Bridget Remington

Bridget Remington

From Hell’s Heart
Aug 1, 2021
Click Here
Bridget Remington


Artwork by MISOTO_MNW.

[ "I survived myself; my death and burial were locked up in my chest." ]

CHARACTER NAME: Bridget Remington
AGE: ~20 yrs
SPECIES: Human/Merfolk (Selkie)


OCCUPATION: Spellcaster, Student
AFFINITIES: Exceptional


Bridget Remington is a Scrappy Witch. Bridget is a proud young woman who finds it difficult to express her emotions to others. She strives to come across as a strong and intelligent individual who thinks highly of herself, but is secretly torn up inside by self-doubt and intense feelings of inadequacy. In general, she has a scrappy, aggressively determined spirit.

Contrary to her fiery personality, Bridget's personal brand of witchery is ice-cold. She usually relies on spells that create distance between herself and her foes, such as area-affecting patches of ice or spikes hurled at enemies, and is generally very cautious in combat.


Bridget Remington is a 20 year old woman of a slight build and scrappy demeanor. She has pale, freckled skin, light brownish-green eyes, and medium-length red hair, though at times her eyes will appear to be more of an electric blue in color (usually when channeling magic). She wears her hair down, allowing it to become tangled by the wind. She commonly sports neutral-colored tank tops, shorts, and a light jacket, all paired with open-toed sandals or flip flops. In some cases, her light jacket may lose its near-constant glamor, taking on the appearance of a shiny sealskin coat lined with downy white fur. She usually doesn’t cover her shoulders unless she’s feeling particularly self-conscious or nervy. A crimson symbol in the shape of three fish swimming in a circular pattern is present on her left wrist.


In Irish folklore, several family clans are said to have been descended from seals, usually in cases where an ordinary human and a seal-folk (otherwise known as a selkie or “merrow”) wed and had children. One such family is the Devane clan, known for their peculiar webbed fingers and toes, as well as a strange predilection for the sea and swimming. Most Devane children were said to have a special affinity for water magic, with some tales telling of their ability to manipulate the very blood inside the bodies of their enemies.

During more modern times, the most recent descendants of the Devane family have immigrated to the USA. In the mid-to-late 80’s, Maggie Remington, née Devane, married an American by the name of Drake Remington and moved with him across the Atlantic, her recently widowed mother Diane following soon after to remain close to family.

After living in Monterey, California for several years, the young couple had a child, one Bridget Remington. Growing up, Bridget was especially close to her grandmother and spent hours exploring small tide pools along the coast, learning the ins and outs of her bloodline’s magical talents. She aspired to become a marine biologist, her grandmother agreeing to fund her education with her considerable family fortune.

Unhappily, this was not to be. While Bridget was attending university, Diane’s mind began slipping in her old age, her memories fading with each passing day and various health complications making it difficult for the family to care for her. Maggie, in a stroke of genius, hired a caretaker to watch after the elderly Diane at her home, a middle-aged woman by the name of Tessa Vanderbilt. What the family did not expect, however, was for Tessa to promptly poison Diane’s mind with vicious lies, claiming to be her stepchild and insisting that the old woman’s true relatives had committed numerous crimes against her.

Diane became fearful of her once dearly beloved family, refusing to see them and even pitifully weeping in their presence. Funding for Bridget’s schooling promptly stopped, and Tessa began to receive various monetary gifts from her ‘doting’ mother while neglecting the elder’s care. Naturally, the Remington family cobbled together their meager funds and took Tessa to court. After spending thousands of dollars in legal fees, however, they lost their case— and Diane’s health continued to dangerously decline.

At some point, Bridget was approached by the Church about participating in a Holy Grail War, a contest where a group of Masters, usually powerful magi, summon Servants, or heroic spirits brought forth as familiars, to engage in battle until only one Master-Servant pair is left to claim the Grail. After learning of the power of the Grail, she departed at once with the hope of restoring her grandmother’s mind and health.

