Ashe-0 Character Switch

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The Future Warrior

[aggressive friendship]
Staff member
Level 4
Jul 31, 2018
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How much essence will this new character have? 11,847

New Character Name: The Future Warrior

Is this character an OC or a Canon character? Canon Character

Starting Location? Nos'talgia

Character Behavior
Bundle of unpredictable manic energy that she is, it’s hard to pin down a simple descriptor to accurately encompass Graowr, but if one had to try…she might be adequately summed up as a naive brawler.

She’s not dumb, or lacking in actual intelligence by any means; behind those unblinking, often slightly glazed-over eyes, she’s almost always thinking, pondering, ruminating and cogitating over who knows what, in her own…very special way. She is, however, possessed of a startling, almost childlike level of naivety and innocence, one could say, in the way she views and observes the world. She is prone to startling leaps of childish moon logic, making poor decisions, and is a terrible judge of a person’s character on top of it all. She does have some sense of right and wrong, but her views on it are a little…skewed, sometimes, and her common sense is anything but, which can make it seem like she’s utterly disconnected from the normal world at times. She idolizes anything truly flashy, spectacular and ‘heroic’, and aspires to be the type of person that other people can look up to and admire one day, even if she doesn’t have any clue how to actually get there.

When she gets thrown into the heat of combat, though…she tends to undergo a bit of a shift in demeanor. She gets a lot more energetic and boisterous, evolving quickly into a bit of a cheeky brat that just wants to show off and have a good, fun fight more than anything else, regardless of who or what or why the fight involves. She’s never had any formal combat training in her life, and so her strikes and maneuvers are all wild, unpredictable and borderline insane. She epitomizes the “you can’t plan around someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing” mindset, specializing in half-cocked, spur of the moment madness that capitalizes on ‘whatever works and looks cool doing it’. She is extremely fond of trying to imitate and mimic cool moves and things she’s seen before, whether from people she knows or just on TV or in a movie or something, and heaven help you if you try and tell her it’s impractical or it won’t work.

Physical Description:


As is the case for most of her race, Graowr’s default and natural form is…interesting. Based on the ideals of physical beauty and attractiveness present in the rather ‘spicy’ book read by the original progenitors of the race, Bob and Margaret’s Forbidden Games, and so created via magic, it comes as little surprise. Though she stands quite shirt, even for her race’s standards at a rather compact 4’ 6”, she maintains the perfectly proportional figure that Majins are known for. A slim, lithe and curvaceous figure with a rather prominent and noticeable but overall not truly outstanding bust. In what some might call an impossibility only achievable through magically-induced body control, this level of conventional beauty standard is matched with the lean muscle muscle definition and tone of an athlete and martial artist.

The most unnatural thing about her body, as it were, is the substance she’s composed of: a semi-living, magical substance somewhere between liquid bubblegum, rubber and putty. From head to toe, more or less, she’s a uniform shade of blue. Even her hair is technically more of the same substance as the rest of her, just formed into a number of small tentacles styled into as she prefers. She is utterly and perfectly unblemished and smooth over every square inch, almost like some kind of doll. The only oddity that might be called an imperfection is a series of small holes, barely the diameter of a small nail, which can sometimes be seen along the sides of her upper arm; these tend to expel steam or puffs of colored smoke when she’s particularly angry.

Her eyes stand out rather prominently and starkly against her otherwise monotone-blue skin, in a vibrant shade of dark pink. When combined with her near-perpetually unblinking gaze, it can sometimes be slightly unnerving to look her in the eye. Of further curious note: she has no nose or eyebrows to speak of, making her face sometimes…struggle to actually emote or indeed show emotion properly.

Her clothing is as malleable as she is, though she does have her favorites. She prioritizes things that look ‘cool’, and are also easy to move in. She is quite fond of scarves and capes as well, and doesn’t seem to care about how much skin may or may not get shown off, being far too used to half or more of whatever she wears getting blown to bits after a good fight, anyway.

