Android XVII

Android XVII

Thrice-told Tale
Staff member
Level 5
Jul 20, 2018
Mesa Roja
Click Here
Civil Unrest
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"Stephen XVII Juunanagou" / "Gavin Delhomme-Juunanagou XVII"

Character Source: AU DBZ
Age: Like 25?
Profession: Highwayman-turned-Crown Prince of Lodis (lol)
Affinities: Specialized (Ranged)
Focus Points: 5
Rank Cap: 7
Physical Tendencies:
Power(P): 25%
Toughness(T): 25%
Quickness(Q): 25%
Skill(S): 25%

Personality/Behavior - "Snarky opportunist "

(OOC Notes: Seventeen, back in his old canon, was designed to be an augmented person with no dominating advantages in one area or another. He’s a normal fella here, but that balanced schtick remains. He'll fight fairly but look for any chance to use whatever means necessary to win. While not necessarily the ‘diplomatic’ sort, Seventeen likes to shit talk, which can often make situations worse than they should be. When push comes to shove, he’ll fall into the habit of punching first and solving things later, though. He has a long history of falling on swords for his friends.)

  • Ki Blast
  • Ki Barrier
  • Orbing
  • Telekinetic Orbing,
  • Cybernetic Anatomy
  • Ki Sense
  • Flight
  • Shapechange
  • Metal Binding
  • Power Sword
  • Motorola RAZR V3

Master Skills:
  • Retired Adventurer
  • Crown Prince
Consumables: None

  • Chocobo (Mobile)
Minions: None


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Android XVII

Thrice-told Tale
Staff member
Level 5
Jul 20, 2018
Mesa Roja
Click Here
Civil Unrest

"Power Sword" - Seventeen has a long sword made of katchin <image>. (300E)
Damage VI (600)
-- Removable (-300)

"Ki Saber" - When deprived of his actual sword, Seventeen can generate one from ki. It sparkles and makes thrummy sounds. (500E)
Damage V (500)

“Orbing” - Seventeen can teleport up to 10 feet from his present location, by himself or with company. He vanishes and reappears in a swirl of white and blue light orbs <gif>. (1200E)
Teleport IV (1200)
-- Affect Multiples (+2000)
-- Limited (Requires Contact) (-200)

“Ki Blast” - Seventeen shoots a tennis-balled size sphere of energy from his palm, which explodes on contact or fades into nothingness after missing a target <gif>. (600E)
Damage VI (600)
-- Ranged (0)

"Ki Disk" - Seventeen hurtles a compressed disk of energy. He can remotely control it, using his eyes or his ki sense. <1400E>
Damage VII (700)
-- Ranged (0)
-- Indirect (700)

"Ki Gun" - "BANG"! Seventeen points two fingers and drops his thumb--shooting a condensed beam of energy at a target. Target not dead on impact? Seventeen can maintain this attack as long as he can focus. He just grips his extended wrist with his other hand, but when he does this, he has to be concentrated on just that, as something swinging at his face will force him to drop the attack and regroup. (900E)
Damage VI (600)
--Ranged (0)
--Ongoing (600)
--Concentration (-300)

“Motorola RAZR V3” - Seventeen has a hip, new mobile flip phone to keep in touch with his contacts <image>. (50E)
Communication (100)
-- Removable (-50)

“Ki Barrier” - Seventeen can maintain a translucent green bubble of protective energy around himself until it is overwhelmed/broken or he doesn’t require its purposes <gif>. (1500E)
Protection V (500)
-- Ongoing (+250)
Damage V (500)
-- Affects Multiple (+250)

"North Quadrant Skin" - Seventeen is durable. (600E)
Protection III (300)
-- Ongoing (+300)

“Telekinetic Orbing” - Seventeen can will an object that he can see or sense to himself. They usually swirl with ‘orbs’ before moving to him <gif>. (450E)
Move Object VI (600)
-- Ranged (+0)
-- Limited (Must See/Sense) (-150)

"Ki Sense" - Seventeen is capable of detecting individuals around him through their 'ki', a type of life force energy. (450E)
Sense (Ki) VI (600)
-- Limited (Living Beings) (-150)

"Cybernetic Anatomy" - Seventeen's physique is augmented by cybernetics, which makes me more agile and durable than the average person. (2100E)
Agility VII (1400)
Endurance VII (700)

"Flight" - Seventeen can fly. (1200E)
Flight IV (800)
-- Ongoing (400)

"Shapeshifting" - Seventeen can shapechange. Almost always entirely just into humanoid forms (2000E)

"Metal Binding" - Seventeen can manipulate existing metal in the environment, shaping it into improvised weapons, defensive measures, and other shapes. He can also freely manipulate large metallic objects (1550E)
Move Object VI (600)
-- Limited (Only Metals) (-300)
-- Ranged (+0)
Variable Creation V (1000)
-- Limited (Only Metals) (-250)
-- Ranged (+0)
Damage V (500)
-- Ranged (+0)
-- Limited (Requires Metal) (-250)
Protection V (500)
-- Ranged (+0)
-- Limited (Requires Metal) (-250)