After Bridget’s arrival at the designated site of the War, a rustic desert town in the western part of America, many Servants were summoned by the participating Masters over the course of several days. Bridget’s own Servant was none other than the infamous Captain Ahab of Moby Dick, a servant of the Avenger class. The two partnered on-and-off again with another Master, Jeremy Fielder, and his own Servant of the Saber class, Beowulf.

The reluctant allies managed to survive until the last true battle of the War, but unfortunately, both Avenger and Saber were ultimately defeated. Struck down by her own Servant in a "shocking" twist, an unconscious Bridget was deposited on a nearby rooftop by a courteous Assassin Servant. She did not wake again for the remainder of the war.
Selkie Blood
Adaptation: Incredible Cold Environments (100E)
Adaptation: Need to Breathe (200E)
-- Limited (Only underwater, -50E)
Speed Rank 1 (200E)
-- Ongoing (+100E)
-- Activation (10 seconds, -50E)
-- Limited (Only in water, -50E)
Total Cost: 450E

Due to her selkie heritage, Bridget is naturally adapted to cooler climates, feeling right at home in freezing temperatures and inhospitably frigid waters. She also doesn’t need to breathe when underwater and can swim up to 20 mph after 10 seconds of building up speed.

Shapeshifting (1000E)
-- Activation (10 seconds, -50E)
-- Limited (Only functions in/near water, -50E)
-- Side Effect (No magic, -50E)
-- Chaotic (Animal brain, -50E)
-- Removable (-50E)
Total Cost: 750E

Bridget owns a jacket that upon first glance appears to be an ordinary item of clothing. In some cases, her light jacket may lose its near-constant glamor, taking on the appearance of a sealskin coat lined with downy white fur. This sealskin is Bridget’s most prized possession, and upon pulling the hood over her head, she can fully transform into a seal.

The transformation takes 10 seconds to complete after Bridget dons the coat’s hood and can only be accomplished within or beside bodies of water. She cannot access her magic while in this transformed state and her mental state becomes like that of a true seal, causing her to behave in illogical, animalistic ways. The sealskin can be removed from her person at almost any point when in its jacket form, and can even be brutally cut away from her body while she is in her fully transformed state, forcing her back to her human self— an incredibly painful experience.

Water Conjuration and Manipulation
Variable Creation Rank 3 (600E)
-- Ongoing (+300E)
-- Concentration (-150E)
-- Finite (-150E)
Damage Rank 1 (100E)
-- Affects Multiple (+50E)
-- Concentration (-50E)
-- Finite (-50E)
Protection Rank 1 (100E)
-- Ongoing (+100E)
-- Affects Multiple (+50E)
-- Concentration (-50E)
-- Finite (-50E)
Total Cost: 800E

Bridget can manipulate and conjure water in all its forms, creating semi-permanent objects, barriers and crude weapons. For example, she can utilize the water vapor in the air to shoot bullet-style beads of water at multiple opponents, turn puddles of water into great spears of ice, and even generate shields made of rapidly-shifting water or brittle ice for herself and her allies to shelter behind.

These water-based structures and weapons cannot be larger than 4 feet in any dimension and cannot affect anything outside of a 10 ft radius. Bridget must place her full concentration in this ability for it to function correctly. In addition, the use of this ability requires a massive amount of magical energy, and once depleted, Bridget will need to rest before she can access her water manipulation powers again.

Summon: Cú Chulainn, Saber of Light
Summoning Rank 1 (300E)
Total Cost: 300E

A warrior hero and demigod in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology, as well as in Scottish and Manx folklore, Cú Chulainn has been summoned to the Crossroads as a Class Saber servant. Also known as the Hound of Culann, he is the Child of Light descended from the sun god Lugh. He is a rough-looking young man who appears to be about twenty years of age. While bearing a coarse personality similar to that of a hunting dog, he is pleasant enough to those who treat him with a similar kindness. He possesses a righteous nature, trending more towards the pursuit of justice, but he doesn’t believe that the world is unreasonable or unfair; good will almost certainly prevail in his eyes. Expect a ‘roguish delinquent’ attitude with a heart of gold.