Character History:

Graowr’s history the same time, remarkably complex and almost laughably simple. Complex because her own antics and actions often get confused, mixed and jumbled up with other majin and indeed, with Majin Buu himself, from whom most of their race directly descend, on occasion.

Graowr’s own history is somewhat muddled by comparison, even compared to the norm for majin, thanks to her involvement with the Time Patrol. She spent several hundred years simply existing in relative peace, content to just happily do not much of anything. She idolized and fawned over legends and stories of legendary heroes and warriors from ages long past in her own time, secretly wishing for a chance to be even half as amazing and cool as they had been. It did give her something to do besides float through life, and lead to a simplistic routine of mimicry-based training that let her strength skyrocket with surprising speed.

And then one day…the incident with the Time Patrol happened, courtesy of a wish made upon the Eternal Dragon, Shenron, for a new ally that could help them with the increasing difficulty of their job. And help them Graowr did! Though she needed a hefty amount of training and guidance, rarely allowed to work on her own unless there was no alternative, she proved to be an instrumental piece in the eventual conflict against the scheming of the evil demon clan member Towa, and the later machinations of the Demon God, Demigra. Against all odds and logic, she managed to jump back in time to save herself from Demigra during the final confrontation, and then hold the demon god off in single combat long enough for other heroes to arrive and lend the extra energy needed to finally overpower and seal him away again.

In the wake of such a staggering event, however…she had precious little time to rejoice or even relax. Things weren’t done yet; even though he had been defeated and sealed away again, Demigra had used one last trick and deployed wormholes throughout time and across timelines, damaging and breaking the timestream to merge and distort the ‘true’ history. While desperately working with the time patrol to fix this dilemma before time itself could start unraveling….something unforeseen happened.

And Graowr was lost, disappearing altogether while investigating one such wormhole. Taken to another world altogether…a world that was not the one she knew. Dazed, confused, depowered and utterly aimless, she was left to wander without direction for some time. Finally, at the clever machinations of one of the leading powers of this new world, she was brought under the wing and banner of a peacekeeping organization, and given new objectives, and someone more clear-headed and of (relatively) sound mind to keep an eye on her and help her get adjusted to the place.

She had several more adventures which seemed to spin by in a blur, including her participation in a horrible death tournament she may have accidentally signed up for without properly reading or fully comprehending the rules and ramifications involved in it. Nonetheless, she won! She still holds onto the prizes she earned there, more as a point of pride in her victory than any sense of pride or accomplishment.

But soon enough….that new world also started to fall apart and suffer its damages. Whatever was in charge and holding it together had just left, seemingly losing interest, and left the world to rot. It didn’t really phase Graowr, though; it wasn’t the first time a world had literally started falling to pieces around her. It was nothing compared to Namek, or Vegeta, or the Crack of Time!

She made it through….somehow. She still couldn’t tell you how. All she knows is that she suddenly awoke again one day, floating aimlessly and listlessly through space, to see an endless sea of unfamiliar stars drifting in front of her. There was no telling how long she’d been out for, or how long she drifted along before finally catching sight of a planet as she slowly rotated around, but it finally gave her something to do, and she made for it, at all due haste!


Majin Physiology (1,950)
Adaptation Incredible Heat & Cold (200)
Adaptation Need to Breathe (200)
Adaptation Space (300)
Adaptation Radioactive Environments (50)
Adaptation Chemical or Toxic Environments (50)
– Limited (Only ingested)
Adaptation Disease (50)
– Limited (Only ingested)
Adaptation Falling (100)
Adaptation Nonbiological Anatomy (300)
Endurance 7 (700)

