A Necrotic Waste of Space

The Living

Level 1
Jul 17, 2021
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Ripples quickly faded into the vast waters around the line that tugged at the catch below, the radio stirring splashing water on the treated wood of the boat as the scruffy fisherman fought against his dinner. His skin was burnt by the scorching sun, indicative of how long they had been out here trying to wrestle what little Opealon had to offer in its less infested waters. His ragged trousers and bleached shirt barely protected him from the harshness of the ocean. The sturdy rod struggled with the strength of the fish, forcing the fisherman to brace his foot against the edge and pull even harder, the rod bending fiercely down into the water.

Another fisherman watched while relaxing against the sloops cabin, amused by his friend’s battle. He seemed much older, having grey streaks through his hair and beard as he held a bottle of moonshine that he occasionally took a swig from. His outfit was much more colorful, and he sported shorts and a jacket that he wore over a tank top, in much better shape than his partner.

“My money is on the fish if you are having that much trouble!”

“Shut the hell up and grab the net, if this one gets away, I’m putting you over the damn stove!”

After a hearty laugh, the older fisherman, getting ready as they peeked over the edge and into the water, quickly scooping up as the fish came to the surface. However, instead of the shiny scales and flopping tail of a fish, the fisherman scooped up a large green blob that held the fish inside, partially digested. It barely had any scales and blood poured from the flesh that was exposed to the jelly-like creature from the inside. The poor prey convulsed and seemed to still be alive, though how, one could only guess.

The steaming fisherman cut the line and punched the nearby mast. “Goddamn jellyfish. Ruined all of the meat with whatever stomach acid it probably chucked up on it. Fuck it, throw it in the barrel and maybe we can wash it off or make a good stew, I’m too damn hungry for this shit.”

The older fisherman quickly dumped the green glob and its meal into a barrel and closed it. The smell of rot permeated through the salty sea air, even after being sealed away. The net that the fisherman held the slime in was falling apart, the string soaked and tearing with ease. It sent a chill up the fisherman’s spine, but he thought nothing else of it.

“I’m telling you, it’s all about patience. We ate at sunrise and it’s not even noon yet. You better be a better pirate than a fisherman, because that would be the only way you even last a week on your own out here.”

The younger man with the scraggly goatee simple spit into the ocean and retreated back into the cabin. It appeared that if they were going to eat tonight, the old man would have to catch it himself. With a sigh, he waddled over and sat at the edge of the portside of the sloop, baiting his line and casting it before taking a seat in the sun. He reached over and opened a chest to retrieve his wide-brimmed hat, perfect for such an occasion. It wasn’t the first time a net broke while on a trip, it would just take a bit more to make sure he secured the catch.

Behind him, the barrel began to bubble, unnoticed by the two men. The lid slowly slid as the slime began to spill out the top onto the boat, no longer having the fish inside it. In fact, if one were to look, the fish would be nowhere to be found, and and the treated wood of the barrel seemed to be almost rotting, easily softening and breaking away as the slime spread, still hungering for another meal. One might almost assume that the slime was smelling the air, and if the slime could speak, it would be thinking of one thing.

Fresh meat.

The Living

Level 1
Jul 17, 2021
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More seawater splashed against the bow of the ship as the old fisherman pulled up another fish, wrangling it into his bucket. He wiped his salty brow and turned to deposit his few catches into the barrel, only to see what had become of it. The almost goopy pile of wood sunk into the metal rims of the container, leaving only a mushy mess. Along it was a trail of mold that led to the cabin.

“Jerry, watch out for that jellyfish, I think it got out!”

Only the crashing of the sea responded.

“Jerry, are you alright in there?”

The fisherman inched forward, cautious to move around the wood that had already begun to cave into itself. The door was ajar, and the trail continued as the man readied his gutting knife. If that jellyfish was some sort of sea monster, he needed to be ready.

“Jerry, if you can hear me, keep your head down, I’m coming in!”

The old man stumbled forward, his foot slipping a bit into the soggy wood, before finally heading into the cabin. A gasp came from him as he found his companion missing a large portion of his body, a foul smell coming from what was left of his corpse. The entire boat smelled of death and decay.

This was much worse than a simple sea monster.

The man felt his strength wane, as if his flesh and bones were already beginning to fail him. He turned to see the pile of slime in the corner of the room, before a strong wave crashed into the boat and sent him reeling. He had not the chance to scream as the destructive slime encompassed his entire head, burning away at his flesh and depriving him of his breath. The knife frantically slashed away at the creature, tearing off bits as it seemed to recoil from the harm. It was not enough. Each thrust wavered until his arm hung limp at his side, the light from the man’s eyes fading with his life.

