Day 2

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Vengeful Assassin of Shadows
Jul 22, 2020
Erde Nona
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‘Noo!,’ Trevor jerked up from his sleep, his heartbeat rapidly racing, droplets of sweat forming in his temple. Looking around, he found himself in a somewhat familiar bunker of a place. His hazy mind still floated around, he couldn’t even figure out when he fell asleep. He could feel his back ache terribly, a strong burning sensation throbbing with it. He then held his temple, suffering some mild pain as well, as he aimed to figure out what happened during the past few hours.

‘17:44,’ the tablet showed, making Trevor realize that he did lose so much time. Suddenly, it dawned on him that he should be with a strange doctor and a blue skinned lady. He somehow got help from those two during his last encounter until they ended up inside the safehouse.

Again, he surveyed the place, trying to see if he’s still with his previous companions. What caught his eyes first however, was the sight of the woman who planted the nail on his chest entering the bunker. Her right arm still showed the burns that might have been from his proto buster. The woman looked back at him, causing Trevor to randomly avert his eyes. He could hear steps, approaching him. To his horror, the steps came from the direction of the woman. It was such an irony how the other contestants looked scarier to him inside the safehouse than they were outside.

"Greetings. It seems you've fared well since I last saw you... now that we've both got our toys forcibly put away, fancy a chat?,” Chara greeted, forcing Trevor to turn his head back at his sudden companion.

“You’re…looking great as well,” an awkward smile left his lips, upon seeing how terrible the burn actually was now that the woman was near. “...And sure. What do you want to talk about?,” he continued, his eyes dodging the woman’s stare.

“Why did you join the game by the way?,” She finally sat beside the assassin of shadows, making Trevor rather uncomfortable.

“I’m hoping that I could get some information about Jak,” he replied casually, aiming to hide his discomfort with the woman.

“I am assuming you do not mean Karl Jak. Unless you have some rather large ambitions for a game-show contestant.”

“Oh no no! I mean Jak Mar. I believe he joined this game as well,” he retorted, finally able to look Chara in the eye.

“I see, well I haven’t heard of the guy if you plan on asking me,” she shrugged, from where the assassin of shadows could only nod in response. “So what do you want with that…JAK…by the way?,” she continued, patching a rather long time of awkward silence between the two.

“He owes me something,” he sighed, his eyes now staring up as if the ceiling had opened up to something.

“Money perhaps? Or…”

“No, something much more important than that. At least to me.” Trevor answered almost abruptly, his tone now more serious as it previously was. “And why are you here by the way?”

“Hypnosis, in short.” Chara stated briefly, leaving Trevor a bit puzzled at her rather ambiguous statement.

“Hypnosis?” Trevor quickly turned to face the woman, his expression revealing a full interest at the woman’s response.

“It’s…a bit complicated,” a wry smile left her lips causing Trevor to ponder a bit but realized that the topic wasn’t something that he could dig further.

“I see. We do have secrets of our own I guess.” He sighed once again

"So, if you are only here to look for Jak, do you have any particular reasons to be fighting the other contestants, given the current situation? or do you think we could avoid further... Complications?” She asked in response.

“I assumed that this contest aimed to have everyone battle against each other. That’s what I heard outside at least. Though I guess if it is allowed to cooperate with someone, I’d work to have some allies. Sorry for that by the way.” Trevor continued, eyeing the woman’s burn.

“Do not mention it. Let us just avoid any further altercations. I don't really want to put any more nails on people, either."

“Sure. We could work together if you like.” Trevor offered, somehow forgetting about the previous companions he’s already had.

"Sounds swell! Oh, I forgot - My name is Chara. Greetings!" Chara exclaimed, extending her hand at Trevor.

“Thanks. And I’m Trevor. Glad to be working with you from here on.” He smiled, extending his hand to meet Chara’s. He never trusted anyone but at least allowed himself to work with them for survival. The one with Chara was rather an unlikely one however, as he somehow felt a connection with the lady. Somehow, his mind still lingered at the woman’s hypnosis statement but for the time being, surviving the game is top priority.

