“Ghost Princess” Perona


Ghost Princess
Level 1
May 28, 2020
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User name: Perona

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Character Name: Perona

Character Source: One Piece

Starting Location: Opealon

Character Behavior:
Perona is a Gothic Lolita Trickster.

Often called the “Ghost Princess”, Perona’s behaviour comes from a love of the fusion of a cutesy with Victorian gothic aesthetics. She acts childish, losing her temper and shouting at others while acting foolish over cute things or gross things. She sometimes projects an immature overconfidence. Her laugh is an annoying shrill “horo horo horo.”

In combat she uses dirty tricks to avoid real physical confrontation, which she has no particular skill with. Her powers let her sap confidence while appearing to be weightless and incorporeal. She taunts and laughs as she floats around and takes in her opponent’s misery.

Physical Description:

Perona is a young woman with long pink hair and wide, doll-like eyes. She wears frilly dresses, stripey stockings, elaborate hats and other over the top cosplay style outfits. She often carries a parasol due to her extremely fair skin.

Character History:

Perona’s childhood was morose and tragic. She ran away from a home where she wasn’t unappreciated and ignored in the hopes of amassing an army of adorable (and loyal) minions.

At some point she found and ate one of the cursed Devil Fruits. The “Horo-Horo-no-Mi” gave her the power to project ghost-like things from her body. At first she learned these could sap the confidence of even the bravest men ... particularly the brave. Fierce warriors would double over and weep, overcome with negativity, even depression. This didn’t last long but it would often be enough for the Ghost Princess to skip past opponents and defeat much stronger foes. With time she developed even more uses for her ghosts, including making them explode and, most impressively, projecting her consciousness into an astral ghost form.


Effect: Debuff - Rank 4 (400)
Modifiers: Ongoing (+100); Affects Multiple (+50); Indirect (+100); Ranged (+50); Weakness (Does not effect the negative; pessimists, the depressed, the soulless, etc) (-25)
Total Cost: 1500

Description: Perona launches a smiling ghost that can phase right through things and people. If it goes through a person it can sap their confidence, bravery, positivity and will to live. This is the most effective on people with over abundance of confidence, ones who never doubt themselves. It has no effect on those who are inherently negative, depressed or soulless.

Effect: Damage - Rank 3 (300)
Modifiers: Ranged (+50)
Total Cost: 450

Description: With practice Perona has learned to ignite the ectoplasm of her conjured ghosts causing small explosions.

Effect: Sense (Sight and Hearing) - rank 1 (200)
Modifiers: Indirect (+100); Activation (-100); Concentration (-50)
Total Cost: 150

Effect: Illusion (Sight and Sound) - rank 2 (500)
Modifiers: Ranged (+50); Limited (Only works when used in a helpless meditative stance and to create a ghostly illusion of herself, though she can vary her details she can conjure NO other images or sounds) (-50); Activation (-100); Concentration (-50)
Total: 200

Combined Cost: 350

Description: Perona’s most complicated ability, she’s learned to go into a meditative trance (which takes at least 30 seconds of uninterrupted concentration) and project her consciousness into one of her ghosts. It can appear like herself, a ghost version of herself, or a giant version of herself. She can fly and go through walls but essentially she is not real. This astral form can’t be touched but she also cannot physically touch others. The ideal is to hide her body and pretend she has ghost powers, in reality she is very vulnerable, helpless in fact, until she can get her astral form back to her body.

How much Essence did you spend? 1975

How much Essence do you have left? 25

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