These meals would supply the creature for more than a few days. It would need it for its journey.

The Living

Level 1
Jul 17, 2021
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The creature prodded at the leftovers of its food, mostly bones and tissue that didn’t dissolve into the corrosive jelly that had engorged itself with them. As the marrow slowly dissolved, it could not help but feel a spark in itself. It no longer felt the need to push without reason. Without something that it would seek.


Something within it began to change and adapt. Some type of sense that it could not comprehend before. It felt more than just instinct now. As if this feeding had nourished it to something beyond what it was before.


The leftovers inside it were more than just immediate energy. It could be stored. It could be thrown away. It needed not to gorge itself so tremendously, to waste what it had taken. In turn, it could use its resources more wisely.


Though matter had dissolved into the dark green mass, it had not recovered from the wounds of the knife earlier. The slivers had themselves been cut off from its host and left to wither into thin wafers of raisin-like flesh.


The answer was simple. The creature seemed to retreat into itself, the effect of its aura becoming nonexistent as it began to grow, replacing the goop that it had lost in its attack. As it reached its peak of health, the process halted.


With its current needs taken care of, it needed to scan its surroundings. The rotted wood and melting plastic had already taken its toll on the boat, causing it to ride lower in the water. The creature would need to be careful, as losing the vessel would leave it to consume fish and crustaceans once more at the bottom of the ocean. It now enjoyed this new environment, this new taste of existence.


Without a way to direct the boat, it needed to be able to scan for other vessels or land. The creature prodded up the mast of the boat, pushing itself up until it reached the top. From here it could sense further out from the drifting sloop than before. Even without eyes, it could sense the light on its flesh, the vibrations in the air, the change of chemicals in the air when the breeze would catch the sail. It was aware of these things now, instead of just acting upon them. It was aware of itself. This would be the first step to becoming something more.


Murder Drone
Aug 6, 2018
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Around it, the water churned and frothed into a huge foaming, boiling wake as the great beast went. Swimming with a deceptive, sinuous ease despite the immense size and speed of its progress. Only the wickedly-sharp and gleaming dorsal spines showed clearly above water, flickering a pale electric-blue in the misty air as sunlight caught them. Like the fins of far too many great sharks swimming in single file, they cut through the water as surely as any blade.

Lost and unsure of exactly where it was going, Godzilla nonetheless moved forward undeterred.

This water could hardly be endless. It would find something sooner or later, and then....then it would know. It would know where to go and what to do, instinctively, as it always had.

Forward progress was briefly interrupted by an unexpected presence ahead. Sitting idle and still in the water, reeking of death and decay to such an extent that it gave even the massive lizard pause. Something made by human hands, of metal and wood and other things...it should not have smelled so. So utterly, completely and horribly wrong.

The eyes of the great predator narrowed to slits as it reared up and then dove down below the surface of the water with a veritable explosion of foam and mist, like some giant hand had thrown a scoop of spray into the air. A thrashing of its tail drove the scaled kaiju below, many dozens of feet with a single swift motion, to dive below the foreign vessel.

The resulting wake and waves made the decaying fishing boat rock and sway in the water unsteadily, bits of its rotting construction sliding and slipping around and sloughing off into the churning waters below.

The moment the noxious sludge touched the water...Godzilla reacted instinctively.

Now it was not just a 'smell' of wrongness and death, but a pervasive 'feel' of the same. Something that triggered that instinctive reaction deep within its brain, of being in danger. A feeling it was not used to experiencing, but all the same recognized. When it had been weakened, or when it had been debilitated and wounded.....it had felt it. It was an unpleasant, altogether horrifying experience, that sensation. That feeling of not being the strongest, most dangerous predator in the area.


Writhing and thrashing, the titanic lizard let loose a harrowing, screaming roar of such ferocity that even from below the water its muted cacophony of agony and rage could be clearly heard. It surged up from below, breaking the surface with the fury of a bomb going off among the murky foam. The wake and force of it nearly capsized the comparatively tiny fishing vessel, as Godzilla whirled around to face it.

It had not yet detected the slime-entity aboard the ship. Rather, it regarded the entire ship itself as the source of this strange, alien feeling of utter wrongness. This sickening feeling of decay and impending death. This overbearing presence of something alien and hungry.

