A Silent Scream


Absolute Degenerate
Level 1
Sep 16, 2018
Click Here
Diamond's Boys
Sector 37-152 Exploration Log 1

Day 1 - 16 Hours Planetside

Agent Marley - ALIVE
Agent Reyes - ALIVE
Agent Macomber - ALIVE
Dr. Angelica Heiser - ALIVE

Administrator - Dr. Angelica Heiser

Audio log -
What an exhausting day. I don’t think my feet have ever been more sore. Anyways, here we are, just on the outskirts of the northern end of sector 37-152. It is honestly… unremarkable, which I suppose isn’t too surprising. Still, after traveling all the way from Markov to here I was hoping for something a bit more… I don’t know? Unusual? Exciting? Whatever, science rarely is exciting anyways. As long as Mustang pays as well as he promised then science can be whatever it wants to be. I suppose I should be a bit more professional, but if the late Dr. Grant Reisel can draw photo-realistic dicks in the margins of his notes. I can meander a bit during an audio log damnit.

*Ahem* Sector 37-152 is an area approximately one-hundred kilometers squared colloquially dubbed “The Silent Sector” due to its apparent immunity to the Unmaking’s influence. It seems to be the remains of an ancient megacity. Massive industrial complexes and housing facilities form the sector’s blocky skyline. At the center of this all, is a singular dilapidated skyscraper that is at least several hundred meters taller than its peers. Unlike the rest of Cevanti there appears to be no plant life present within the sector. In fact, according to the few aerial reports available, Sector 37-152 seems to be entirely devoid of sapient creatures, living or artificial. Initial theories suggest perhaps a low-frequency sonic deterrent or even a form of artificial pheromones that make Sector 37-152 simply uncomfortable to occupy. That however, doesn’t explain the very clear delineation of plant life that exists around the sector’s perimeter.

My team consists of Agent Marley, Agent Reyes, Agent Macomber, and myself - Dr. Angelica Heiser. We’ve been fitted with biometric monitors, these monitors will alert us to any abnormal changes in our physiology just in case the pheromone theory proves to be correct. I doubt it though. Seriously, pheromones? A zoologist must have suggested that one. Unfortunately, a broken clock is right twice a day and the thought can’t be ruled out. Right, professionalism. The agents are combat-trained and equipped with suitable weaponry to neutralize the native wildlife should they be needed. We also have access to a Hostile Terrain Exploration Vehicle - HTEV for short. It is outfitted with all the monitoring and observation equipment a researcher could ever ask for. Seriously, this thing is fucking sweet. It even has climate controlled bunks. Additionally, all of our logs will be recorded onto an Automated K-9 Research Assistant, who is the absolutely sweetest of boys, aren’t you AKRA? Our mission is to ascertain what exactly is causing this “dead zone” and perhaps utilize it in the defense of Markov. That, however, is a tomorrow problem, because I am absolutely exhausted. We'll work on getting some baseline readings around the sector's perimeter tomorrow, I'm thinking it may also be prudent to send in a research drone as well, just in case.


Absolute Degenerate
Level 1
Sep 16, 2018
Click Here
Diamond's Boys
Sector 37-152 Exploration Log 2

Day 2 - 14:23 hours

Agent Marley - ALIVE
Agent Reyes - DISTRESSED
Agent Macomber - DISTRESSED
Dr. Angelica Heiser - ALIVE

Localized Hume Level - 100 Humes

Administrator - Dr. Angelica Heiser

Audio log -
Suck it zoologists. We’ve managed to all but rule out pheromones as the cause for Sector 37-152s anomalous properties. Air and soil samples were taken around the perimeter of the site and both lack any abnormal chemicals. However, we did discover that samples taken within the “dead zone” are completely devoid of organic matter - microbial or otherwise. It seems that 37-152 does more than simply repel creatures, but perhaps sterilizes everything within its boundaries as well. Agent Marley collected the samples from the dead zone and he reported a sense of unease, but biometric scans showed nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps the sterilization is an incredibly slow process?

I’m… hesitant to explore deeper into the sector. I have sent out an exploratory drone to provide us geographic imaging of the terrain, but it has yet to return. Without more information, it’ll be really hard to justify any manned missions into the sector. I, I really hope this hasn’t been a waste of time.