"Gestalt" - Seventeen can Fuse with any number of people, regardless of if they themselves can also fuse. He is known to dance to accomplish this effect, but he can also just sort of 'shapeshift' meld with people/peoples. Results may vary. Usually awful but what do I know. (2000E)
Fusion (2000E)

"WESTAR-M5A1 Blaster Rifle"
An accurate medium to long range assault rifle manufactured specifically for force sensitive commando units who needed a ranged weapon to substitute for their melee weapon of choice. This model is capable of only producing a three round burst of blue colored energy. It comes stock with a holographic dot sight mounted to the top, an extended rifle stock, and muzzle flash dampener. The weapon's clip is a cylinder shaped energy pack located just in front of the trigger assembly. Once the energy pack has been discharged, it needs to be replaced or allowed to recharge naturally over the course of five to ten minutes. Seventeen is cheap, so he only has one clip, meaning he'll let it recharge and swap to other weapons in the meantime. (300E)
Damage VI (600)
--Ranged (0)
--Finite (-300) <Has to be recharged/reloaded>

Profession: "Retired Adventurer" (900E)
-- Technical (Swordplay) VI
-- Social (Leadership) VI
-- Social (Planning/Organization) VI

Profession: "Crown Prince" (700E)
-- Social (Partying) VII
-- Social (Court Decorum) IV
-- Legal (Hinterland 'Law) III

Used Essence: 16550


"Chocobo" - Mobile Base - 'No-extra cost'
Speed I
-- Ongoing
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Android XVII

Thrice-told Tale
Staff member
Level 5
Jul 20, 2018
Mesa Roja
Click Here
Civil Unrest
Travel Journal

Dear Diary,

I have been in the Crossroads for… wow! X months/years/days/hours! Boy, the time sure does fly. I hear it flies in a few directions, too, depending on where you travel. Spooky, huh? I heard rumors that there’s a donut world out there or some shit. Something about Mountain Dew rivers and gumdrop people. Or a place that literally makes you go insane (I wonder if people who are already bonkers get cured?)

Anyway… that’s weird, right?!

Let’s look at the Road So Far... let me go on the internet ‘the Medium’ (sorry, I’m still bad at this) to get some tunes.

Okay… let’s roll.

Everything started way back ago. I’m told I look familiar by people, but you’re probably thinking of someone else. Right before my raggedy ass washed up in this place, I was fighting this giant sum’ bitch called Jarek. The guy had the power to tear through planets, but fortunately, I had spent the last 3 years training under the chief ruler of the galaxy (dope, right?). I had Kaioken times FORTY-FIVE, bishes.

Anywho, we fought. We fought real hard. Like Rocky IV hard (is that still a culturally appropriate reference?). I mean… I think I dropkicked a star. I had that mother fucker, but in the process, I think I overdid it. We both drifted, our bodies ravaged, but I saw the light go out of his bitch eyes right before the darkness got me, too.

You ever wake up floating in a river? It’s not fun. I don’t weigh a lot, and even when I was alive and wiry, I didn’t weigh much more. Fortunately, some dude on a giant yellow ostrich (‘Chocobo’ is the name – they’re dope as fuck, for real) stumbled upon me. My head hurt, but I managed to convince him that I was a fisherman who fell in the river and got bonked around.

His name was ‘Ser Aurum’, and he told me that I was on a place called ‘Erde Nona’. Specifically, I was in ‘Laconia’, which I guess is known for farming and birthing assholes? In hindsight, it was the natural spot for me to land/fall/appear. Anyway, this guy told me a little about a far-away kingdom in Arcadia and how stuff in this place was pretty miserable. He agreed to get me to a place called Zamara, where he said I could probably find more help.

Here, lemme draw some pictures… <SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE WH YDIDN I TAKE ART AT J-CO.>

Dear Diary,

Okay, so this guy dropped me off at Zamara, and he was kind enough to provide me with a sack of Coin(s) to help me get some clothes and supplies. I need to remember to repay this wandering hero dude if we ever cross paths again. After he peace out to go be altruistic elsewhere, I found a clothing store—I guess ‘tailor’ is the more apt term? Anyway, Taylor the Tailor (pretty sure that was her name, I don’t remember) groped me for a while, but I got some clothes that fit well and would make it so people would stop staring at me. I still miss the jeans and double shirt look, but hey, a beggar can’t be a chooser, amirite?

Anyway, I think the lady flirted with me some more after that. I introduced myself as ‘Stephen the 17th’ because Aurum got confused about my name, and I figured it better to just go with something easily understandable. Who are the first 16 Steve’s? I don’t have a clue. Probably dead. But Stephen? That’s obviously the name of a bro who lives to tell the tale.

After that, I went off to go find burgers… or whatever the fuck the equivalent was going to be in the little walled medieval town. I think I had an image of like… ham on the bone or sheep intestines or whatever. Anyway, I overhead some drunk broad getting upset about being called out for being a drunk broad by a nearby establishment. The guards were going to arrest her, but I made a pretty dumb choice to take one of them out—nonlethally, mind you!—for reasons I still can’t explain. I must have a soft spot for redheads who have sex with ladies, I don’t know.