A low growl built up in the kaiju's throat, and it lashed out with a massive, clawed hand, the swipe tearing huge chunks of rotten wood out of the ship's cabin and scattering them to the waves like so much kindling.

The Living

Level 1
Jul 17, 2021
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The newfound self awareness that the necrotic slime was beginning to savor was quickly interrupted by the sudden collapse of the mast it was perched on top of. Its fall was ungraceful as it dripped onto the main deck on the ship, sloshing about as the water seeped aboard. The whole deck was leveled, and although it was still afloat, it was clear that the fate of this vessel would end deep below the waves.

The creature scooted itself along the wood, trying to get a sense of what had disturbed it. The gelatinous blob scoured the edge of the boat, peering over the edge at the Kaiju that had appeared before it. Something stirred within the blob of chaos that encouraged it to move towards the creature, a hunger that was past simple nourishment. A hunger that seemed to crave something more.

This hunt would be for something far greater than survival, and it would be the first of many to come.


Murder Drone
Aug 6, 2018
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Movement on the ship below, beyond the simple shifting of debris and sloshing of water and rotted wood, alerted the giant lizard to something else being here. Something slick and slimy and shiny and green. Something that gave off the same overbearing sense of utter wrongness, radiating a stench of death of decay.

The kaiju's eyes zeroed in on it with laser focus, narrowing to gleaming blue slits as it recoiled and growled menacingly. A clear sign of warning to stay away and back off, or suffer the consequences.

The bizarre slime-thing was entirely unfazed, simply continuing to ooze across the remains of the ship, sloshing and slipping among the water but making a beeline right for the side and simply tumbling over the edge into the water below.

The moment that thing left the ship's deck, Godzilla reacted. An unearthly, ear-piercing noise somewhere between a primal screech of pure terror and a world-shaking roar of anger at being ignored in its oh-so-generous warning, and then it struck. Whirling about with a speed and precision entirely at odds with its size, it lashed out with a strike of one colossal fist, crashing into the remains of the ship with a virtual explosion.

Water and splinters of rotted wood and rusted nails and warped plastic flew into the air along with a plume of water, as the sea spray rushed in to fill the new yawning void in the ship's deck. The vessel started to list crazily in the water, the frothing waves starting to tip it to and fro and threaten to drown it entirely at any moment.

It had entirely missed the slime.

Slowly it crept across and through the waves, its noxious green mass making the water sizzle and spoil as it went. Something oily and viscous bubble up around it. Foul smells rose up, and when it finally slipped through all the murk both self-created and otherwise, it latched onto the exposed hide of the kaiju...

...and immediately the beast reacted with a startled noise. A deafeningly high-pitched shrieking noise, of combined surprise, frustration and sudden pain. It was no more than a discomforting stinging, as if some minor scratch or abrasion...at first.

Then it started to get worse.

Though there were no teeth in the bizarre wrong-thing's body, its acidic and corrosive makeup tore and ate at the kaiju's skin and flesh as efficiently as any great carnivore's maw. Steaming and melting and decaying, the skin taking on a sickly greenish-blue tinge like some giant bruise, rapidly spreading out beyond the slime's actual presence.

Godzilla reacted to this sudden pain in the only way it could: a swift, harsh slash of its own gigantic claws. Shredding through its own flesh and hide in a clumsy, mostly-blind gesture. Four huge gashes opened up in its flesh, and thick gushes of blood poured out, the bizarre bluish-green fluid staining the water and instantly setting it to steaming and boiling from the heat. The slimy green form of the bizarre, predatory creature had been swept away by the desperate maneuver, splattering against the sinking hull of the ship.

Godzilla threw itself forward, raising both arms up and over its head and brought them down with all the force its tremendous size and fury could bring to bear. The resulting explosion of water and sludge, and the deafening cacophony of shredding wood and steel was spectacular, sending bits of the destroyed vessel to come crashing down alongside the pattering 'rainfall' of the blown out water.

Godzilla itself slowly retreated below the surface, its own self-inflicted wound urging it to flee from this strange encounter. The sheer prospect of being actually brought to pain was not an entirely foreign feeling; it was that something so small and so utterly bizarre and foreign had done it. It wasn't the greater predator or monster here, it was just too unknown.

Godzilla was not afraid...Godzilla was cautious.

Not cautious enough, however, to avoid the second sickening bite of the slime.

It slunk through the waters like the noxious, ravenous jellyfish it had been mistaken for only a short time ago, and in the chaos and frantic rush of churning ocean waters, it slipped through and again latched onto the hide of its prey. Slithering and writhing and squirming among the jagged, bony plates on the titanic entity's back, the necrotic slime sank itself down to blanket as large an area of the exposed flesh there...and then set to consuming it again.

