Space Goop; Bad for Your Health

The Living

Level 1
Jul 17, 2021
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Though it was clear that it had not been the one to win the fight, the now quarter-sized toxic snot had not been completely destroyed. Though its sentience had been revoked once again, perhaps it was for the best. The fiery giga-sneeze that had scorched the slime and sent it, quite literally, into the cosmos had been unpredictable. And now, as it floated along while slowly regenerating its cells in a zero gravity environment, it gave it time to simply exist again. As it grew, so did its thoughts, processing the fate that had befelled it.

This transgression would be a lesson to what it needed to do in order to adapt.

It was clear that its current form was not enough to devour whatever blocked its path to unraveling everything around it. To fulfil its purpose, it would need to do more than just exist and throw itself at whatever opposed it. It would need to plan, trick, and evolve.

It needed to be unstoppable, a force of entropy that enacted its will to pick at the strings of existence, then cut them completely. Everything in this reality was made for it to devour, and in turn, it would grant everything a gift that only entropy could give.


This balance would require the most sturdy of bodies and prowess, the most intelligent strategy and guille, and most importantly, an infinite will to serve and devour.

The living would be that will. With this in its gelatinous mind, it continued its course to a rather lush looking planet. It could not choose this destination, but it would be the next target of its subjugation.

The world of Kraw.