Josuke Higashikata

Greato Daze
Level 3
Jul 31, 2020
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Horrors trail behind Josuke and Margaret closely while they remain on the run from being unmade. The night is young, and the surrounding landscape starts unmaking within each minute that passes. Being unmade is the last thing Josuke would ever want to experience after hearing urban horror stories recently of random unfortunate bystanders becoming corrupted by such wicked power. The current concussion that still dazes Margaret with immense confusion didn't help much for her when running into the thick dead woods that started to decay even more than their current state. Dizziness does no good to her vision, making the equine protector trip and fall onto her four limbs that catch her instead of falling face first.

Her comrade hears the distinct noise of someone falling over, making him turn around and see Margaret struggle a little to get back on her feet in the darkness. Some contestants in this game would probably turn the other cheek and leave them in the dust, thinking their partner turned into dead weight, but not Josuke. His heart was too big to leave her to die, similar to what a coward would do. With Margaret accustomed to having no assistance to help her back on her feet, the pompadour teenager boy helps her up instantly, making her entirely off guard by this unusual action that aids her. She lets him help her back on her own feet, but once she starts moving again, Margaret brushes Josuke to the side, showing she can still be independent when running.

Once in view, the two can see the well-lit protective bunker's entrance equipped with advanced technology that helps protect them from the unmaking corruption that's closing in, surrounding them and the bunker. It currently shines like a beacon in the blackness that the fallen sun creates. They rush to the door, with Josuke running into the entrance to cause a loud thud that should catch a guard's attention on the other side. With no response, thirteen seconds pass, and the stand user bangs at the door aggressively.

"Someone open this door before we get unmade here within a minute! We're contestants in Dante's Abyss! Give us access!" The nervous stand user yells to get a soldier's attention, continuously banging to cause a racket. Margaret faces away from the bunker, staring back at the corruption with fear, but she does not expose her deep emotion.

"Open it damm-" Josuke's words get halted by the action of the heavily fortified bunker door, opening to welcome two more contestants into the filled safe house.

They waste no time and dash into the safe bunker with the metallic door sliding shut, making him relieved that platoon soldiers let them inside. After running for a while, he pants to catch his breath, and the same goes for Nearl. He thanks one of the stranded soldiers repeatedly, not leaving them hanging. After that, Josuke and Margaret get comfortable while walking around the bunker to get familiar with the structure. They were not the only contestants; many contestants arrived here for refuge from the incoming unmaking devastating corruption.

Margaret felt a little cautious if staying here for long would be safe for her and him. Still, Josuke reassures her that the military here had a high technological device installed in the bunker that denies any violence made upon any individual. The blonde blinks in confusion about how this is possible and is this still real?

"Go ahead, punch me, and I'll let you know if I feel pain or not." The pompadour stand user gives the strange request to Margaret, making her feel unsure about doing this specific threatening action against her new helpful ally. The blonde works herself up to ball a fist and send it into Josuke's chest, making him stumble back a little.

"I apologize immensely for doing this upon you! are you ok, Josuke?" Margaret becomes frantically worrying about causing more damage to his scarring body, but he laughs it off, letting her sigh at ease, seeing how he reacted positively.

"See, I'm fine. So, we don't have to worry about someone in here trying to backstab us like how it is out there." Josuke smiles at how actual that fact is that no one can die inside this place. These poor soldiers must feel a lot of relief staying on guard here, but they are urging other contestants to gather the quest item parts to build the device and send everyone home to safety. In the meantime, Josuke and Nearl decided they were comfortable chilling in a hallway and conversating for their peaceful time.

"So, where are you from, Margaret? I imagine someone in your kind of expertise is from Cevanti or Erde Nona. Hell, if you're from Erde, that be awesome because I come from that planet too! My hometown is Morioh. It's a great little town away from the bustling that Arcadia makes." The pompadour stand user leans his back on the wall while looking to his side where Nearl stands, but her posture isn't in a hang loose vibe. She still stands at attention with a bold knight behavior, gazing back at her trusty young companion and hearing the strange names of planets present in this new alien universe.