The kaiju's eyes snapped open wide, and a blistering torrent of garbled air and screeching noises erupted from it as it rolled and twisted and crazily writhed in the water. It threw itself about, seeking walls or other objects that weren't there to smash into and grind this thing off of its back...but there was nothing. It dove down further, deeper into the waters, seeking something solid below, until it reached the glimmering shadow of a coral reef among the murky waters..

Godzilla crashed into it, throwing up a submerged cloud of dust and stone debris as it tried desperately to dislodge the slime lurking out of its reach, leaving the sea-life occupying the reef scattering in sudden frantic terror.

872 words by my count.

your move, son.

The Living

Level 1
Jul 17, 2021
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The slime suctioned itself to the side of the Kaiju as much as it could, being sure to use as much damage while it clung to the beast like a toxic booger. The hunger it felt in this battle was focused on offense and destruction, hoping to take the beast that had attacked it to the depths. Godzilla had not expected a monster such as this, seeing that it had trouble trying to counter it.

With a lucky swipe, it managed to smack an arm into the floundering creature and smack it into the boat with a deafening crack. Green goo splattered across the rotted wood and a large chunk of the slime had managed to be split off from the main body. It retreated into the decaying wood and Godzilla could feel its aura of decay diminish, searching the boat for the damaged creature.

Underneath the rubble of the mast and cabin, the gelatinous being had begun to recover once more, using the meals from before to rapidly regenerate the lost portion of itself. Godzilla confusion caused it to slam back down upon the ship, its claws tearing through the remains of the cabin and narrowly missing the cursed slime by mere inches. The creature did not fear as well, for it did not have a concept of death besides the ceasing of its meal’s existence.

The Kaiju roared as the slime erupted from the wooden wastes, the necrotic aura returning with a bit more force than before. Another swipe forced the boat to nearly capsize, sending the slime flying up from the springboard effect of the ship. Like a pancake flung from a skillet, it flattened itself in the air, guiding itself before landing on the Kaiju’s face. It burned into its skin and pushed against it, until Godillza managed to grab it and throw it towards the water.

The slime dipped into the ocean and smacked into a school of fish, causing them to scatter in fear. Continuing to jet through the water, the slime looped around and flung itself back on the ship. If it could feel anything more than anger, it would be frustrating at its rudimentary tools to take down this giant.

368 with google docs, you lucky im working hard adam ;P


Murder Drone
Aug 6, 2018
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Slowly, the increasingly disgruntled kaiju broke the water's surface again. Covered in stinging abrasions and patches of its own blood, and grown ever more wary of the necrotic slime, it kept its distance from the splintered remains of the boat. Among the wreckage, the exact position of the slime was hard to see even with its noxious green color.

Staring at it intently, every muscle in the titanic lizard's body only grew more tightly wound and tense while waiting for something to happen. Some new reaction, or attack by the tiny thing. The fact that it was still able to function at all, especially so easily and swiftly, after sustaining so many repeated thrashings and strikes from a creature as mighty as Godzilla was...wrong, somehow. Even other monsters of its own size were bound to recoil and suffer visible damage and slowing after only a single devastating blow.

Why, then, was this....thing still so full of fight?

A low snarling noise built up in the kaiju's throat as it rose further out of the water. First to just chest height, its arms only barely cresting the water's surface, then on further up until it rose up to nearly waist-level, towering over the husk of the fishing vessel. Teeth bared in a snarl, the enraged and frightened lizard let out another ear-splitting screeching roar as one arm flashed up in a blur of motion, fingers spread wide in a clawing motion, and came crashing down.

Like a thunderbolt, there was a deafening crash as claws and scaled hide made contact with the soggy wood and rusted metal. Shards and splinters went flying as the ruined ship burst asunder, the largest chunks of it being caught in the grasp of the great beast as it was slowly hauled up out of the water.

A dull, rippling growling noise went up from somewhere deep in its chest, as the fistful of wreckage was brought up to eye level....and then it squeezed. A grisly staccato of crunching, crackling and grinding arose from its mitt, as the detritus was crushed to splinters and useless powder.

...and a faint, sizzling, bubbling noise began to sound as well. Thin streams of putrid, vile green vapor filtered out through the clenched fingers, carrying with them the sickly-sweet smell of rot and decomposing flesh.