The body of a Majin is an extremely complex, but wonderful thing, which can comfortably and easily endure a mind-boggling assortment of environments.
They might complain about it, but they’re virtually unfazed by even the coldest or hottest natural temperatures.
They don’t even really have lungs, so breathing is completely optional for them!
Space is just another locale for them; they can lounge about among the stars at their leisure.
They can virtually ignore and laugh off most forms of conventional radiation.
They have a digestive system so powerful and robust they can eat almost anything; even things that are poisonous enough to give week-long food poisoning won’t even register to them, and even specialized medicines or drugs which can cripple or even prove lethal to normal folk won’t have any real effect on them. That’s only if they eat it, though; they are, shockingly, somehow just as vulnerable as anything else if it’s an inhaled or injected substance.
Their rubbery, malleable bodies can just effortlessly absorb the impact of even extremely high falls and bounce back (literally and figuratively) with zero effort.
Their bizarre, magical gum-like bodies are extremely difficult to comprehend. They don’t have anything like bones or blood or organs whatsoever, and thus are incredibly difficult to actually damage in any meaningful way.

Add on top of all their absurd survivability, any majin worth their salt is going to be incredibly enduring and almost obnoxiously energetic. They still need to eat, drink and sleep like most anything or anyone else (and they have MONSTROUS appetites, on top of that), but they can endure and persist through an astronomical amount of activity without rest.

Majin Resilience (2,100)
Protection 7 (700)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
Healing 7 (1,400)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]

A majin’s body is incredibly difficult to damage, even harder to make that damage significant enough to matter, and further difficult to actually keep them down. Graowr is a shining example of that, her malleable and gummy body withstanding all manner of harm in a comically effective fashion. Her body can and will cartoonishly bend, dent, twist, deform, have holes blown through it or pieces and chunks blown off….to seemingly no ill effect. Within a matter of moments, she can simply pop and poof back into shape, ready and raring to keep the fight going.

Inhuman Strength (200)
Move Object 2 (200)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]

Most majin are quite a bit stronger than they look, regardless of their size. And certainly, larger and more obviously muscular and bulky ones are going to be even stronger. Graowr is quite small and petite by anyone’s standards, but she still possesses an absolutely absurd and disproportionate level of strength all the same.

Majin Martial Arts (1,600)
Agility 5 (1,000)
Damage 4 (400)
– Ranged (+200)

While calling it an actual martial art would definitely be a bit of a stretch, it’s what they like to call it. It capitalizes on their rubbery, malleable and flexible bodies to utilize unorthodox and ridiculous means of attack. They employ plenty of jumping, leaping, flipping and springing about and outmaneuver or confuse opponents while striking wildly and unpredictably. They can effectively turn any and every square inch of their body into a weapon, the normally soft and gum-like texture seeming to harden to steel at moments of impact. They can even stretch and extend their limbs out to an impossibly long, inhuman range, punching and kicking striking at ranges of several meters, and even able to make long lunging grabs and grappling thrusts at much further range to further their wild unpredictability.

Flight (1,200)
Flight 6 (1,200)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]

Via some combination of a majin’s natural magic affinity, and manipulation of ki, Graowr can fly!

Ki Blast (300)
Damage 2 (200)
– Ranged (+100)

Graowr fires projectiles of condensed ki energy from her hands, which explode on impact. They might not always follow a straight line, and she can throw them in bizarre arching or even spinning/spiraling trajectories, but they function like dumb rockets and will always go toward a specific destination, rather than any kind of actual tracking or the like. They might not be very powerful individually, but they can be very rapidly thrown in large volleys one after another to lay down a heavy stream of suppressive fire.

Energy Wave (350)
Damage 7 (700)
– Ranged (+350)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
– Activation (-350)
– Concentration (-350)

Though the exact nature and appearance of the beam might change from one use to the next, the end result is pretty much the same, at the end of the day. Graowr winds up, charging and gathering energy into one or both hands, in her mouth, or in front of her. Once ready…she proceeds to be a complete dork, shouting out the name of the attack in question, before letting rip. A concentrated beam of dense ki energy, which can be maintained to cause continuous damage as long as she can keep her concentration and keep pouring energy into it. When she runs out of steam, or just opts to stop firing it, the beam tends to either blow up for dramatic effect, or else flicker out into a stream of sparkling motes of light, also for dramatic effect.