"Cevanti, Erde Nona?"

She remains in her thoughts for a few seconds before giving Josuke the truth of her position in this unfamiliar universe. "Josuke, I'm not from any of the worlds you named. Strangely, I don't even know how I got here. Everything is unfamiliar to me for the time being, and I'm curious if this is an afterlife I'm remaining for eternity."

He raises his brow in surprise, finding out she's not even native to the Crossroads. Interacting with an Outsider was a first for Josuke, making him a little excited about his recent compatriot.

"Woah! You're an outsider. That's rad! I always wanted to meet one! Tell me how you got here?" Josuke eagerly waited for Nearl's answer on what happened to her, but her face was confused, and he couldn't tell if it was genuine or the concussion causing it.

"I can't recall how I exist here. Everything remains blank, mostly on what happened." She explains, making the teenage boy still intrigued about her entirely. "Please, I request your expertise for this universe."

"Firstly, this universe is called the Crossroads. Secondly, this isn't an afterlife. Well, many outsiders believe that fact." Josuke spills some information out willingly to let his new friend get familiar with the Crossroads he's been living his life. The term outsider kind of makes her feel uncertain if that was good to call her.

"Is outsider a bad term?" She questions, making her companion quickly answer his thought on that matter.

"Honestly, to me, no. I think outsiders are awesome. You may come across some assholes that will look at you with a rude welcome, but I say fuck those douchebags. They're nothing but jackasses with no sense of style or humor." The pompadour stand user replies, keeping his gaze locked with Margaret's. Honestly, if someone would want to hurl insults at this blonde, Josuke would be in a mood to throw punks around.

For a while, they discussed more information on the Crossroads with Josuke explaining the importance of the arbiters and the current major event that's fixing to doom existence. Talking about this new strange threat of the fallen arbiter intrigues her greatly, making her realize the explanation for appearing here. After all, she was a reliable heroic knight sworn to abolish all evil or darkness, and maybe the Crossroads was requesting her assistance. The courageous stand user was also on the same page with her, saying he would protect his hometown, Morioh, at all costs and the Crossroads. His determination did make her moderately smile, making her feel she maybe not be too far from home with better-willed people.

Their conversation comes to a halt when Josuke sees a familiar face that belonged to a contestant making her way down the hall. The young girl, too, recognizes the unique pompadour hairstyle that only one friendly competitor wears proudly. Her heart felt quite relieved, remembering Josuke from the Pre-show and their playful bet they made in which he now gives her free food when they finally go home. The blonde equine girl realizes her ally's attention staring away and his face lighting up with the joy of seeing someone familiar to him.

"Oi, Chara! Longtime no see! Man, I'm so relieved you're still alive!"

When Chara approaches them, Josuke recognizes someone following alongside her. A contestant he came across way early in the game, starting with Day one. His expression remains neutral, but if this guy is willing to bury the hatchet from their encounter, Josuke will be glad to step forward and not look back in the past.


Frosty X
Apr 24, 2020
Erde Nona
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Things had been quiet around the Markovian safehouse for most of the day. Christine's diminishing resolve at the apparent loss of Slurt had been bolstered slightly by tending to Jester. The young woman had clearly been stricken by a manic delirium as result of her injury, and required consistent reminders to eat, drink, and change her bandages.

Luckily, Dr. McNinja was around to assist both women with their mobility and injuries. It gave them a sort of grim hobby to pass the time until the next wave of Unmaking tore the earth out from under them.

The western horizon was growing black and violent as Darkseid prepared to claim more of Cevanti's essence into himself. The mountains were gone. Bulldozed away. Consumed by the misty, obsidian torpor that was drifting across the landscape. The effect was made all the more profound by the late afternoon sun, so clear and bright, which created a distinct border of black and white that marked the hostile tide line.

Just as Chara was coming back from her wheelings with Trevor, the folding metal gate at the front of the safehouse scratched open with a shrill report.

"He's back." Chara said loudly, if a tad flat, to the occupants of the infirmary.