The pain took several seconds to set in, in the mind of the great lizard...but when it did, the thing's eyes slowly went wide. Thick, pulsing veins of dark blue crept from the outer edges of its eyes toward the razor-thin slit of its pupils, and its face contorted into a grimace as it howled in agony, and with a reflexive motion whipped its arm about and flung the fistful of necrotized dreck away, the sludge-like mass skipping over the water's surface several times before sinking below the briny foam.

Godzilla's hand was reduced to a dissolving, rotting mess. Errant twitches and spasms ran through it, bits of blackened flesh slowly peeling and falling away as blood ran thickly down the fingers. The palm, especially, was ruined nearly down to the bone, several chunks of flesh and muscle eaten completely away.

This was not the first time that even one so might as Godzilla had been wounded so badly. In many battles before, it had suffered greatly at the hands and powers of similarly massive and powerful foes. At times, it had even...lost battles, and been driven into retreat or a death-like hibernation trance to recover. Its record was far from perfect, and nowhere even in the neighborhood of flawless.

....but that was against foes it regarded as in its own league. Giant monsters and abominations of its own scale, massive and powerful beyond the reckoning of lesser animals and mortal humans. This thing though...this vile little slime-entity? It was so small and pitiful to look at, so insignificant as to be utterly beneath notice under normal circumstances. It would have been squished and reduced to waste in a single glance.

It should have been no more than a mere nuisance, at best.

Why, then...was it so persistent and surviving? Why was it so defiantly fighting back, with such an unnaturally voracious hunger, and trying to consume something as mighty as Godzilla? Why was this insignificant, pathetic speck daring to try and make prey out of the King of Monsters?!

Though its intelligence was limited, there was one thing that even a beast like the wounded kaiju shared with those wiser than it: pride.

And that pride had been wounded along with its body.

Godzilla, its blood boiling with rage at the audacity and insanity of this insignificant little slime, erupted into a frenzy of motion. Surging forward in the water, it threw itself full-force into motion. Submerged up to its eyes in the increasingly toxic waters, the great beast crashed down upon the mound of slimy wreckage the gelatinous entity had barely extricated itself from.

A massive clawed mitt came surging up from below, catching the entire thing and hurling it skyward. The ruined wood splintered and sloughed away, leaving the green slime of the audacious, hungry creature to wobble and sparkle in the rays of the water world's sun.

A fierce growling noise built up in Godzilla's throat, and with a speed and precision that was starkly and frighteningly at odds with its size, the massive kaiju hurled itself up and out of the water, whirling around in midair as it lashed out with its tail.

There was a sharp sound like breaking glass as the long, terrifyingly powerful appendage struck the slime, and sent it rocketing down into the water, leaving a foaming and bubbling trail as it sank torpedo-like into the murky depths beyond sight.

961 words by my count.


The Living

Level 1
Jul 17, 2021
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One might say that the necrotic slime sunk into the sea similar to what happens when a kid at the pool can no longer hold it in. A silent mistake that hopefully nobody would notice, nor dare to acknowledge. A wavering pink coral caught the green death jello, and if it could regret that decision, it would do it wholeheartedly. The wilting of its stalk and arms caused it to nearly invert itself as it sputtered and broke off of the sea shelf, its life over in an instant.

As for the slime, it would bide its time, harnessing its energy and recuperating from the devastating blow it had received. You might say it almost felt as if it had been sneezed away. The impact on the water tore away at its form, and it had barely managed to keep itself from dissolving into the water. As it grew back into its form, the jelly-like creature sensed its rival above, staring down into the depths to see if it would return.

This intensity caused a sudden spark in the slime. A spark that would linger in its gelatinous being and be used again. As if there had been something that was more than just toxic jelly that composed it.

It began to plot.

Being squeezed to nonexistence was something that it could not afford. However, without proper form, it would hold no chance against his opponent. It continued to regenerate, sensing its immediate area around the reef before it settled on a target. It hovered above a bony and spiky coral. It seemed almost dead, fitting for the use it would have for the slime. It would not benefit from this exchange, and its existence would only be the stool for the slime to climb upon and reach the next level of predation.

It slipped onto the spikes, allowing it to be pierced through, taking damage as it settled into place. Even without pain, the slime could feel itself leak as it continued its task, but it did not matter. The regeneration from feeding was enough to supply it, and the coral might actually last long enough to be of decent use. The sturdy coral was firm enough that even the great Godzilla would be pricked by this prickly pair.

Now it could begin.