Scouter (200)
Communication 1 (100)
– Removable (-50)
Sense (Extrasensory) 3 (300)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
– Limited (Only biological targets) (-150)
– Removable (-150)

An intricate and surprisingly high-tech device typically worn over her left eye, featuring a blue lens. It features communication functions comparable to a modern smartphone, able to send and receive audio and text, and limited video data, as well as keep track of time and set alarm or countdown functions.

It also functions as a scanning and reconnaissance tool. It can scan and analyze nearby locations to detect and track ki signatures, from those who possess them; typically this is almost any living thing, meaning for the most part heavily mechanical or artificial creatures, as well as undead beings wouldn’t register to such a scan. Once detected, or when in visible range for things that cannot be detected via ki scanning, the scouter can also give a basic readout of information about them, such as height, weight, heart rate, detect any readily apparent wounds and weapons, and measure things like heart rate to gauge their general physical condition.

A potent and useful tool, made all the more so by the fact that most of its functions can be utilized by the simple press of a button or two. The only real downside to it is that it can be potentially knocked loose or otherwise lost in the frenzy of a fight.

After-Image (1,700)
Teleport 2 (600)
– Limited (Cannot move through objects) (-100)
Illusion 3 (600)
Concealment (Extrasensory) 6 (600)

A basic but deceptively potent and useful technique. An incredibly swift movement, such that for all intents and purposes the user teleports, often to avoid an attack or to dart into an advantageous position. The deceptive part is the illusory doppelganger left behind, a perfect (visual) copy of the user. It only persists for a handful of seconds before breaking down into a flickering and see-through image that quickly fades, but in that brief window the user’s presence is all but erased, enabling sudden surprise attacks from blind spots to catch foes off guard.

Mend Beam (750)
Healing 5 (1,000)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
– Concentration (-250)

A beam of bright blue-white light and energy Graowr releases at a target within a few feet, which envelops them in a gently glowing aura; she can do so from one or both hands, a single finger, her eyes, or even from her many hair-tentacles, depending on the situation at hand. It takes dedicated focus to utilize it properly, but those under its effects rather quickly find themselves experiencing a quick recovery from most wounds. Provided she gets to them in time, it can bring someone back from the brink of death, heal someone who has been quite literally cut in half, or even cure long-term conditions and injuries like sickness or blindness.

Transfiguration Beam (1,150)
Variable Creation 3 (600)
– Ranged (+300)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
Debuff (Transformed) 5 (500)
– Ranged (+250)
– Ongoing (+0) [Specialized]
– Concentration (-250)
– Limited (Target can still use Abilities which don’t require specific body parts/movements) (-250)

A signature and trademark attack for nearly any majin worth their salt. A bright neon-pink beam of energy which can be fired from an outstretched finger, or from one (or several) of Graowr’s hair-tentacles. It arcs out like a crackling lightning bolt toward a target, and on contact changes it into something else. Like most majin, Graowr will typically use this to turn random objects (or occasionally people, in a horrifying majin-esque disconnect from reality) into various food and candy, though occasionally may make other objects. Graowr does typically announce what she’s going to turn her target into when using it, as well.

When used on living targets, those of a strong enough will may remain conscious and aware of their new state. While being turned into candy of some kind might seem like an awful fate…those of a sturdy enough mind can still fight back. It’s difficult to use weapons and the like while in such a state, certainly, but if they have any natural abilities which can act independently of their transformed state…they can still use them relatively freely. And resisting hard enough to give Graowr a sound enough wallop or otherwise agitating her enough can make her focus lapse, mercifully returning them to normal.

Affinities: Specialized

Total Essence Spent: 11,500
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