So we ran, bumping out guards en route to their safehouse. Along the way (or was she there the whole time?) we scooped up Jaina “best negotiator and slayer of pussy in the Kingdom” Proudmoore. More on her later. Anyway, Beatrix killed some dude who I think she had a deep history with, and then they ushered me through some convoluted traps to their lesbian sex dungeon. Jaina gave me the crash course of her friend before welcoming me to the ‘crazy’ that is the Crossroads. Oh, joy (I still think I’m dead).

Here, let me memorialize this occasion... *what follows is some terrible sketches of ladies with fig ole bitties kissing*

Dear Diary,

Beatrix III, the drunken lady with the worst periods this side of the galaxy, got sick the first night they let me stay in their sex dungeon secret assassin hideout. In the morning, she was fine, and she revealed that she had a job to kill someone named ‘Elizabeth Warren’ who was living a few days outside Zamara.

We relaxed for another day before setting out. I got my first of nine hundred and eighty thousand million instances of ‘why can’t these ladies have better bed frames’ and/or ‘why the fuck do I have to share a wall with these two’. Questions that will never be answered, truly. I remember waxin’ philosophic-like that night. Again, I’m still p sure I’m dead. I’m sure Minoshia found a new golf partner by now, the traitorous lump.

Also, I can’t help but feel like this redhead is like… a second cousin or something. You know, like, I can’t shake a feeling that we’ve met.

Before we started our mission, I got my own Chocobo – his name is Salsa, and he’s a boss-ass bird bitch (she? I’m not sure. Don’t cancel me). The three of us marched up to that necromancer’s estate, and we killed the shit out of her. LOL.

Then we went back to Zamara and had drinks. Jaina had too many drinks, and she got less clothed and started throwing fireballs. It was bad. We wound up in the drunk tank, and then the council banished us all from Zamara (yikes). Beatrix seemed bummed out, since I guess her dead man is buried here (so was she gay before or after -- is that legal), but we had to pack up and leave pretty fast. Pitchforks and torches are bad news.

before I forget, here, lemme draw this out for you... *an image of a stuffy-looking lady being blasted through the chest by a sneering stickfigure of A17 ... in the background, girls are kissing and there are explosions*

Dear Diary,

Aight so it’s like I said … we had to leave Zamara. Beatrix had to say goodbye to her dead husband, Vad (dude got plague … yikes). We kept the mounts we rented, because ‘fuck ‘em’ (Zamara, not the beasts of burden). We set out on probably the dreariest road trip you can imagine. Like, I think we had to lowkey steal from a few farms over the course of six or seven days. I’m sure King Yemma will give me some grief when he sees me again, but in my defense, I also murder people and that was never an issue for the big ogre.

Anyway, we eventually found a river. I tried to fish, but I always hated grinding the Fishing skill. Beatrix killed some bunnies, because she’s a sociopath. At least she’s like, detoxed now? Lady went bonkers a few nights into our ‘trip’. Double yikes. Anyway, we decided to make a temporary camp. Jaina’s magic, so it wasn’t like we were entirely ‘roughing it’, but that didn’t stop the two from having a few lover’s quarrels over their emotions. Emotions are weird. And girly (just kidding – toxic masculinity is BAD, boys).

I had a partner once, too. And kids. That shit isn’t easy. Still hurts. But not everything works out like it does in the movies. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. After camping for a few more days, we picked up distant signs of fire. We traced those and exited the deep forests to see a city under siege by an army. We were going to leave, but then they started attacking these women and kids trying to flee. So, naturally, I did the thing that any hero would do – I started blasted.

“You have to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything” is what Jaina yelled at Beatrix when ole Red tried to give me grief about interfering in the siege. Either way, we killed that army and lifted the siege of Lodis that had been going on for weeks. Fuck, Merania. They sound like assholes. Either way, Beatrix overdid it and wound up almost dead. I hope this isn’t a trend or something.

We were brought into this former church that’s now their like, bastion or some shit (I don’t know castle words). We met ‘King Reynard’ who I think is probably older than the three of us combined, even if you count all those years that I was dead. Maybe not. I think the Hinterlands just makes 50 look like 70. Gross.

Anyway, the king made us knights, I think? Beatrix tried to ruin it by opening her mouth and talking, but it was still a p cool experience. The King seemed pretty down-to-Erde, and he filled us in about how his kingdom has been bullied by two of its neighbors for like a century or some shit. How fucked is that? I hate bullies.

We agreed to stay in the castle and help out the king. There was no way I was eatin’ anymore of Beatrix’s fucking squirrel gumbo out in the woods. The first couple days were nice. I got to hang out with Jaina. She’s like Beatrix, only prettier, nicer, smarter, more talented, and far less of an asshole. Anyway, it took a while for Bea to feel better after getting stabbed and punched a billion times.