This time, it would not rush in. It would not give in to its immediate instinct. It swept along the ocean floor, drifting towards the large legs that waded the water. The slime would settle in front of the King of Monsters, before firmly burning into its foot.

A deep growl erupted from Godzilla before they stomped down, the large size of his foot enough to pull the slime in before slamming down on it with a sickening crunch. Large shards of the coral broke off like glass into the giant’s sole, tearing into the flesh as it quickly became infected by the toxic sludge.

Though it had achieved its goal, the slime had sacrificed a large chunk of itself to the surrounding water. It continued to process and duplicate its cells, retreating as it took shelter in the water, where it could move more freely in its gelatinous form, even while it was regenerating. More sweeping slashes disturbed the water, tearing through and leaving crushing ripples in its wake. One managed to clip the swimming slime, swirling it in a vortex and confusing it for a moment. A few spines were sucked out of the sludge, taking a few bits of it as they ejected.

It was not enough.

The corrosive creature shot back into the ship, slinking around the ruined mast. Godzilla continued to swipe and claw, tearing the ship apart as it began to split in half. The slime had barely managed to duck down far enough to avoid the damage, and at this point, it had already healed a large amount of itself before switching back to expanding its force around it.

The decay returned as Godzilla suddenly elbow dropped on the ship. It was clear that the slime was using it for cover, and with the drop, it splintered apart into the open sea, a graveyard of wooden boards and tattered cloth.

The slime continued below the water, keeping far below as it tried to reposition itself. The Kaiju was well aware of how it moved around, and was alert to any sudden changes. It would be difficult to sneak up on them now. Still, the increase in awareness that the slime felt as if it would snowball, starting to adapt to how it should approach this enemy.

It was clear there was already plenty of damage dealt to the monstrous lizard, but it seemed as if it had only made it angrier. Two different monsters trying to claim survival. They could not leave this fight without the other being utterly defeated.

Another roar echoed over the sea as the slime continued to work its way around the waters. The great Kaiju pushed away the debris, huffing and searching for the slime’s presence. It knew that it was still alive. It could feel it.

A glint of green among the fish flickered before the King of Monsters, barreling forward and snatching the slime from the water, squeezing it with its claws. Dangerously caustic goop poured into the sea before the slime could escape once more, forcing it to regenerate again.

Godzilla ducked down into the water, frantically trying to find the creature. It could not continue this fight while the toxic green culprit repeatedly undid its damage. It would need to end this fight as fast as possible.

Another flash of green stretched to Godzilla’s face, eating into it once more before the Kaiju retaliated with another claw, slicing off another slice of caustic jelly. The slime seemed to start having trouble regenerating the flurry of attacks, this time taking a defensive position against the giant. Perhaps this would be where the tide truly turned...
996 with google docs


Murder Drone
Aug 6, 2018
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The kaiju staggered back from the slime creature, heaving increasingly ragged breaths from the combined exertion and damage it had sustained. While individually the wounds would have been nothing, even as gruesome as they were, when added up as they were...it was beginning to wear the giant beast down. As much of a juggernaut as it was, and as much of a terror to even fathom bringing it down as it was...Godzilla was not a completely insurmountable foe.

This hungry little pest was proving that point all too clearly.

The more that it consumed and wore away with its acidic presence, the more the great kaiju's strength flagged and a familiar icy sensation began to set in: fear.

A deep, base, animal level fear of injury and death.

It kindled the anger burning in the titan's heart to an all-new height, but it knew that if things continued as they had been then it might unfortunately be more of an inevitability than a possibility. It didn't have the words or thoughts to express it, didn't have the logical capacity to understand the depths of the dilemma facing it...but it knew, all the same, that death was looming overhead, watching the conflict.

....but who would it finally take?

One great hand rose up, wiping at its face to tear away the lingering traces of slime and smear the rotted flesh and blood away. If this encounter was going to end in its favor, then it had to be ended now, that much it knew. This had to be ended swiftly and immediately, before the tiny pest could do any more damage.

The quivering blob of green jelly slowly slithered and jetted itself about among the water, using the boiling froth and splintered wreckage of the former ship to hide itself as much as it could. A deceptive intelligence, only seeming to slowly grow over time and plot out its best course of action with an unforeseen cunning. Even as it weakened physically, it had strengthened mentally by some small margin and it could now tell that its prey was weakening as well. In spite of its steadily mounting fury, the kaiju was beginning to lose steam.

It was only a matter of time, now.

