V M Do Your Dew-ty (Quest)

Super Buu

IT Consultant
Level 1
Jul 23, 2018
The noise was incessant. Tick. Tock. Tick...tock. Tick….TOCK. Back and forth it moved, relentless, unstopping. He watched with growing agitation as the thin red hand on the clock marched ever towards the bold black 12 at the top of the circle. Twenty times around, the female had said, before she could plate the confection he so desperately waited for. He wanted it, needed it, and the damned ticking noise was going to drive him to insanity if he had to wait much longer.

TICK. TOCK. Twice more before he received his reward. Buu, as he called himself, was not known for his patience, but for this one time, he made an exception, only because it involved cake. Such concoctions were one of the very few reasons that he could even tolerate these other creatures, much less resist turning them all into candy. Even he wasn’t stupid enough to wipe out the means of making more sweets.

“It’s almost ready, sir,” the girl with the bouncy red hair smiled cheerfully at him from the kitchen. “I just need to get it frosted and it’s all yours.”

“You said 20 times around, and I would have it,” Buu grumbled in that deep, gravelly voice of his. “I expect cake soon, or Buu will be very...upset.” Irritation bubbled beneath the surface of his skin, faint tendrils of steam trickling from the vents that pocked across his body. It was his kind’s version of sweating and expelling anger; he literally vented his frustrations.

Her warm smile faltered, the beginnings of something a little more guarded creeping over her face. “Sir, I said, it had to cool for 20 minutes before I could do anything with it.” Absently, she grabbed his empty soda cup and refilled it with fresh, then placed it before him once more. A little of her cheery demeanor slipped, and she snorted. “I wasn’t aware I was baking for a toddler today. Would you rather I give you a sippy cup instead? Perhaps one of those crazy straws?”

“Don’t patronize me, girl. I want that cake and I want it now.” Buu scowled unpleasantly. “BUU WANT CAKE NOW!”

“And you can wait until I am done,” She shoved her fists onto her hips, looking every bit as petulant as she could.

The tendrils of steam that leaked through the vents on his skin became ropes of thick, white mist. It sputtered randomly, growing more intense by the second. The girl hesitated, but stood firm. “Sir, if you do not calm down, I am going to have to ask you to leave.”

Buu’s brows knit even tighter as his voice dropped several octaves. “Cake, NOW.”

“After it’s frosted.”

Buu had had enough. In a blur of bubblegum pink, he flew into the kitchen, his entire body shimmering with a hangry rage. He knocked pots and pans off their shelves, noisily scattering across the tile floor, and dove face first into the fresh cake sitting so vulnerable on the counter. The girl watched in horror as the giant pink humanoid shoved fistful after fistful of food into the bottomless pit he called a mouth. Steam visibly rolled from the foodstuff, he may have made a mistake in not letting it cool, but he soldiered on until all of its chocolatey goodness was nothing but a memory on the empty counter.

His hunger was barely satiated; so much more was needed to fill that void within him, and there was so much more to eat in the shop’s display cases. A hangry growl bubbled from his throat as he stalked the rows of sweet, tasty treats, his crimson tinged eyes fixated on his prize. The tip of his teal colored tongue darted out and wet his lips in anticipation.

“Hey, you’re going to have to pay for that,” the girl stamped her foot at him, a hand reaching out to stop him. She only realized her mistake too late to do anything but stumble slowly backwards towards safety, only to find herself pressing against wall.

Buu twisted his head around to face the girl, the look he gave her was predatory, and she very wisely scampered off into the depths of the kitchen. Look at her, cowering away like a dog, Buu snorted derisively. The little human was nothing but a nuisance, and it took all of his restraint to not turn her into another tasty little candy. However, no matter how tasty it was, it would only be one less person to make him even more sweets later. Buu smashed, but he wasn’t completely stupid. Buu smart.

He’d picked the shop down to bare bones, sparing nothing in his hungry wrath. He especially liked the dark chocolate and cherry cakes slathered in frosting and cream, with the triple chocolate brownies stuffed with ganache a very close second. It would serve as a good snack before he moved on elsewhere; he’d caught wind of a buffet dinner being served on a boat not too far away.

Annoying as her kind was, the tiny humans did make adequate rations; perhaps they could be useful, after all. “I suppose I could let you live. Killing you would mean less food for Buu.” His only reply was a faint clattering of metal on metal; perhaps she hid with the other cooking utensils? “Perhaps I’ll let you all live, except for the bad ones, their candy is the most appetizing.”

Buu dismissed her with a nod, moving towards the exit. There was a boat out there with his name on it, and he would be damned if he missed it.