After a couple weeks of relaxation, we got a call from the king, through his boi JP, that another Baron had been kidnapped. We had to go to a grotto (s’like a cave, but fancy) to save him. Unfortunately, JP turned out to be a two-faced snake bitch-boi instead of a real one. He had sent us to a trap! Sadly, the three of us are pretty terrible when it comes to dying, so we murdered everyone. Bea even accidentally killed the Baron we were gonna interrogate, but it’s aight because she had some necromancer blood magic shit to revive him.

From Tremblade’s blood ghost-thing, we essentially learned that much of the Lodian nobility is actually banking on their city collapsing. They think it’s stagnant. The fuck? What losers. Anyway, it’s real bad, but we kind of like the old man king. We want to help him. Unfortunately, we returned only to learn that there were mage hunters out for Beatrix. I guess she did a lot of asshole stuff back in the day? I unno.

They jumped Beatrix while Jaina and I were on our way to get access to King Reynard. We made our way to him in the dead of night to let him know about the plots. He essentially tasked us with purging his court of people who weren’t loyal to him. It’s kind of messed up in hindsight, because he was p much requesting we genocide a bunch of people. But… y’know. Like your average weekend for the three of us.

By that point, Beatrix had been like … infested by the Mage Hunters. She went LOCO. Loca? I think it’s loca. There was a full moon, so like peak she-wolf shit. Anyway, it took some time for her to be ‘nursed’ back to health. I spent that time being bored to death with the royal family. They were boring, but I didn’t have to deal with assassins so that’s good.

I think it's best if I just ... *scribbles that show the three flying over a besieged Lodis and shooting angry-faced Meranians*

Dear Diary,

After a period of recovery, Jaina and Beatrix let me know that they had a lead. They wanted to infiltrate Merania and steal some records. The plan was to detonate a fucking BOMB as a diversion, and we’d infiltrate the city. Beatrix was going to do some Beatrix shit in the process.

Either way, the bang went down. Beatrix quickly ran into her sister-in-law of all people (lol). She murdered her, as Beatrixs are want to do. Meanwhile, I slipped into the city in the chaos. Jaina meanwhile managed to disguise herself.

After killing her sister-in-law, Beatrix ran into the Marshal of Merania—a dude named Gavin Atrius. I guess they knew each other from their Arcadian times. Either way, she wound up being taken into his custody after he smacked her upside the head. That meant it was all up to ME (fuck). Using my community college shapeshifting skills, I infiltrated deep into the city, but I caught wind of what happened to Beatrix. Obviously, I couldn’t let her be tortured or executed.

Anyway, I brave all this danger and shit. I make it to Bea, and she’s in the like, penthouse prison cell. Then this bro in fullplate attacks me, and I put him on ice (permanently). That’s when I realize I just 86’d the Marshall of Merania. Triple yikes.

Uhh, here… to illustrate … *a poorly drawn image of a scowling man in full plate being shot by Seventeen, with a clearly scared and helpless (totally) Beatrix and Jaina hiding behind him*

Dear Diary,

So I freed Bea and came up with a bomb-ass (lol) plan to get us out of the situation she 100% put us in all by herself. She ran off to find Jaina, who wasn’t doing so well as an instrument of mass murder. We don’t all have that dawg in us, y’know? Anyway, this helped Beatrix to understand how deeply she loved Jaina, so there’s that. Anyway, I stalled the city guard while they exited, and I stole Gavin’s papers and a sword that tied him to the House of Duchenne—a defunct line whose Baroness, I guess (hyuck), may have had an affair with King Reynard a while back.

We made it back to Lodis and spoke with the king. I was Gavin by this point, so we had the king tell us about his affair with ‘my’ mum. Quadruple Yikes. Anyway, I’m a terrible actor, so I made up a story about how ‘I’ had mortally wounded myself and how I put my soul in Gavin’s body using (Potara) earrings. I didn’t even know I had those but hey! #BlingBling

Jaina was all kinds of mangled this time around. She and Beatrix had an argument at some point. Jaina showed up in my quarters one night to tell me she hadn’t seen her girlfriend in a week or so. I apologized that we took advantage of her arcane powers to create a WMD. She was kind to me. Kind of cry-y but also kinda mad about Bea. Jaina’s a nice person. Sure sucks that she picked absolutely fucking Looney Tunes as her lover and as her best friend (I’m totally Bugs Bunny tho – Beatrix can be that fucking duck).

I took Jaina back to my dope ass office, and I revealed that I had some ciphers from Beatrix. The whole ‘in the event of my disappearance’ thing, y’know? These ladies are goofy. Anyway, it seems like Beatrix was exploring some leads that linked all the way back to Zamara. Jaina tried to sass me about not sharing this shit earlier, so I pointed out that she kept flip-flopping on the whole ‘I love Beatrix / I hate Beatrix’ thing. Women, amirite (I’m not). Anyway, Jaina set off for Zamara, and I wasn’t going to let her go on her own, since she’s terrible at things that require a finer hand.

Here are some of the ciphers … I think they’re pretty cool, right?

Dear Diary,

So, yea, she stormed out of my office, but Jaina needed a little time to process before she was reading to try and snek our way into Zamara. I mean, whatever. I like baths too, but it felt like there were more pressing concerns, ya know? Also, who the fuck falls asleep in the bathtub and has nightmares? That’s like asking to drown. Bruh.

