V A Whale of a time

Seija Kijin

Counterattacking Amanojaku
Sep 10, 2018
Erde Nona
Click Here
As Chang’e and Yutu walked along the dirt path they could hear the cries of seagull like creatures as the smell of the salty water filled the air. The two had decided after a while that Yutu would work as a sailor while Chang’e would look for other work… reluctantly.

The sound of horses and other pack animals could be heard as they walked throughout the cobble streets of the old looking oceanside village. Chang’e and Yutu after asking around soon closed in on the Whalebone tavern where if luck was on their side could grab a job. The goddess opened the door and entered the noise somewhat dieing down at the sight of the moon goddess due to her outfit. Looking around the goddess walked over to the bar table with Yutu right behind arms crossed.

The bartender looked up from his glass and spoke questioningly to the woman. “What would you like?” he looked over at a man who was built like a bull and a white whalebone leg who sat next to the two. The man’s hair was a mixture of black, grey, and white as he pulled out a couple of coins silently.

Chang’e tapped the bar table as she spoke. “My friend over here would like to join a crew,” she said reluctantly.

“Well, your best bet would be at the guild and I’d suggest that your friend have some sailing experience if he wishes to be paid well.” The bartender said as he handed the old man some rank smelling alcohol. “But if you aren’t going to purchase something then leave. I have no time for loiterers.” The man spoke with anger as Chang’e nodded in agreement. Yutu rose from his seat and patted the goddess on her shoulder as he exited to become a sailor.

As the Jade rabbit walked throughout the streets he could see at various points the sails of massive sailing ships waiting for there next voyage. After about fifteen minutes the rabbit had reached the whaling guild; a two-story large building which smelled like really horrible smelling fish. Entering the building he could hear the movement of people and voices as captains of various status and trade collected new crew to replace crew that had ended there contract's, died, or other various reasons.

Yutu soon was directed to the guild master who behind his red wooden desk was busy working on ledgers and various other papers. a silence soon was formed until the guild master spoke with a voice that demanded respect and control with a voice very deep. "Well, I don't have all day. Speak your business or leave." and on the man continued to write into the various papers.

Yutu steeling himself spoke with as much will as he could muster. "I want to work as a Whaler." The guild master grew completely silent as he contemplated the request. After setting the various papers and feather down the man looked at the rabbit before laughing heartily with a.

"You... want to be a whaler! BWAHAHA, you wouldn't even last a week out there I reckon. Boy, let me just tell you; I can get you a captain but no one want's landlubbers on their ships; it will be hard, disgusting, and horrible work for you. Months on a good trip and years on a bad trip." the man spoke with a smile as Yutu stood his ground causing the guild master to raise an eyebrow.

"If you are so interested in working on a whaling ship then..." The grizzled man sighs as he pulls out a paper. "Look for Captain Conroy he should be still here if you are really interested; now if that is all THEN get to work!" the guild master yelled at the rabbit who nodded and rushed out of the room.

Seija Kijin

Counterattacking Amanojaku
Sep 10, 2018
Erde Nona
Click Here
As Yutu looked at the scrap of paper they sighed as they walked into the room as there was a man wearing a worn down tricorn and red jacket that looked at the rabbit. “Over here landlubber. We have much to get through and not much time to do so.”

Walking carefully the rabbit plopped down into a seat in front of the man. “You wouldn’t happen to be Captain Conroy?” the man nodded slightly as he smirked.

“So you think you are a whaler huh? I hope you don’t have any girl at home; cause greenhorns like you don't survive very long? But i like that you got guts boy; lets just hope you don't meet a watery end boy.” A toothy grin could be seen as he chuckled lightly patting the rabbits shoulder as he walked out of the guild with a whistle.

Yutu shook his head clearing his thoughts as he followed. Conroy chuckled before speaking once again. “If you work hard, and survive you could even get your own ship to command as captain but that is years of work.” The man said as they walked through the Harbor moving through the various crates, barrels, and containers coming into the town.