Cruaidín Catutchenn: Light Sword of Judgment
Damage Rank 6 (600E)
Total Cost: 600E

The legendary sword of Cú Chulainn, capable of dealing incredible damage to most foes. While not as strong when wielded casually as opposed to being a Noble Phantasm, it is still a formidable weapon while in Saber’s capable hands.

Servant Strength
Damage Rank 6 (600E)
-- Ongoing (600E)
-- Side Effect (Taxing for the mage, -300E)
Move Object Rank 6 (600E)
-- Ongoing (600E)
-- Side Effect (Taxing for the mage, -300E)
Total Cost: 1800E

As a servant, Saber is able to deal incredible damage with his bare-handed strikes, often applying crushing strength for an extended length of time. He can also lift up to 6,400 pounds/2,903kg for an indefinite period. Saber continuing to apply this strength and battle foes can be especially taxing for Bridget, however, and may leave her indisposed during combat.

Servant Endurance
Endurance Rank 5 (500E)
-- Side Effect (Taxing for the mage, -250E)
Adaptation: Starvation and Thirst (+50E)
Adaptation: Need for Sleep (+50E)
Total Cost: 350E

Saber has a superhuman amount of endurance. He is capable of enduring the loss of limbs and severe injury in service to his master. However, such injuries have an impact on Bridget, draining her mana and causing fatigue. Saber also does not require food, drink, or sleep— though he will certainly indulge in such things if granted the opportunity.

Servant Agility
Agility Rank 5 (1000E)
-- Side Effect (Taxing for the mage, -250E)
Speed Rank 5 (1000E)
-- Side Effect (Taxing for the mage, -250E)
Flight Rank 1 (200E)
-- Side Effect (Taxing for the mage, -50E)
Total Cost: 1650E

Saber is exceptionally agile and swift to a supernatural degree. He can also leap into the air and reach an astonishing height. Such feats of flexibility and speed can drain Bridget’s mana reserves, causing fatigue.

Magic Resistance
Protection Rank 6 (600E)
-- Limited (Only works against magical attacks, -300E)
Total Cost: 300E

Typical of the Saber class, he boasts some resistance to magical attacks or spells. Any magical attack can be nullified or reduced upon impact.

Enhanced Senses
Sense (Sight, Hearing, Smell) Rank 3 (900E)
-- Ongoing (+300E)
-- Concentration (-150E)
Total Cost: 1050E

Saber’s feral nature manifests in his enhanced senses. By concentrating, he can detect even the most subtle of visual/audial/olfactory changes in his environment, usually within 300 feet/91m.

Master Skills - Riding
-- Driving/Piloting (Horseback) Rank 5 (250E)
-- Driving/Piloting (Automobile) Rank 5 (250E)
-- Driving/Piloting (Motorcycle) Rank 5 (250E)
Total Cost: 750E

Typical for servants of the Saber class, he has some skill in Riding. Saber can handle horses with a high level of proficiency, and can even manage most automobiles and motorcycles at a similar level.

Master Skill - Battlefield Experience
-- Knowledge (War Tactics) Rank 5 (250E)
Total Cost: 250E

Due to his experience in prior battles, Saber has a professional knowledge of the art of war. He can actively strategize and anticipate his opponent’s actions mid-combat.




Noble Phantasm: Ahab’s Razor -- Of Fire and Blood
Damage Rank 10 (1000C)
—Indirect (+1000C)
—Ranged (+500C)
—Activation (-500C)
—Chaotic (-500C)
—Concentration (-500C)
—Side Effect (Drains magical energy, -500C)
Total Cost: 500C

The signature weapon of Bridget’s former servant Avenger. It is a vile, bloody red harpoon that through being forged with a cursed fire, soaking it in heathen blood, and a blessing of the Devil, has reached a level of mysticism only seen in the Age of Gods. The blade is soaked in burned blood, and upon calling its true name will burn with hellfire itself. The actual summoning of the weapon takes roughly 10 seconds. It has the ability to breach most magical or physical defenses.