So a few days passed and then J came to my quarters. She totally thought my idea to adopt codenames was the best idea ever. As S and J, we’d clearly be the best spies ever. Before he left, she shared her nerd binder with me, which had all her research into the intel I had cleverly snatched from Merania. We even chatted about the weird monsters spotted in the area near the Idrisids (spooky shit).

After breakfast, Jaina had some ‘lady issues’ (yuck), but we still left mostly on time. The travel was fine, aside from my partner’s, uh… complications.

ANYWAY, we got to Zamara and this fucking bookworm booked us a stay at a LESBIAN NIGHT CLUB. If you would have asked me to guess where the nearest LESBIAN NIGHT CLUB was in the Hinterlands, I’m pretty sure that Zamara would have been near the bottom of my list. Anyway, J told them I was gay, which I’m pretty sure is offensive? Is it the hair? The scrawny figure? Some one called me a ‘twink’ and I’m confident I don’t know what the fuck that is. Should I have punched this person?

Well, anyway, I’m better with acting AND people than J or B on their best days. I distracted J and went downstairs and immediately made best friends with those goofy, drunk bitches down in the club. Lil’ J showed up—omg, like always—and was supes awkward around my new best friends-slash-bitches. I was best friends with Annika Summers, who was one of the names in Lil’ J’s little black book (ere, binder), and I had got that sloppy whore (omg lol) to tell us everything.

The next day, J got the dirt from Anika. Lil J says nothing unbecoming was involved, but there sure were a lot of naked tiddies on the bed with her the previous night—just saying (the sassy bitch). Anyway, J was a little hungover, and I think she gabbed a lil too much about our whole ‘tracking the ciphers of a necromancer and investigating weird shit’ schtick. Oh well, that crusty hoe Anika was hungover, anyway.

That night, I went out and, ya know, ‘investigated’ two of the names on our list. Those came up, uh… dead, but you can’t always hit a hole-in-one on your first time on the nines, rite?! The next morning, the bitches and I (+ Lil J) had drinks. Later that night, J and I investigated another church-y lead. Stuff went sour there, too (why do people always need to investigate strange noises or ask dumb questions to strangers?????).

Anyway, I was back up a ladder into a belfry into a corner and had to murder in cold blood defend myself against another priest. These types are so nosey. This one also did gross things that even I don’t want to make jokes about. Slipping into nun habits, Lil J and I slunk our way down into the underground of the Cathedral. Mostly me, y’know, because I’m the sneky one.

Let me give you a visual, so you best understand how smart I am (Jaina could never!).

Dear Diary,

Little J and I made our way into some spoopy tunnels under the church. The conversation got a bit, like, esoteric and deep. That shit tends to happen with me and Lil J when booze isn’t involved. It’s okay, I guess.

We walked and reached a door deep in the catacombs, and when I passed through, it kind of separated my soul from my body (yo at least I have a soul still? That’s a win!). Inside, I was greeted by ‘Terry’ – a dark-skinned knight with a bald head and a beaming smile. Seems like a nice guy. He told me, in vague fucking terms, that there was a darkness coming, and that I was someone he knew would be willing to step up to defend the Crossroads. I tried to bring up my casual murder and borderline-genocidial youth, but then he had to go out and heckle me about all the heroic shit I’ve done.

Then he ghosted, leaving me with the classic ‘more questions than answers’ as I found myself back in my body.

Let me sketch this, just so I don't forget ... *stickfigure of a bald man in giant armor with a smile*

Dear Diary,

I woke up the next day in a haze. The night before, after I had regained myself, was a mild blur. Actually, more like a stupor. J did the heavy work, but that’s okay. She probably prefers that.

Anyway, she woke me up in a tizzy, telling me we had to leave on the quicks. She had blood all over herself and said that she reacted to a situation “like I would”. I didn’t know whether to be impressed or mortified.

After we gave the peasants the slip, she told me she had come across some information recently that pointed to Hillgrove. We headed off there to track down leads for Bea’s location. Hillgrove was smaller and less in vogue than Zamara. Fortunately, we discovered that the City of Jad was a hotbed for anti-magic Inquisitors, so we took our talents there.

By the time we reached Jad, Jaina was trippin’ real bad. I thought the stuff with the mana bombs was rough, but she was like… on the verge of a breakdown. Anyway, we took separate routes into the city, and we reconvened in a tavern. I learned about a public execution, and he headed there only to find it a giant, crowded (dangerous) mess.

We couldn’t do much except watch Bea get her head lopped off. Had we tried to intervene, we would have been cut down before we got anywhere near the stage.

Unfortunately, J went nuclear. Put me in a bubble and started literally melting off everyone’s faces—women, children, … it was fucked. Eventually, she literally destroyed the place. Quintuple yikes. Not gonna sit well with her conscience, I don’t think.