The two soon found themselves face to face with the Cape. “Welcome to the Cape, and this will be your home for the next couple of months. By the time you come back to Kapsudiac you will have learned every nook and cranny of this vessel. “We leave at eight o'clock sharp in the morning tomorrow, with or without you. Yutu nodded as he walked away to rest up for job ahead.

Seija Kijin

Counterattacking Amanojaku
Sep 10, 2018
Erde Nona
Click Here
As Yutu reached the ship he could see the various things being brought on board from food to various types of spears, to even replacements. Conroy walked over to the landlubber and chuckled. “You ready, to go hunt some whales boy?” the man oversaw the entire transferring of supplies onto his ship and yelled as one of the shipmates stumbled. “HEY DON’T TRIP THE SUPPLIES ARE TOO IMPORTANT TO WASTE!”

The shipmate said aye and went on his way carrying the crate up the gangplank. Yutu walked onboard with the rifle in hand. He had some faith in the goddess that she could take care of herself and not get into trouble but it still nagged him in the back of his mind as she would be likely alone for the better part of a year. Muttering to himself he whispered. “Well maybe she can find someone who can keep her busy while I’m gone; she tends to be bored so as long as she doesn’t go like kill someone she shouldn’t have problems.”

Yutu giving himself confidence in Chang’e’s abilities had him try to help the others where he could. Moving boxes, learning how to move the sails, etc.

The wind could be felt as Conroy barked orders to lower the sails and prepare for the voyage. The sound of the cloth unfurling could be heard as Yutu was moving the ropes to help angle the sails.

With the sails full and the ship moving well the sailors moved into their jobs around the ship Yutu working with one of the sailors to learn more. Noon turned to evening and evening turned to night. Yutu was one of the few awake and was busy writing into his journal.

Day 1,
Today marks the first day of my voyage; the other shipmates seem friendly and willing to help me learn how to work a ship. I hope you prepare for Junko whenever she may come. Hopefully, you will keep yourself safe, fed, and warm. I was informed that the first couple weeks should be uneventful as whales are out further into the ocean's waters. Well, it's getting late and I am going to be learning more tomorrow so I cut this entry short.
Signed, Yutu

Seija Kijin

Counterattacking Amanojaku
Sep 10, 2018
Erde Nona
Click Here
The rest of the week was equally as uneventful as the first; Yutu was slowly but surely becoming a well liked member of the crew from there hardworking demeanor and the fact the there personality is friendly. And so as the day turned into night Yutu entered the dining area moving some of the various items aside as he tossed a journal lightly onto the wooden table. A small black ink vial and a white feather. The sound of scratching onto the paper could be heard as the rabbit started his newest entry.

Day 7
It has been quiet among the other sailors as they wait excitedly for the sighting of the first whale. Beyond this simple fact there have been slight rumors about a white whale although everyone laughs and brushes the rumors off as fake; i should inquire about these rumors at a later date. But that is for a later date; it is getting late and i must get some rest for the long day tomorrow.
Signed, Yutu.

Yutu closed his notebook and headed to bed before going to sleep. The following morning he could hear the sounds of feet hitting the wood and rushing upstairs to the deck. Yutu followed suit putting the rifle over his shoulder via its strap. The sounds of the various ship mates could be heard as a whale rose above the water and blows causing the entire whaling crew to burst into action.

Yutu was grabbing the lances as they rushed over to the side of the boat looking around. While it wasn’t exactly known why he and other moon rabbits had an almost uncanny ability to sense stuff in a decent range around them it was quite helpful in many tasks. His ears perked up and he pointed in the general direction of the whale.

It took half a minute to get the two whaleboats into the water with Yutu in one of them. He moved over to one of the seats and readied the oar. When the motion was given they all started to row rather sloppily but soon found a rhythm as they chased the whale.

They after a while caught up to the stonefin whale. The leader of the whaleboat was handed the harpoon and aimed at the unaware whale. After a few tense seconds the harpoon flew through the air and punctured the whale as it started to burst into action. Yutu not ready for the lurching of movement had to grab the wooden seat to keep from hitting his head on the wood.

Soon the sound of the rope unwinding its 225 fathoms began as the whale started to dive.

