Old-Spider-Man Character Switch

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Jason Lee Scott

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Level 2
Jul 31, 2018
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Are you spending 50 Tokens? No

Has it been at least 6 months since your last switch? Yes

How much essence will this new character have? 2000

New Character Name: Jason Lee Scott

Is this character an OC or a Canon character? Canon Character

Starting Location? Kraw

Character Behavior
Jason is a Focused Leader. He has an excellent battlefield sense, able to formulate plans on the fly utilizing his team's strengths. While he can joke around and have fun outside of battle, he tends to be very focused on his opponent and his surroundings during combat and is difficult to distract. He prefers to lead by example, getting into the midst of the battle whenever possible. He is skilled in unarmed combat as well as with a sword or a dagger, but also capable with ranged weaponry.

Physical Description:

Jason is a tall, fit young man in his mid twenties. He has black hair and brown eyes. He will always be wearing something red in his outfit, whatever it may be.


Character History:

Jason Lee Scott was a normal high school student in the year 2008, set to graduate with the rest of Angel Grove High School’s senior class. He was the quarterback on the football team, had an after school job teaching martial arts, and a grade A student. His ideal life came crashing down with the sudden arrival of Rita Repulsa, an alien sorceress that was dedicated to bringing an end to planet earth. Her main target was his home city, Angel Grove. Shortly after her arrival, Jason and his four closest friends, Zack, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly, were whisked away to the Command Center, where they met another, far more benevolent alien: Zordon.

Zordon empowered the five teens with the ability to transform into Power Rangers, warriors imbued with ancient powers and armor that would allow them to combat Rita’s forces. He also equipped the five with massive machines known as Zords, key parts of their defensive strategy against Rita’s forces. Jason was chosen as the leader, and the Red Ranger. The five of them operated in secret, doing their best to battle Rita’s forces while preserving their secret identities. War with extraterrestrials changed the whole city of Angel Grove, however, with military occupation and nowhere to send the inhabitants as this became worse and worse.

The greatest threat they received was when Rita empowered their new friend Tommy with her hidden Green Ranger powers and controlled his mind. He was almost able to kill the Rangers, but was defeated in battle by Jason and freed from the spell. He quickly joined the team, but was relentlessly targeted by a vengeful Rita. Finally his powers were disabled, and he walked away from everything.

After six months of nonstop battles, Rita attacked Earth personally with all her might. The resulting battle spelled the end of the empress, and Earth settled into its new normal. The Rangers turned in their power coins to Zordon and returned to their civilian lives. Like the rest of the world, they remained constantly aware of the fact that they were not alone in the universe.

Ten years later, as they had grown into full adults and blended back in with society, Lord Zedd arrived. He demanded the Rangers and Zordon, outing their identities to the world at large. The core five searched for Zordon and Tommy both with no luck, but were able to reclaim their powers. They battled Zedd and his forces across the world while evading the governments that now hunted them as well as the galactic overlord.

Finally, in a climatic battle, Zedd and the Rangers clashed in the ruins of Angel Grove. As the battle raged on, suddenly both sides vanished, whisked away to a new world.

Jason awoke sealed in a tomb in the Crossroads, on Kraw. His power morpher was missing, and he had no idea how long he had been there, or where his friends or foes were.


Martial Arts Master - 800 E
Damage - Rank 1
Modifiers: Ongoing
Cost: 200 E

Move Object - Rank 1
Modifiers: Ongoing
Cost: 200 E

Agility - Rank 1
Modifiers: None
Cost: 200

Endurance - Rank 2
Modifiers: None
Cost: 200

Jason has trained in a variety of martial arts styles since he was young, and constantly works out. He has honed his skills through both constant practice and real world combat against a variety of foes his entire life. Even without his powers he is a lethal threat.

Android XVII

Thrice-told Tale
Staff member
Level 4
Jul 20, 2018
Mesa Roja
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Civil Unrest
This looks good, and I'm going to process all the clerical aspects of this change once I hit post.

I *don't* think you need to take Ongoing with Damage if it's just like ... punches and kicks and whatnot, which appears to be your intent. (unless Jason just turns into Chun Li and just perma-swing kicks for minutes on end, then yea, probably). I see plenty of other characters with "Hand to hand combat" without Ongoing, so I think you can save the Essence.
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