"Who's back?" Jester grinned. Christine and Doc rose to their feet with a painful deliberation and breathlessly moved into the hallway. Two silhouettes moved slowly down the hallway, backlit by the geographic carnage outside. Riddick and Slurt walked hand in hand towards the treatment center. Christine wasted no time in rushing forward to take the goblin up in her arms, but she did catch the steely leer of Riddick's eyes as she approached.

"Oh, mon petìt prince, you are…you are well! You are walking! Comment a fait…?" she gushed, planting a cold kiss on his green cheeks.

"Yeah. How?" McNinja said. He reached out with burned fingers to poke and prod at the young goblin, examining the damage. The child still deserved to be in a hospital, but he was certainly no long on death's door.

"Magic Cwossents!" Slurt sang out, clinging to Christine with clawed determination.

"I'm sorry?" McNinja blinked.

"Magic Croissants. 'Scuse me." Riddick grumbled. He swept past the giddy reunion like a silent specter of judgement. Christine inclined her head slightly, and sucked in a bitter breath.

"Monsieur Riddick...thank you." she breathed.

"Croissants." McNinja nodded.

He paused for a second, and watched the mountainous merc pad down the hallway, out of sight.

"C…Croissants." the doctor said again. He began to furiously tap the speaker on his collar.


Meanwhile, Riddick slipped into the room that smelled the strongest of rotten lemons and fish, and found Lilith milling about on a cot in the aftermath of something he didn't care about.

"We haven't had a chance to talk yet." Riddick rumbled slowly. Lilith whipped around gelatinously, and her face bloomed into a hungry grin.

"About time proper stud walked into my bedroom. Hello there S-"

"Shut up."

"Mmm, make me." Lilith trilled, beckoning him towards her with a curled finger.

"Where is he?" Riddick insisted. Lilith pouted truculantly, and turned over on the tagged cot to present her acidic rump.

"Hmmmm, dunno exactly. Around." she cooed, kicking her legs up and back in rhythmic swishes. Riddick stared at the goading abomination for a moment before wordlessly turning around.

"You're Chara's friend right? You can definitely be our third. See you around…"

The words drifted down the hallway after him as he began searching the bunker with increasing restlessness. This competition so far had been nothing but a drawn out skirmish. In terms of profit, the chances of him getting that relic were probably nil. The good news was that the only thing left to do was survive…which, in spite of his skill for murder, was Riddick's true talent.

But that doesn't mean I can't fuck with the bastard.

"Forgot to close the door behind you again." Riddick said softly as he found Caustic sitting in his odious squalor. The man looked haggard, but oddly potent for it. Nox didn't even bother looking up from his attempted tampering with the central air circulator. Riddick's eyes locked onto the hammer strapped to the mad doctor's back, and he felt the boiling urge return.

"Just so you know, this shit doesn't end here. I may not get you in the game, but you will bleed-" Riddick seethed. Caustic cut him of with a wheezing, malicious chuckle.

"It's all been said before, hkmm." he chortled. He finally turned his yellow eyes to glare at Riddick's silver gaze.

"You, McNinja, that femme fatale…but no one has ever made good on it." Alexander sang.

"I get it. A real fart in the wind. But do you really think you're gonna get past all of us? Word travels fast on Friendly Island." Riddick murmured, gesturing at the grimy walls around them.

"The phlegmy chick is the only person pulling for you, and even that's no sure thing." Riddick said. He held his position for a moment, then gently tapped the top of the door frame.

"I give her two days til she's bored of you. Maybe she'd like a playmate who's more fun. I wonder if you'll be surprised when it happens."

With that, Riddick pushed away from the iron bulkhead and slipped back the way he came.

Back in the infirmary, McNinja was just finishing up a physical exam for Slurt when Jester started waving her magic gun around again.

"Oh my god, you guys. I just got, like, a really good idea. We should all work together and be superheroes! It will be so cool, like-" the cleric blathered. McNinja gently put his hands on the gun and smiled behind his bloodied mask.

"...that is a great idea Jester. But maybe I should hold the gun for a little while?" the doctor said patiently. Her memory lapses were becoming more frequent; it was a sign of intermittent swelling that was not improving.

