[23] John Connor

Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
  • Personality – John has proven himself, time and time again, to be a natural born leader. Though he once tried to run from his future as leader of the resistance somehow he was always set back on course. No matter how hard he tried to avoid the future and the past they were always knocking on his door. Now John has the chance to prevent the future and he is doing everything in his power to destroy Skynet and save the world from itself.
  • https://th.bing.com/th/id/R0537e5810a945f97ce268ed448f2a8d4?rik=6vjGNAF59MC4yQ&pid=ImgRaw
  • Possible Reactions –Steps back and lets the terminator take the brunt while he steps back to observe from a distance.
  • Relationships
    T-800// - Guardian
  • ‘Combat’ Style – John observes from a distance, taking each step carefully and planned out as he goes. As a military captain, he works best in a team, going hit and run style. He works best in a planned environment.

  • Eligible Abilities – (Affinity: Gifted)

    Military Officer//Command (700)
    Soldier (350)
    -Athletics (Soldier) Rank 7
    -Social (Officer) Rank 7
    -Social (Battlefield Leadership) Rank 7
    -Knowledge (Military Tactics) Rank 7
    -Intellect (Military) Rank 7

    Survivalist- (350)
    -Stealth/Escape Artist (Soldier) Rank 7
    - Marksman (Officer) Rank 7
    - Herb and Medicine knowledge (Soldier) Rank 7
    - Technology (Hacking) Rank 7

    Descriptor: John Connor is the Upcoming leader of the Human Resistance back home and shows the abilities to lead, inspire and kick start a ragged army of soldiers to victory no matter the odds.

    Terminator: (650)
    Immune to Pain-
    Immune to Extreme Heat-
    Immune to Extreme Cold-
    No need to breathe-

    Learning Terminator:
    Survival (Fire)- Rank 7
    Technical (Learning/Adaptation)- Rank 7
    Knowledge (Computer wise)- Rank 7
    Marksman- Rank 7

    Extra –Y scar on face
    90-Watt Phased Plasma Heavy Rifle

    Descriptor: John Connor is the Upcoming leader of the Human Resistance back home and shows the abilities to lead, inspire and kick start a ragged army of soldiers to victory no matter the odds.

    Resistance Armor *Ongoing (300) *Removable (-150) Essence Cost: 2450
  • Quotes
  • “There is a storm on the horizon. A time of hardship and pain. This battle has been won, but the war against the machines races on. Skynet’s global network remains strong, but we will not quit, until all of it is destroyed. This is John Connor. There is no fate, but what we make.”
    “If we stay the course, we are dead! WE ARE ALL DEAD!”
    “[from trailer] We’ve been fighting a long time. We are outnumbered by machines. Working around the clock, without quit. Humans have a strength that cannot be measured. This is John Connor. If you are listening to this, you are the resistance.”
    “I’ll be back.”
    “They know what you are, even if you don’t.”
    “Nobody’s shot you in the heart, and I see that thing beating a mile a minute!”
    “I knew it. I knew it was coming. But this is not the future my mother warned me about. And in this future, I don’t know if we can win this war. This is John Connor.”
    “Where were you manufactured?”
    “Of course, you know me. You were sent here to kill me.”
    “If I let you down, you’ll kill everyone in this room.”
    “No. You and me. We been at war since before either of us existed. You tried killing my mother, Sarah Connor. You killed my father, Kyle Reese. You will not kill me.”
    “Win or lose, this war ends tonight!” “
    “[to T-800] DO IT! YOU SON OF A BITCH!”
  • Threads/Post -https://multerra.zulenka.com/index.php?threads/nb-fortress-ea.1346/#post-11666