Bearing symbolic resemblance to Occam’s Razor, and as a result is constantly seeking any hypothetical path for an attack or throw. Instead of Bridget controlling where the harpoon is thrown, it will seek out the “simplest” path towards the intended target. Be it by ricochet or a direct hit, it will always seek out it’s victim, much like a heat-seeking missile. But, due to the nature of the weapon and it’s previous wielder, it may completely miss Bridget’s intended targets and instead target those who she bears great hatred for, provided that they are within her line of sight. Taking aim with this harpoon is a rather involved process and will leave Bridget open to attack. In addition, due to being but a mage, simply holding this weapon greatly drains Bridget’s magical reserves, limiting her ability to defend herself for a while after it is thrown.




Thread Title: A Twist of Fate
Location: Opealon
Thread Status: In-progress


Personality – Bridget is a determined and argumentative young woman, but struggles greatly with private feelings of inadequacy, both in her capacity as a mage and in her relationships. She is very opinionated, and has a strong need to provide for herself— making it hard for her to accept help from others, and even more difficult to make friends. Feelings of heartbreak and sorrow will drive her into a rage, with private tears coming much later. In her softer moments, she enjoys engaging in discussions about her family, the sea, and magic.

On a darker note, Bridget’s family has a predilection for blood magic. While seal folk are a generally gentle, peaceful type of fae with great love for their families and nature, the propagation of children with humans has altered these traits. Water magic, usually oriented around healing and protection, can also be used for darker purposes; namely, blood magic.

Try as she might to resist the pull of it, Bridget will always be drawn to manipulating the blood inside the bodies of those around her. In some cases, this addicting type of magic can be used for good— healing or defending oneself, for example. But it almost always drives the user down a darker path. When using blood magic, even just a little bit, Bridget’s personality undergoes several changes. She becomes downright tyrannical, aggressive, and especially spiteful towards those who might cross her. Feelings of sorrow and pain become drowned out by bloodlust, warping gentle tears and silent heartache into violent outbursts. While these are all ideal traits for the warlike individuals of her family’s distant past, they are decidedly not suitable for a marine biology student of the modern day.

Possible Reactions – If confronted by multiple aggressive persons, Bridget will almost certainly flee if she feels outgunned. If this isn’t possible, she will put on a front of bravery and throw everything she has into the fight. When faced with a clearly vile being, Bridget will employ barbed remarks and her wit to get them to leave her the hell alone. She isn’t above manipulating good, well-meaning people for her own purposes, but will at least have the good grace to feel bad about it after.

‘Combat’ Style – Bridget is very hyper-aware and vicious while in combat. She will try to remain tactically aware of the battlefield and isn’t afraid to flee if she’s outmatched— if she isn’t drunk on bloodlust, anyway. She prefers to create distance between herself and melee fighters, relying primarily on her magic to fight her battles. When with allies, Bridget will mostly ignore them during combat unless they are injured, at which point she will throw caution to the wind and attempt to draw an enemy’s attention to herself.

Dialogue Tips

Generally speaks rather proper. Swears like a sailor when stressed.

“Good” ==> “Grand”
Occasionally drops the “G” in “-ing” words when stressed.
Frequently uses the terms “So, now, sure, sorry.” Uses “sorry” as a way of being polite.
More likely to respond to a “yes” or “no” questions with two or three-word phrases. For example, in response to “Did you clean the dishes?” she would respond with “I have” rather than a simple “yes.”
Speaks with a rather abrupt tone and in a high pitch.


Hello visitor! Welcome to my original character Bridget's profile. You can call me Jade and my pronouns are she/her. I'm a college graduate with a degree in Writing studies and a passion for ducks, writing, and baking. If you'd like to write with me, just look at my list of threads above to see if one says "Active, Open." If so, feel free to PM me here or find me on Discord (my username is Jade Duck on the Multerra Discord). In addition, if you're looking for writing advice or someone to proofread your work, use the same methods listed above. Thanks!
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Bridget Remington

From Hell’s Heart
Aug 1, 2021
Click Here
Past Servant Information


Class: Avenger
True Name: Captain Ahab

Current Servant Information


Class: Saber of Light
True Name: Cú Chulainn

Future Servant Information

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Bridget Remington

From Hell’s Heart
Aug 1, 2021
Click Here