Godzilla jerked where it stood in the water, and thrashed out with a wide sweeping blow. The result was a veritable tidal wave of seawater, thrown up and scattered in a huge arc. Below the surface, the caustic jelly simply bobbed and flitted about in the ensuing current, and quickly darted around for another pass at its monstrous foe.

The flash of green registered to the titanic lizard's eye too late, and a slashing blow from its claws only met water as the slime hurled itself free of the waves and adhered to the kaiju's leg. A deep shudder ran through the beast, along with a noise of pain that left it breathless and winded. Unable to do more than numbly and weakly swat and claw at the slime as it set about wetly sliding and oozing over its foe, Godzilla sank down into the waves. First to one knee, then to both, then both arms came crashing down to rest among the coral reef below.

Droplets of blood the size of watermelons trickled down, plopping from the trembling beast's body into the water below, turning it into a steaming soup of rotten flesh and destroyed scales. The kaiju's eyes began to drift closed, the fire in its gaze starting to dim. It was aching and injured seemingly everywhere, and it knew that it couldn't easily get away any longer. It knew, or rather hoped, that this little slime couldn't possibly be voracious enough to consume the entire mass of the King of Monsters.

It wanted to close its eyes and rest. Just for a few minutes, to regain its composure and catch a second wind, to truly pulverize this gelatinous pest.

Slowly, its eyes fluttered closed and it sank forward into the sea, slipping beneath the waves with a dull rumbling and sloshing of displaced water.

....the moment that the salty, oily and polluted sea water touched the fresh wounds on its back and face, however, something within the beast snapped. Flashes of that horrible dream that had awoken it, of the oily and decaying seas, of that awful storm devouring all the sunlight and those horrid, burning eyes.

It had awoken to fight, hadn't it? Godzilla had awoken to fight, and destroy, that vile all-consuming wrongness.

Then why was it here, struggling against this insignificant little whelp? This tiny speck of pure appetite and decay mindless burbling anger? It was nothing but a single droplet compared to the suffocating ocean that the King of Monsters had been dragged out of its deep slumber to boil away with its fury.

So why, then, was it losing?!

Beneath the water, the kaiju's eyes shot open, blazing a deep cobalt. Even the razor-thin slits of its pupils were gone, leaving naught but glowing blue orbs. A deep, reverberating rumble sounded from deep within the titanic reptile's chest, as it dug claws into the seafloor.

No. It wasn't losing...it wasn't going to just give up!

A surge of defiant strength rippled through the mighty beast, and it heaved itself upward and forward, ripping through and demolishing nearly the entire coral reef with its passage. A frantic grasping motion, and it seized a chunk of rock, yanking on it and sending its entire body into a spiraling, drunken corkscrew as it slammed into and grated against the sea floor and reef.

Chunks of its decayed, necrotized flesh and scales sloughed off, thick streams of its blue-green blood left behind, and the slime was smashed and crushed against the stone and reef to finally be dislodged as the kaiju thundered forward and slowly looped around for a direct, berserk charge at the slime.

Now or never.

One of them would end right here.

Right now.

1,000 words exactly by my count.

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The Living

Level 1
Jul 17, 2021
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The clawed hand that cut through the air found its mark. The slime was split in pieces, scattering as it began to sink into the water. Godzilla stood quiet, unsure if it had dealt the final blow. Underneath the surface, the necrotic ooze continued to sink deeper still, feigning death while it gathered its strength.

This would not be where it ceased to exist.

This monstrous opponent, most likely with years of existence to call upon for its memory and thoughts. The slime had only existed for mere moments as it was now. Even before, it was sure that not more than a month had passed since it first hungered.

There could be no end where there was only a beginning. The withering slabs of slime began to come together, pulsating with new life as if a chorus of its cells had decided that it was time to riot. It was time for the toxic sludge to prove that it was here to stay, and that existence would snuff out everything else weaker.

Nothing would be more eternal than it. No longer would anything else live. The slime was what would be counted as alive. For what could be more alive than that which proves its life by vanquishing others? It was the only thing alive. It was the living.

I am the Living.

My consciousness snapped into place like a light switch being turned on. I felt myself fall through the ocean, the darkness consuming me as I assessed what had become of me. That creature had been correct in its assumptions. By now, did it truly have the superior intelligence to match the truly living being that I had become?

I already knew the answer as my body came together. I felt refreshed with power and hungered for more. This was just a taste of what I could become, of what I am meant to be.


My body was more vigorous than ever before. I strode through the waters, being sure to keep enough distance from the surface so as to not give away my presence. I grazed the giant’s leg, biting into it with my form before moving on.

