[Character Switch] Glefaelk

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User name: Porphyrus Parch

Have you read the rules? Yes

Character Name: [Character Switch] Glefaelk

Character Source: Native

Starting Location: Opealon

Physical Tendencies:
Glefaelk is a staunch and unfailing pacifist. He has never and would never lift a hand against another living thing. If his defenses are penetrated, he will flee or die willingly to preserve this vow.

Power: 0%
Toughness: 50%
Quickness: 25%
Skill: 25%

Personality Tendencies:
A lifetime as a scholar, documentarian, and political mediator, along with his tutelage in the Temple of the Watchers as a healer have taught Glefaelk to resolve conflicts with patience and compromise. However, to achieve the best outcome he is not above outsmarting those with whom he speaks.

Aggression: 0%
Cunning: 10%
Diplomacy: 50%
Support: 40%

Physical Description:


Character History:

Under development.


Halcyon Orb — 1,325 Essence
Debuff 5 (500)
--Ongoing (+500)
--Affects Multiple 2 (+500)
--Indiscriminate (-250)
--Removable (-250)
--Weakness: Unthinking Beings (-125)

Protection 4 (400)
--Ongoing (+400)
--Affects Multiple 2 (+400)
--Indiscriminate (-200)
--Removable (-200)
--Side Effect (-200)
--Concentration (-200)

Communication: Universal Tongue (100)
--Affects Multiple 2 (+100)
--Removable (-100)
--Indiscriminate (-50)

Glefaelk carries a staff of gnarled wood known as The Mendstaff, from which dangles a green and yellow orb. The orb emits a powerful aura, imparting an overwhelming sense of calm to all reasoning being up to twenty feet in each direction, both friend and foe.

The outer limits of the aura also function as a fairly powerful shield, deflecting incoming attacks against any occupant and preserving the inner sanctum.

Finally, the aura grants everyone inside the intrinsic ability to speak any uttered language. While they does not retain knowledge of the languages, in the moment they are able to communicate with any being.

While the pacifying and communication portions of the aura are an intrinsic function of the Halcyon Orb, its shielding capabilities require intense concentration to maintain and, if maintained for an extended period of time, begin to fatigue Glefaelk considerably.

The Mendstaff — 250 Essence

Healing 5 (500)
--Removable (-250)

Glefaelk carries a staff of gnarled wood known as The Mendstaff. Anyone who touches the staff receives an infusion of healing energy, closing wounds and eliminating disease.

How much Essence did you spend? 1,575 (I'm four Essence short SO SUE ME)

How much Essence do you have left? -4
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