[14] Doomguy (Hell Divers)

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
Appearance – R60528cc499e60d66911797d2a897a931 (2540×1440) (bing.com)

Personality – Doomguy is aggressive, to put it lightly. Though there for a good laugh and has the occasional truly serene moments, he personally tends to have two states: a quiet fury that shows a dangerous cunning that’s always at the back of his mind, and a wild fire of rage and laughter as he unleashes hell on anything that threatens him or others. He tends to be pretty vulgar and rude, but it hides a genuinely decent and sentimental person.

Possible Reactions – In a situation where a fight is about to break loose, Doomguy is the first to throw the punch with a grin on his face. He often tries to control the situation through his quick feet and faster mouth, but when the situation looks like it’s in another's hand he’ll sow chaos to level the field (sometimes literally). He’s hesitant to leave a fight he thinks he can win, though he’s not so braindead that he’ll never retreat or back down from a superior enemy. Hardened by combat, he can tell when there’s a trap, but he’s still more likely to spring it when he thinks he can turn it on others. In social situations he’s poor at diplomacy, and as such tends to come off rude at best.

Relationships – None at the moment, though he might have ticked off a few people. He also just doesn’t like demons in general.
‘Combat’ Style – Once things get tough, Doomguy gets fighting. He tends to get in the thick of it, often fighting the biggest threat by himself so that others can fight from a safer position. He’s aggressive, preferring to be the first one in and sow confusion, but tends to be smarter when that initial rush doesn’t finish the job.

Eligible Abilities –
USSMC Marine Training
Endurance 3 (300)
Agility 4 (800)
Speed 1 (200)
Move Object 2 (200)

Total: 1500
“Only the most disciplined and quick thinking soldiers can become a part of the United State Space Marine Corp. Because the vacuum of space is more dangerous than anything some junker space pirate is going to use. Of course, they don’t train you for demons…”

Praetor Armor
Adaptation: Falling (100)
Adaptation: Space (300)
Protection 4 (400)
Movement: Double Jump (200)
Total: 1000

Damage 2 (200)
Ranged (100)
Removeable (-100)

Total 200
“Small, Weak, slow. Reliable. It’s been with me forever, and it’s always got a place in my armory”

Damage 3 (300)
*Ranged (150)
*Removeable (-150)
*Finite (-150)

Total: 150
“See the capacity for violence. Get in close, unleash hell. A reliable damage dealer that pumps out shells with pull of the trigger. Great for getting those dodgy assholes, but a scatter of buckshot hits does good against anything.”

Rip and Tear
Debuff 3: Terror (300)
*Affect Multiple (150)
*Limited: Weakened Enemy (-150)
*Concentration (-150)
Total: 150

“Rip and Tear, Rip and Tear! You are huge! That means you have huge guts! Rip and Tear your guts! Nothing scares the enemy more than watching their buddy get broken. *With my hands*”

Damage 4 (400)
*Ranged (200)
*Removeable (-200)
*Finite (-200)
Debuff 3: Suppressing Fire (300)
*Ranged (150)
*Removeable (-150)
*Finite (-150)
Total: 350

“Unleash a whole lot of bullets, a complete hose that keeps any idiot’s head down unless they like being a bullet container. There’s a little bit of a wind up, but

Rocket Launcher
Damage 5 (500)
*Ranged (250)
*Affect Multible (250)
*Removeable (-250)
*Indiscriminate (-250)
*Finite (-250)
Total: 250

Extra – Always make sure you have some good action music to get in the right mindset. Doom is always a good choice for both action and tense moment, but MGS Revengeance is also a good pick.

Quotes – “Stupid imp! You’re stupid, and you’re going to be stupid and dead!”
“There is death all around me, yet I hear the sound of angels. My eyes doth weep as I behold the majesty: the Gun, the Big Gun, The Big Fucking Gun 9000”
“Who’s a man and a half? I’m a man and a half. Berserker packin’ man and a half. Cooking with gas! I’m a bad man, really bad.”

Threads/Post - Link a FEW threads or specifics posts that you think best capture the mood/spirit/persona of your character.
*In liu of links to the Omniverse (which are a bit broke), here are some of the google docs I've used