I thrashed about in the water below the creature, stirring up enough force as it struggled to keep me away. There was no doubt in my newfound mind that this creature knew its fate. The moment it had crossed my path an inevitable outcome had become clear.

Today, Godzilla will fall.

The burst of regeneration I felt was not hindered by the necrotic aura I continued to inflict upon the creature. I held nothing back as I pushed myself up the creature's back, forcing it to flail and scream into the sky. It would not matter.

As I reached its head, a thrilling conclusion came to me. What better way to teach this beast the truth of reality, than to teach it its most basic rule.

Eat. Or be eaten.

Death was truly an impossibility, the Living could not be eaten. With this law in my mind I did what no other would dare to do.

I ventured into the mouth of Godzilla.

And I forced it to eat me.

Used one focus to amp up my abilities to work at the same time and kick them into overdrive. Have a nice meal! 533 words


Murder Drone
Aug 6, 2018
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Godzilla staggered back, sputtering and coughing as the slime forced itself into the towering kaiju's mouth and down its throat.

Immediately steam and the vile taste of burning, rotting meat started to rise up and pour out of the titan's mouth even as it retched and gagged, trying to dislodge the offending alien entity. Not only was the vile little monstrosity literally eating its foe from the inside out now, it was lodged in such a way that it was making breathing difficult. Air simply wasn't going where it needed to. Choking and wheezing, and the surge of defiant strength already beginning to desert it, the King of Monsters sagged into the water, dropping with a reverberating boom down to one knee.

It squeezed and clawed at its own throat, to the point of drawing blood. Not foolish enough to literally tear itself apart to get at the noxious, gelatinous intruder...but increasingly desperate as air dwindled and the searing pain escalated. Any predator knew, had a deeply-ingrained ability to sense when death was near, when injuries and wounds would finally win out in the end and bring down a creature. Everything that hunted and killed knew, on some base level, the signs to watch for.

Godzilla was one such predator.

And right now, in that place among the bloodied and corrupted waters...it sensed those very things, and it felt the icy-cold stare of Death itself looming over them. The only question now was which one of them it would bring down its scythe upon. Which one of them would die, and become a source of strength for the other? Would the kaiju be nothing more than food, or would this eerily alien slime simply be the first of many victories for the King of Monsters?

Somewhere deep within Godzilla's failing, wearied body...a spark crackled. Fizzling and searing along the titan's spine, lancing out to race through every nerve in its massive form. A jolt of strength, a surge of adrenaline, and a second wave of pure, unfettered anger and defiance. Godzilla was many things, had failed in many battles, and even been killed before. It was not invincible, it knew that much. It also knew something else, though...

It was not something else's prey.

Even if it died, even if this sickly little nuisance was enough to take its life, it would not be eaten.

Through its failing and depleting strength, the kaiju struggled back upright on unsteady, shaking legs. Both arms, trembling and wavering violently, fell limply to its sides, fingers splayed in a desperate grasping, clawing shape.

Its foe was currently within its own body, though...what hope did it possibly have to vanquish it? For all its strength, and all its power, even Godzilla couldn't strike at something within itself....not in any way but one.

Leaning forward, Godzilla sucked in as much of a breath as it could. Biting down on the acrid, foul taste and smell of smoke and rot and death that occupied its lungs and mouth, the mighty titan pushed through it. A dim rumble built up in its chest, its massive heart beginning to thrum and beat wildly. Lances of light and electricity sparked and crackled, arcing and dancing wildly along the great beast's spines. From the tip of its tail, they began to light up, the energy and power within them growing more intense as the light snaked up the titan's back toward its head, and then...

A bright, blue-white glow kindled in the kaiju's chest, pulsing and blazing like a barely-contained explosion waiting to go off...and then Godzilla threw its head back. With all the air left in its body, it roared to the high heavens, as a burst of radiance erupted from its mouth.

A crackling beam of pure, destructive force billowed forth, rising into the sky in a towering, spreading conflagration. The Living, its last desperate attempt having nearly worked, was slowly burned and consumed by the raging torrent of atomic hellfire until it couldn't hold itself in place any longer. Slowly, it was forced back out, further up the great lizard's throat, until it was forcefully expelled altogether.

Bits of it burned and boiled away, tiny droplets scattering into the air like a fine mist before evaporating entirely as the rest of it was blown into the clouds and launched toward the horizon.

And eventually, Godzilla's strength began to wane. The fire died down to embers, and the defiant roar down to barely a gurgling growl.

And it fell, toppling into the waters with a monumental crash.