We did, however, find some interesting Hume readings. For those unfamiliar with the term, a Hume is a measurement of how much “reality” is in a given area. Imagine everything in the universe is covered in a thin layer of sand, this is a baseline level of reality. Were you to remove or add sand to any given area the level of reality in that area would increase or decrease. This is a simplification of course, but it is a helpful visualization. Where I’m from, these measurements were very important to identify reality-warping entities. Now, The Crossroads seems to be slightly less “real” than where I’m from so I’ve had to calibrate my measuring devices to a new baseline, but I digress.

Reality outside of the dead zone sits at a baseline of 100 humes, the same as most of The Crossroads. But, inside of the dead zone the levels start to drop the further in you move, with a few meters in reading a hume level of 90. Now, this isn’t necessarily indicative of any reality bending shenanigans, but it is an interesting property of the zone nonetheless. I’ve modified AKRA to provide a constant reading of humes in its vicinity, just in case.

Agents Reyes and Macomber have taken the HTEV to establish monitoring spikes around the zone’s perimeter. I’m hoping that with a bit of luck, these spikes will allow us to glean some more information about the mechanics of the zone. They should be back shortly before sundown, which will give us plenty of time to plan and prepare for our next actions. The drone should be back by then as well. *sigh* Playing the waiting game is always the worst part of any scientific endeavor.


Absolute Degenerate
Level 1
Sep 16, 2018
Click Here
Diamond's Boys
Sector 37-152 Exploration Log 3

Day 2 - 19:02 hours

Agent Marley - ALIVE

Agent Reyes - ALIVE
Agent Macomber - SIGNAL LOST

Dr. Angelica Heiser - ALIVE

Localized Hume Level - 100 Humes

Administrator - Dr. Angelica Heiser

Audio log -
Agent Macomber has gone missing, along with the research van. Agent Reyes and her were attacked by a wild zoid. Reyes was outside of the van, planting a monitoring spike, while Macomber was inside. Stupid animals. Of course things couldn’t have just gone smoothly. *sigh* This is my graduate paper all over again. Anyways, Agent Reyes says that the zoid went straight for the HTEV and Macomber drove into the dead zone to avoid it. He says that they just… disappeared. Not that he lost sight of them, that they disappeared. Dematerialized. Vanished. I… I’m not sure what that means for Macomber.

Regardless, without the HTEV there isn’t much more we can do here. All of my research equipment was on board. Not to mention our food. Just my rotten luck. Whatever, science is full of failure anyways. We’ve got enough rations to last us for the walk back to Markov. Still, that’s not something I’m looking forward to.

[Dr. Heiser forgot to turn off the recording at this point. What follows is roughly two hours of near silence, after which a conversation between Dr. Heiser and Agent Marley is inadvertently recorded. The following is a transcript of their conversation.]

That’s it then? We’re just going to leave?

Heiser: That’s the plan, yes.

Marly: What about Macomber? We’re just going to leave him?

Heiser: For all we know Macomber isn’t even alive anymore. If the Hume levels consistently drop towards the center of the sector then there isn’t much--

Marly: We can’t just leave him.

Heiser: Oh? And what do you suggest we do?

Marly: We bring him back.

Heiser: Right, and we just ignore whatever vanished him in the first place, it’s not like we’re dealing with something we don’t understand, I’m sure it will be fine. We’re leaving. Maybe we get lucky and the institute authorizes another expedition, but without the HTEV there is nothing for us to do but pack up and go home.

Marly: You fucking labcoats are all the same…

Heiser: Excuse me?

Marly: All you care about is making “the next big discovery” and you don’t give a shit about how many lives get thrown away to do it.

Heiser: Christ Marly, it’s not my fault he’s gone, and I’m not some heartless sociopath. I’m also not an idiot - sticking your nose blindly into something you don’t understand is a good way to get killed.

Marly: Fine, do whatever you want, but I’m going to recover him. I’ve already talked to Reyes and she’s coming with me.

Heiser: Like hell you are, I need you and Reyes to escort me back to Markov.

Marly: Tough luck doc’, I gotta look after my own before worrying about some egghead.

Heiser: Marley, get back here! Damnit, you can’t just leave me.


For fuck’s sake...