“200 fathoms!” one of the crewmembers announced as the whale kept on diving. Precious seconds passed as the rope unwided.

“150 fathoms. Sir i think we are going to run out of rope.” And yet the whale struggling for its life continued to dive.

“100 fathoms we need to cut the rope lest we lose the boat completely sir!” The captain looked at his ship mate and spoke as he waited for the sign that the whale had given up.
“We will stick to our course till the rope runs out!”

The rope started to slow down as there was about 10 fathoms of rope left and the whale rose out of the water blood spilling from the puncture wound. The cries of victory could be heard as the whalers were pleased at there catch so early into the voyage.

The day turned to night as sharks tried to bite into the dead beast but were repeatedly shooed away from the whale. The sound of a blade cutting into pieces of blubber could be heard as the blubber was used to make a less profitable oil. Conroy walked over to Yutu who was busy cleaning the floor and smiled. “Boy time for your initiation, in these whales is a part that is where the best oil is. The other’s can’t get any more of the oil so your job is to gather the rest of it out.

Yutu, almost threw up over the side of the boat as he got close to the whale corpse. He steeled himself and climbed inside gagging at the horrid smell of blood, oil that smelled like fish, and the insides of the whale. Somehow he was able to steel himself and get out most if not all the good oil from the stinking corpse.

Once he climbed out, he walked over to the wash basin and started to clean himself and his fur from the smell and look of being covered in oil. Once the celebration and work had died down Yutu sat down to write his next entry into his journal.

Day 8...

Seija Kijin

Counterattacking Amanojaku
Sep 10, 2018
Erde Nona
Click Here
A whole month had passed after the first whale having gotten hunted down; as the barrels of whale oil slowly but surely filled up the lower hull. As Yutu stood by the railing of the ship watching the water go by he could hear the heavy leather boots of Captain Conroy walk up next to him pipe lit as he watched the waves roll by. "I'm impressed boy, you are quite the worker... well, at our rate we got a couple more months of work before we can return back home and get paid."

Yutu tapped the wood as something black in the darkness rose out of the water and dove back in. "Captain, did you see that?" Yutu blinked a couple times and it was gone... that is if it was even real.

"What are you saying boy? There is nothing there; you should go get some rest since you seem to be tired." a strong hand slapped the rabbit in the back as he nodded slightly.

"Yea it was probably nothing." a bump could be heard as the ship rolled side to side slightly. "Alright, that was definitely not nothing." the Captain looked around slowly as he grabbed a harpoon.

"Get the crew up boy, now!" the Captain roared at the rabbit as Yutu could see something out in the distance maybe 50 feet for so and the one thing that could be seen was a single eye that showed what Yutu could consider fire and brimstone and pure malice. Yutu rushed for the sleeping quarters and spoke worriedly.

"Everyone needs to get up, now! Captain's orders." the crew groaned and turned as one of them mumbled something in return; as they were exhausted from the hard work. Back on the deck, Yutu felt the boat shake as the whale rammed into it. Various items that hadn't been secured were rolling around and some of the stuff even fell off from the force of the blow.

After recovering the rabbit pulled their rifle and prepared it, lights turning on as it heats up. rushing over to the edge they could see a white whale digging itself into the wood. Easily the size of the ship and likely at least the length of two ships it was a monster akin to the mythological creatures of the deep and many scars and pieces of various whaling harpoons and lances could be seen; likely from the earlier victims of its rampage. "Eat this you oversized fish!" Conroy yelled as he threw a tri-pronged spear and it dug in causing the whale to rumble in minor pain as it dove back into the seas and didn't show back up in that period of time.

"The ship is taking on too much water!" one of the shipmates spoke as Conroy looked furious.

"Prepare to abandon ship! take as much food, water, and provisions as you can carry. Do not and I repeat do not get left behind because we are not waiting for you!" Conroy barked as Yutu fired the prepared shot into the water randomly before letting it turn off and helping the people grab cloth and other various nonprovisional items for protection among other things.

Time passed as everyone worked around the clock to gather more and more stuff for the trip at hand. And soon they were rowing away as the ship blew up in a blaze of glory.