even experienced masters of the force like his former apprentice into a predictable attack - and thus, giving Ben control of the battle. He is skilled at investigating into just what is important in a situation, just what may or may not make someone tick, and then utilizing those advantages to turn an unwinnable fight or negotiation into a turn-around victory.​
And of course, working for a giant intergalactic government for a good few decades, and then a grand army for a few years, has taught him much about how money and goods flow, where they might be directed, and how they might be better directed for the good of those around him.​
Servant of the Force (300)​
Master skills:​
Meditation 6​
Patience 6​
Empathy 6​
Focus 6​
Stoicism 6​
Ben is a very focused servant of the force, and this requires a calm mind. as Jedi as they come, Ben has had a long time to build his resolve in his ways. He does not allow emotion to control him, but he does allow it to guide him as the living force is mean to, living in the moment as his mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn had attempted to teach him so long ago. His focus on a task is without error or regard for unnecessary distractions, his patience seemingly endless, and his ability to understand and feel for other living beings with an open heart has been tempered by decades of temptation and struggle. When Ben thinks on how to respond to something, he listens to what his feelings say, but keeps his mind sharp, allowing him to do what is right by his code in those moments.​
"The Force: To move a pebble or a mountain" (3075 essence)​
Move object 6 (600)​
-Ongoing (+600)​
-ranged (+300)​
-indirect (+600)​
-Weakness [Clear state of mind] (-150)​
Damage 5 (500)​
-ranged (+250)​
-indirect (+500)​
-Weakness [clear state of mind] (-125)​
One of the simplest applications of the force, but one Ben is quite skilled in, moving things with the power of the force is more a twist of thought and an understanding of one's own mind. While in his younger days, this required great gestures and pushing, his control has become such that he needs to do little more than a gaze and a wink on a good day. This power is given to him by his understanding of the Light side of the force, but requires his heart to be clear and calm - if he is emotionally rattled past his limits, this power may weaken or entirely fail to come to him!​
This ability allows Ben to influence other objects or creatures with telekinesis, and what's more, influence things even he cannot see or is not near - for the force is ever-present in all things.​
Aging Gracefully​
Agility 1 (200)​
Despite Ben now getting on in years, he still has a surprising amount of agility for such an old man. It shows in his remarkable ability to jump and twist even in his old age, though he'll be the first one to tell you his back felt much better pulling such tricks in the old days.​
Super Focus Application - The High Ground (Super Defense)
Ben relaxes and concentrates, entering a state where his mind is completely clear and focused. he moves not according to what his mind thinks or his impulses tell him, but according to the will of the force, reacting to a situation with preternatural precision. this ability allows him to, for a moment, perfectly protect himself from his opponent, keeping his body loose and his mind clear as he simply avoids being hit. With the force guiding his hand, he may seem unstrikable even to opponents faster or stronger than him, just knowing the right thing to do to avoid attacks in almost any situation - until the point where injury becomes, at last, unavoidable. this level of concentration is, understandably, hard on Ben's psyche, and not freely accessible, thus only lasting a moment​

Extra – I'm definitely going for an in-between of episode III and IV here, but I haven't seen Kenobi, if that helps at all. Ben is definitely more looking for his actual purpose here and thus is not necessarily as motivated to go for the victory royale as many of the other competitors are - after all, he's quite aware getting out alive from these death islands isn't really how these games tend to work. He is mildly aware and moderately uncomfortable the story of his life is in print in some places.


"Hello there!"​
"So uncivilized."​
"Good job."​
"May the force be with you."​
"Another happy landing."​
"My Leg!"​
“Who is more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?”​
"For a drink!"​
"That's not my lightsaber..."​
Threads/Post - Just got the one thread, but if you haven't seen it, there's this really good movie called Star Wars: Episode III and I'd give it a watch if you haven't. it might really help.
---Additional Note:----
As Ben is new I am firmly lacking the coin for a revive. any chance that can be deducted from my winnings? (Yes, of course)​