"Better idea. I'll hang on to it." said Riddick, looming in the doorway. Chara, Christine, McNinja and Slurt all looked up at the killer, and then over to Jester.

She blinked.

"Who's he?"


The Gerudo King
Oct 17, 2020
Mesa Roja
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Kolith hated this.

The poor goblin boy didn’t deserve what happened to him. Fuck the competition, fuck the fact that he entered it, Slurt didn’t deserve it. To allow a weak limbed child to battle these sadistic, remorseless killers made no sense. How did any of this serve as entertainment for anyone?

They sat in the bunker, an apparent neutral zone, since no blood had been spilled since they arrived. Almost the entire cast of this macabre play assembled here. Almost no one was unscathed, but some, like Kolith, suffered much more than most. He touched his fingers to the blood stained bandages coiled about his torso. He sucked in a sharp breath. Still incredibly tender and still bleeding.

Worse, some involved in the fight that resulted in this devastation rested in the same building as Kolith. He found his sharp, smouldering gaze locking onto those responsible, largely out of his control. He considered striding up to them and dressing them down, but what was the point? If they were so amoral as to inflict debilitating injuries on a child, reprimanding them would do nothing but stoke Kolith’s anger.

Assuming he could stop himself from lashing out. Before the collar around his neck detonated.

Instead he dropped his head into his hands and closed his eyes, focusing on the darkness behind them instead of the pulsing ache in his chest. He let the rage settle quietly within, smouldering like embers of a dying fire, ready to reignite a new blaze when it was needed again.

He suddenly bolted upright, realising he dozed off. Slurt’s high pitched voice met his ears, and while still wounded, was up and walking around. How?

Kolith wandered over, the short nap doing nothing for his fatigue. He tapped Christine on her good shoulder. “What happened to him? How is he better so fast?”

“Magic croissants!” she exclaimed, beaming despite the myriad of injuries.

Kolith shrugged. He never heard of such things, but a year ago he didn’t think spirits were real either.

“Come on!” Dr. McNinja said. “Can we stop calling them that?”

Kolith groaned. “Don’t suppose the little guy saved any for us?”

“Sorry,” a new voice said, devoid of any remorse. “Only enough for him.”

Kolith turned. A bald man with black goggles approached the group.

“Pity,” Kolith said.

Riddick walked past him.

Kolith collapsed back on his chair, digging his hand into his duffel bag. The others bonded together beyond what was necessary to survive this ordeal, this no more evident than Christine’s fussing over Slurt. Eventually, only one would remain. Forming relationships before that point would only make those last moments unbearable to endure. Even still, if Kolith made the distance, he hoped that his team had already been killed. He didn’t want to end them himself.

He winced as he lifted a MRE out of his bag. Even thinking like that was wildly pre-emptive, if such a simple movement fired needles of pain through his chest.

It might not be so.

Kolith looked around. The words of his allies dulled, like they were speaking through a wall.

“You again,” he whispered, though most were fawning over the goblin and wouldn’t notice him.

You deign to speak to me now?

“I’d rather know who you are before I commit to any other topics of conversation.”

I’m your only chance to survive what’s to come, the voice said.

“You are Unmade,” Kolith seethed. “You want to consume me.”

What makes you say that?

“You have only spoken to me when I have been in contact with corrupted material.”

Tell me how I speak to you now, then.

Kolith looked at his MRE packaging. It was covered in dirt. Tainted dirt.

Ah, you are a witty one.

“Silence. I will no longer tolerate your presence.”

So be it. But know this. If you find yourself in desperate circumstances, I can help you. Just reach out to me – you know how – and tell me you want my help. And here’s one piece of advice for free: everyone you’ve allied with? All of those so happy that the little goblin child is alive? They will spend all of their strength keeping him safe… while leaving you to fend for yourself. You see it yourself. It might be time to consider what is truly best for you in this.

The voice faded away, even though Kolith still maintained contact with the dirt. He hurled it back into his bag, baring his teeth.

He stared at those gathered around Slurt.

They will spend all of their strength keeping him safe… while leaving you to fend for yourself.
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