[07] Rubra Lupus (Miniskirt Armada)

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
  • AppearanceAssassini
  • Personality – Cold and seemingly heartless. Really just confused with no memory. Lupus has an affinity for assassination, so she often comes off as a completely unapproachable person with little to say.
  • Possible Reactions – Lupus is pretty collected in the head. Without memories, it can be pretty empty up there to begin with beyond her current train of thought. When meeting people, she's likely not to give them much of a greeting. Upon meeting people of her own kind, specifically Wolves, she exerts irrational behavior that could lead her to attempted murder at the lightest. The gut feeling of 'The Wolf Hunter's Hunt' overwhelms her, as most of her kind is affected with a disease that caused a feral reaction in the pack.
  • Relationships – Lupus is new to the area. She doesn't quite no anyone around, yet is continuing to search for answers about her past. Her limited communication would make it difficult to make friends in this situation.
  • ‘Combat’ Style – Technique and stealth is Lupus' entire kit. She fights aggressively from the darkness, looking for precise strikes and using surprise tactics to overwhelm her opponents. Combat face to face is less than ideal.

  • Eligible Abilities
    [*]Kakkimi desu! | Debuff R2 (Blinded Sight)
    Affects Multiple | Indiscriminate (100-100)
    Cost: 200E

    Appearing from nowhere, Lupus can draw energy from her special powers to blind anyone, including a friendly, in a small radius when coming out of her stealthed mode. This works very much like a flash bang grenade, assaulting the target's vision and leaving them open for a surprise attack.
    [*]Kono Naifu | Damage R3
    Ranged; Ongoing(Specialized) | Limited; Finite (75*2)+(-150*2)
    Cost: 150

    Poison daggers coated in a substance made from Lupus' blood. Blood infected from the virus has dissolving properties especially toxic to skin. These knifes can be thrown from a distance, however, the poison cannot effect those made of non-biotic material. Lupus only has enough room in her coat to hold 10 of these knives at any given time, but they can just as easily be used as a melee weapon for personal defense... or vice versa.
    [*]Mou Nigebanai!
    Speed R1 (200)
    -- Concentration (-200)
    Agility R3 (600)
    Cost: 600

    The combination of Lupus' infectious mutation and her wolf heritage allows her to pull of some amazing feats of agility and speed. Putting her concentration forth to upkeep her speed, it's one of her most important assets as a fighter.

    There is also the case of my Concealment and Sense effects that are listed with (Snipers and assassins receive limited versions of both of these) Im not quite sure what this means, so I'll post them below this part. If you have some idea for what they do, let me know, otherwise, ignore these two Abilities.
    [*]Niyoiga Suyoi | Sense R1 (Sight, Hearing, Smell)

    Cost: 300E
    The simple intricacies of being part wolf have heightened the hunter's sensory abilities to outrageous proportions compared to her average human counterpart.
    [*]Kage Kara! | Concealment R2 (Sight, Hearing)
    Cost: 400E

    The infectious virus dormant in Lupus' body has mutated her slightly to affect her own natural abilities, make her much more dangerous than a normal melee specialist. With these powers, she's able to conceal her presence quite well.

  • Extra – Lupus' memories are completely gone, so she's in a state of "quiet at mind" to many questions to contemplate with very few answers. However, she is drawn to death and conflict like a moth to a flame given her past, that she can't remember. A precise hunter with few morals. All she wants to do is figure out who she is.
  • Quotes – "Kono me ni omaeno shio utsutsu" Translation: "Your death is reflected in my eyes."
  • "There is only one end for the hunted."
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