**ELIMINATED 04** #19 -- Popeye the Sailorman

The Man in Red

malignant masked misanthrope
Level 1
Jul 30, 2020
Name: Popeye the Sailorman




Popeye the Sailorman is a Scrappy Opportunist

You don't serve a good long career in the United States Naval Service and an even longer career in the Merchant Marines without learning how to throw a good hard slug when you really need to, and by gum when you have a temper and ego like Popeye, you need to do it pretty often.

The other thing you learn to do is to grab life by the horns when it shows 'em and never let 'em go! The moment you can make a buck or make the goyl, you gotta give it everything you have! Don't be schmuck though! That just ain't me style!

Possible Reactions

Popeye's default reaction to most direct challenges or threats is to simply shout "Oh yeah?!" and punch them in the face. He lives and dies by the motto 'don't start nothing, won't be nothing.'

When confronted with a puzzling challenge or something he doesn't have, the Sailorman will try one or two brute force solutions before moving on with his life. He knows when to play to his strengths. "Well ain't this a pickle, arf arf!"

Popeye doesn't make friends so much, but he does like people. If someone he likes gets hurt, his first impulse is not to help them, but to avenge them. Violently. "WhyIOughtta..."

He's a rude and rowdy sailor! He likes drinks and loud brawls, dancing and goyls! He doesn't swear though, his momma raised him right.



'Combat' Style

Popeye generally has one solution to problems in front of him, which is to give it a good sluggin' and walk away. Now, don't mistake him for a complete simpleton; he knows how to create advantages and use his environment to help him. You know, the usual stuff...like turning a house upside down by flipping its door, or eating a gun and spitting out its bullets in rapid fire fashion. But, ultimately, when it comes down to brass tacks, Popeye is gonna swing his big meathooks until the problem goes away.

This sailorman is a brute, no doubt, but he's not a murderer. Once a shmuck has been put in their place, he'll walk away satisfied. That isn't to say he might not accidentally kill someone -- he has a hard time gauging his own strength. But he won't do it on purpose.

Won't hit a lady though. That's the only time he'll try to end a fight defensively. Once again, only through the simplest methods, such as tying a shotgun into a bowtie, or pulling the lawn out from under someone's feet like a rug.

If he's ever in true mortal danger, he'll break out his Spinach, and he'll set things straight pretty quick.

"Oh yeah?!"

"Arf arf arf!" (This is laughter, this is how he laughs.)

"Oh! Whoooah!"

"Hey, whattsamattawityou? You wanna pick on someone yer own size?"

"Oh now hang on a minute I just gotta get through this brick wall here..."

"Hey! I wantsk me goyl!"

"Howd'ya like that?!"

"One extra-special twista punch, a-comin' up!"

"Well blow me down!"

"Somethin' here seemsk like it might be wrong! Hey look! I was right! It's wrong!"

"Hey what'm I supposed to make'a this? I can read readin' but I can't read writin.'"

So how do I quantify Popeye's...dialect? Think of a Brooklyn accent mixed with weird little verbal hiccups, like adding erroneous k's to the end of words such as Housek, Hitsk, Shootsk, and Goosk. Also, there will be no fighting. Only fightin'. Popeye is not fond of girls, but he does like goyls from all over tha woyld. Throw in a couple of old timey sailor phrases like "I'll be!" "Ain't that somethin!" " "Stop in the name'a the coast guard!"

You get the idea.

If you have any specific threads or posts that you feel really highlight your character, that could help either myself or other people get a feel for writing them, then feel free to link a FEW of them here.


Please utilize all rubber-hose cartoon gags you can while in Popeye's presence. It's his primary superhuman ability aside from his musckles.