Anyway, I grabbed her after she passed out, and Salsa and her horse got us back to Lodis after a few days. Jaina was half-conscious and mostly catatonic. Fortunately, Bea was only out of action for about a month, after which she was reconstituted (I’ll leave out all the nasty details but make a note here in the margins to send rose to Corporal Jenkins’ widow…)

<It is worth noting that ‘Crusader Kings’ tells a dual narrative, with some posts taking place ‘at the present’ (circa 2023) and other posts sharing moments and anecdotes from the previous 4 years. This narrative history will be wrote in as linear a fashion as I can, with pertinent posts included in the entries themselves>

Dear Diary,

Shortly after her return, Bea and J were able to settle their difference. Fortunately, my room as Gavin is VERY far from where they live. Otherwise I’d probably be even more mentally unwell, given how loudly they tend to ‘reconcile’. Sextuple yikes (lolhyuckseewhatididthere).

Bea probably left the part out where I was both the Best Man and the Matron of Honor. She’s an asshole like that. Probably just talked about the blood mage training or the ‘Zulenkan trials of combat’ that she endured or whatever. She’s a softy, though! I swear.

Anyway, it was a pretty fun party.

Dear Diary,

With Beatrix alive again and the wedding firmly in the past, we set about reporting what we’d found to King Reynard. Essentially, our various treks and information gathering had uncovered exactly what we needed to decode the various missives and documents we’d located from Merania. We had a list – and more important than that, the corroborating evidence – of all the known traitors in the Lodian Council.

After a meeting with the king, Bea and I set out to do what we unfortunately do best—stab people in the streets. Fortunately for those souls of ours, these people were traitors, saboteurs, and villains. With a heavy heart, the King sanctioned our actions, which included a great deal of assassinations in the span of a very long, very bloody night. My last target was yet another corrupt priest. I took him out and went back to our designated fallback quarters.

A few weeks later, a few of the individuals who had escaped the initial trap (or been ‘abroad’) resurfaced to create a real fucking headache for me when I was trying to enjoy a Saturday night at the bar. One of them, Bivens, enchanted a whole ass mob to try and kill me. I took him out. Jaina would have preferred he been taken alive, because he seemingly has ties to an organization that seems similar to one she knew in her home world—the Kirin Tor.

Dear Diary,

As a celebration of what we’ve done and accomplished, the King made the three of us officially ‘dukes’, raising us to the highest peerage in the Kingdom of Lodis. The old dukes were either murdered by us or killed in the civil strife that followed the ‘night of long knives and light blasts’. Oh well.

Anyway, a short time after this, we were sent by the king on a ‘diplomatic’ mission to Merania. I guess they wanted to bury the hatchet. I was supposed to be the center point of this, since *I* had totally served there. For sure. It wound up being a trap, because these things always wind up being fucking traps. Anyway, we got out of there, but it wasn’t easy. They had some real ‘heavies’ involved. We got away, and we swore to get hardcore vengeance on those assholes.

To make things worse – they FOLLOWED US. They jumped us in the night. Fucking tentacles and fireballs and lightning. It was fucking horrible. I was gonna have PTSD to when that giant-haired saiyan and his ass girlfriend tried to rip my limbs off or shoot me with lightning. #AlwaysAnOutcast.

Dear Diary,

War didn’t come quickly. I guess… nothing comes quickly here in the Hinterlands. I should know this by now.

The months trickled by after that failed attempt to cool the situation between Lodis and Merania. During the summer of that year, I had the misfortune of hearing Karl Jak’s fucking voice on the teletube-thingie. He hosted some death game back in the North Quadrant, and I guess he’s here now, too. Gross. I hate that kind of thing (has NOTHING to do with the fact that I’ve lost every single one).

That same evening, Jaina came to ask me some questions about the assassins. She’s now convinced they’re connected – in some way, shape, or form – to a version of her old employer, the Kirin Tor. Even worse, she was convinced they were tapping into some evil power from her universe called ‘the Void’.

To make matters worse, we got our first reports about ‘the Unmaking’ (as we now know it to be called). It obliterated some place called Govermorne and attacked a World called Cevanti. Jaina is convinced that this ties into my experience in Zamara and the strange, otherworldly monsters that have been seen in the wilderness. Spooky shit. Led by some cosmic entity called Darkseid. Messed up.

Dear Diary,

Over a year later, we had received countless horror stories about the unmaking. Terrible stuff.

I made the even more awful decision to convince Jaina and Beatrix that we should participate in one of Karl Jak’s carnivals. Apparently, it was a war games exercise versus an army of genuinely unmade entities. It made sense at the time.

Unfortunately, it was a fairly terrible decision, because people are people’s worst enemy. The three of us got placed as assassins for a dude named Roy Mustang. He seemed like an okay guy. He was a war hero on Cevanti. Anyway, he made like maybe one or two mistakes, and one of his lieutenants decided that he needed to be out of business.

That dude, Gilgamesh, took over the ‘Miniskirt Armada’ which he named after himself, ‘Babylonia’. I mean, sure, neat. We felt bad for Roy, but we weren’t going to go in the dungeons with him. Why would we? We were here to kill monsters. Also, we were totally with the *other* upstart Miniskirt lieutenant-turned-independent commander when this all went down.

