Warren Zimmer

Warren Zimmer

Level 1
Oct 1, 2018
Character Name: Warren Zimmer
Character Source: NFL Rush Zone + Omniverse

Spent Essence: 1000

Character Behavior:
  • Aggression(A): 30%
  • Cunning(C): 50%
  • Diplomacy(D): 10%
  • Support(S): 10%
Warren Zimmer has grown jaded with people pulling him to other dimensions against his will. In fact, he's quite sick of being the play thing of other people to put it mildly. However, now that he is in the world of Multerra he has realized the rules are not the same as the Omniverse. Having been started out with no information or intelligence on the place whatsoever, he's more than a little frustrated to put it mildly. Warren wishes ill will on the Arbiters for dragging him to the place against his will. Warren has also grown more easily outraged with people because of his experiences in the Omniverse. Really he longs for the day when he can stop being the play thing of anyone and everyone who wishes to use him as their toy.


NFL - Laser
Damage (100) Rank 1
Modifiers: Ranged (+50), Removable (-50)
(100 x 1) + (50 x 1) + (-50 x 1) = 100
Cost: 100 Essence
The NFL Laser is a golden colored laser that fires out of the bronze cuff on his wrist. While this does weak damage, it still allows him to protect himself from a variety of enemies.

Well Trained: This is the source of the agility Warren possesses. He has extensively drilled himself in athletic maneuvers, especially evasion and acrobatic maneuvers.
Agility - Rank 3 (600)
Ongoing (+300 Essence)

Affinities (You may select 1 at registration): Persuasive

Master Skills: