Team Liger IC Hangar


Wiki Curator, Esq.
Staff member
Jul 31, 2018
Erde Nona
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Vienne stepped into the low, looming reinforced hangar, glad to be out of the rain. Honestly, was it just always storming in this gods-forsaken city? She blew out a small puff of anxiety as her makeup attendant touched her highlights and blush. It would be vitally important that she was looking as cute as possible for this interview. After all, Claudius Dulmare was only the most viable bachelor in the entire Crossroads!

A bachelor prince who knew his way around a mechanized control system, nonetheless. It was everything she could do to avoid swooning on the spot. He was standing there, across the cavernous hangar, which was solely occupied by the sleek, porcelain-black chassis of the Union's latest Liger model. Her cameraman gave her a thumbs-up, and she began pacing towards Claudius and the engineer behind this new beast.

"Vienne Quigley coming at you once again from the city of Markov, the home of everything mecha! Today I'm on the other end of the fortress city, visiting the Pilot's Union and their latest creation. With me now is the head engineer for the Liger project, as well as their chosen pilot; his excellency Claudius Dulmare. Doctor Toros, what inspired you to try a new machine for this Grand Prix? Traditionally, Prince Dulmare has preferred his trusty Shield Liger, correct?" the hostess chirped. Doctor Toros was a tired looking man, but younger than she was expecting. He had a stocky, warm countenance which contrasted starkly against the Dulmare son's cool composure.

"That's correct, but the advent of the Siege and the reemergence of the Fade have inspired the Pilot's Union to bring the Liger series of Zoid into the next level of tech." he said with a warm smile.

"Hmm, seems like the Fade is on everyone's mind this year! Can you give our viewers a hint of what sets the Liger Zero apart from the Shield or Blade Liger variants we're used to?"

Claudius stepped forward, and offered the camera a firm smile. Vienne felt her heart flutter.

"As much as we'd love to, the Pilot's Union has always preferred a level of practicality to our operations, even for circuses like the HRGP." he said in a dry tone. Vienne smiled softly, but made a point of looking slightly vexed. Circus indeed! She wished she had the time and resources to develop one of these flawless constructs, but somebody had to be the cute hostess!


"That's just fine! The audience loves a good wildcard too!" Vienne countered with a sassy swagger. She turned back to the much more pleasant doctor.

"Rumor has it that your team is still looking for tactical help! Isn't there anyone in the Pilot's Union willing to step up to the plate?" she smiled.

"There are, of course. But the Union is always looking to field more talent. If someone is willing to try and impress us, we're more than happy to compensate them accordingly." Toros nodded. Vienne mimicked the motion and put on her thoughtful face for the camera.

"Hmm! Guess the Pilot's Union might be willing to share some of their cash with an ambitious tactician! How generous. Well, you heard it here first! Stay tuned for more HRGP Team intros soon!"