We were ride-or-die with Azula (who I’m pretty sure was like 15 years old) until shit went south for her. She tried to contest the Vault, but I don’t think she was aware she was the last independent general standing. Gilgamesh showed up and she ran, rather than surrender. We got incarcerated for a bit, but then we put on some gold uniforms and it was aight.

After that, Bea went off to get murder-killed in some final bloodbath. I think Azula one, which is hilarious.

Speaking of win, I got a lovely letter from Karl Jak telling me how pleased he was that ‘you finally won something (technically – lol!)’. That guy can be such a dick. He even sent me some unalphabetized VHS tapes of the event. Who the fuck sends people VHS tapes.

Dear Diary,

We got back to Lodis and had a few parties to celebrate our victory. It was kind of weird, because the three of us maybe did like six things. And Beatrix did a lot of that (she’s an over-achiever). I think Bea could have done a lot more in a command role, but I guess we’ll have to wait to find out that story.

Anyway, our lives weren’t that bad. Kind of boring and a bit tense, with the degrading situation among the three kingdoms. Either way, eventually… Bea came up with this great idea to head to a place called Opealon. I guess she had ‘some contacts’ there. There was also this big fucking calamity there and the partial-unmaking of their Arbiter. We joined up in the fighting, but shit went south and we kind of lost our heads in the whole thing.
Yea, like ...

Pretty rough, my guys (and girls and etc).

We made a friend but lost track of him before getting swept away. We had to live as pirates for a few months just to get off of Opealon and back to Erde. I got a cool pirate outfit, but otherwise it was a solid 2/10 experience.


Dear Diary,

A few months after we managed to get back from Opealon, the final straw was broken in the tense cold war between Lodis and Merania. The King, backed into a corner, finally agreed to assemble a force to march against the city state. I led one of the first charges, and it was my job to make an opening.

I did. (I am kind of a bad ass, y’know)

Unfortunately, I quickly ran into ‘void mages’. With some help and some muscles, I won, and I reunited with Bea and J near the center of town. We made our way into the keep of Merania, and what we found was genuinely awful. There had been some sort of … coup or violent court uprising. The royal family and their retinue had been slaughtered, almost ritualistically.

In the aftermath, Jaina became the ‘Vicerine of Merania’ and Bea became ‘Grand Duchess of the Northern Marches’ (a combination of the ‘lands’ that the two ladies help separately). I’m the Crown Prince so, I mean… c’mon. What would you pick ;)

Dear Diary,

With the Merania ‘business’ finally settled, we still had one final major issue. The Kingdom of the Idrisids, one of Lodis’ other ‘boogeymen’ over the last few generations, was clearly not okay. Something dark had gripped the place. Years earlier, we had heard reports of monster (later identified as the Unmade) in the area. Many of them drew near Lodis and Merania but were dispatched.

Apparently, those monsters and their influence took hold of the Idrisids… or at least, that’s our thesis. No one can get near the place without risking their life.

So, as Crown Prince Gavin and the two leading non-royal nobles of Lodis, we went to Arcadia to meet with an envoy of the King. We wanted them to sanction our actions in Merania as well as provide us materiel and men for operations against the Idrisids. We met with a smarmy duke, but we were able to convince him to help us out (or that was his plan all along and he wanted to string us along – bureaucrats be like that doe).

Dear Diary,

I drank a lot when we got back from Arcadia. I also had meetings. Do you know how annoying it is to be “Crown Prince Gavin Delhomme-Juunanagou XVII”? This dude has no fucking life. Just meetings and kissing lady’s hands.

Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure Bea and J were just having lesbian sex a lot and dealing with army issues. Why can’t I have lesbian sex all the time? Is that the secret to commandership? *scribbles notes: investigate ‘lesbian sex magic’*

Anyway… it didn’t take long. Soon, we were ready.

Dear Diary,

The Idrisids was a whole different beast. Unlike Merania, we weren’t dealing with people (even those corrupted by the Void). No… here were we dealing with a festering host of Unmade things. And lemme tell you something… the Unmade are a big deal. Fucking gross.

They brought back Bea’s dead husband and his sister at different points. Big Dark Boi likes to fuck with your mind, or at least, I guess, his proxies do. Anyway, Bea managed to weather the little ‘sortie’ that came to our army camp, and we marched onward.

On the eve of battle, Bea and J ‘channeled their might’ as they are want to do. We had some victories against other rogue bands of the Unmade in the region. It wasn’t easy to march the army there, but we found some calm moments to talk strategy, eat eggs, and insult one another. Just like old times. Sometime prior to the battle, Bea had some kind of seizure or something. She tends to have these things – it’s kind of a medical issue she should investigate. Something about a book of the dead, I dunno. Probably some of that lesbian magic that they won’t share with me. :(

We could barely march a few more days before the aforementioned dead sister-in-law was used to try and throw us off. We beat them back, but it wasn’t easy. This shit was getting worse every time we clashed with them. The Unmade aren’t an actual army. You can beat them down, but they don’t rely on bodies. They can will more of themselves from the dark. You have to burn it all to the ground and salt the earth, essentially. Fucked up shit.

Dear Diary,

We finally made it to the walls of the corrupt city. This wasn’t going to be like Merania. We would have to literally fight the ENTIRE city. The Unmaking can root into things. Organic. Inorganic. All has to be destroyed. Fortunately, this also means that you don’t have to worry about accidentally killing innocents. There is no innocent in the Unmaking.

I led the charge – as I am want to do – to break open the wall and provide a nice distraction for Bea’s forces to move in from a different angle. The ole ‘one-two punch’ (I’m the prettier fist). Little did I know that Bea ran into some issues, too. She got taken down, but I guess – in her near-death experience – she made a new friend. Hakkar or some shit. A blood god. I dunno. Seems important to Bea, so I guess it’s aight. I swear, though, if I get hit too hard in the head and wake up naked on King Kai’s planet I will lose my shit, yo.

Anyway, with Super Beatrix back on the field, we were able to slowly, surely, gradually destroy the infestation in the Idrisids. The whole place will be cordoned off and purged. It’ll be a long-term thing, and I doubt anyone ever lives their again. Kind of sad. It seemed like a pretty place. We plan to start a new settlement far enough away to avoid any lingering miasmas or corruption. We figure there might be survivors who fled before it got too bad.

Dear Diary,

After the Idrisids fell, it was like the biggest party ever. Bigger than when we saved the town. Bigger than the wedding. Bigger than after Merania.

I think everyone over the age of 12 was drunk at some point that week. Possibly the entire time, I’m not sure.

Terrible mistakes were made. That’s all we’ll talk about. Beatrix also got bigger boobies ‘because lesbian blood magic’ (100% an accurate quote, I swear on my Boy Scout membership).

Dear Diary,

After about five months of peace, we decided to mix it up a little.

Sure, that time had been more or less fine. Bea was murdering people for Hakkar, I guess. She says it was related to fighting the unmaking, so who am I to judge. I was also keen to avoid the other members of the royal family, for… uh, reasons. Yes. Reasons.

Anyway, we flew to Karim, over on Mesa Roja. I think it was Jaina’s idea? I don’t know. Had to be here, because Bea only sends us to terrible place.

In Karim, we decided to enjoy a little tourist time. I wound up chatting with this middle-aged (LATE middle-aged, lol) diplomat lady in a fancy bar. She told me in very wink-wink / nudge-nudge terms that there was some settlement out there being ruled by a warlord. A settlement atop a well of resources. Rich resources.

What can I say, I’m a sucker for helping the little guy.

We headed out there – place was called Beiser. We snuck in (thanks, Hakkar?), and we set up our aliases. Bea insists on wearing her Lodian dominatrix clothes. What a weirdo. Anyhoo, yea...

No but for real, what is this lady thinking? She looks ridiculous ... *attached is a not exactly terrible sketch of a grumpy Beatrix in Dom Mom clothes with heat lines and a smiling sun*

Dear Diary,

I don’t know why, but Bea and J decided that it was in their best interests to go participate in *another* of Karl Jak’s events. I opted not to (for various reasons – that guy is a diiiick), so this meant I spent my time enjoying the Convention facility and its litany of bars, restaurants, and arcades. Woe is ME, rite?

It was fun, though! I met up with some familiar faces, like Rad and Eighteen. Remember those assholes, Diary? I also met Celipa, again. You remember her? We ran in the same crowds. She tried to kill me in my sleep during a Dante’s Abyss, so in a different one, I smacked her in the face a few times. She’s a hoot – I’ll need to ring her again.

Anyway, fucking Bea and J wound up traveling with this talking mouse fella who talks about being an uber hero but has been in like, five of these things. I guess my non-participation makes *me* the true King of Heroes?!

J eventually got hurt and “died” (but not for real bc lesbian blood magic). I met up with here, and we watched as her wife got turned into a Pepsimancer – yes, that’s a real thing that I’ll never forget for the rest of my life – and then a giant Pepsi virus monster – also a real thing and something I’m sure Little J won’t even forget for the rest of HER life. Anyway, she made to nearly the end before being murdered by some dude in a hockey mask (not the actual dude – a copycat). I hear she set the record for most fights before dying? That’s such a fucking Beatrix thing to do.

But yea – I had fun watching. I made sure to order the collector's edition blu-ray using Bea's credit card. You know. For the memories.

The Archives
I. Retribution: Somewhere Over The Rainbow
II. Civil Unrest
III. Old Habits Die Hard
IV. Crusader Kings
IVa. The Nausica Incident
IVb. Dante's Abyss: Conquest (as an NPC)
V. Water is Life
VI. DA24 Convention
VII. The War for Cevanti
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Android XVII

Thrice-told Tale
Staff member
Level 5
Jul 20, 2018
Mesa Roja
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Civil Unrest
Purchases and Log Updates

8/18/18 - No purchases, but I updated the character sheet to the most recent version of the system
6/23/21 - Modernized, added Affinity (Specialized), and increased Ranks for Effects.
6/28/24 - Added detailed Narrative history and updated thread list
6/30/24 - (lmfao) Modernized again. Updated ranks for affects to reflect rank caps.
7/3/24 - Added a number of purchased abilities
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