**DEAD28** #06 Ashe-0

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Karl Jak

Level 1
Apr 24, 2019
Ashe-0 is a war machine of towering, greater than human height, though with similar proportions and an overall slight, mostly unassuming build. Synthetic and lightly tanned skin, and with softer features not dissimilar to elves, up to and including pointed ears. Her hair is in a perpetual, unruly mess and nears waist-length in a huge ponytail. A single, large mono-eye with no discernible difference between sclera, iris and pupil. She sports four arms, and simple but robust and sturdy clothing.

Ashe is at once simple and complex. Driven primarily by logic and supplemented by (admittedly, fairly accurate) simulated emotional response. She does experience and have capability for a full, 'normal' range of emotion, but most of them are somewhat muted and subdued and hastily pushed aside to buckle down and think more rationally and clearly. Most of the time; she admits and is often frustrated by especially intense things -- such as fear or anger -- can be the most difficult to tamp down on and keep in check.

She often puts forth a stoic, utterly unflappable facade. Her speech rarely deviates from a measured, even tone that is only a few shades away from monotone, even when she makes her attempts at jokes or humor. She is far more prone to do a great deal more thinking than talking, and rarely spends time wasting words or saying more than is precisely necessary, if she can help it. She is similarly, however, more than willing to let others talk as much as they like, provided she isn't waiting on them to get to a specific point. She won't hesitate to interrupt or cut in on someone else mid-sentence to force a conversation along, in such an instance.

She has no qualms whatsoever about combat, and is not shy about informing others or reminding them that she is a literal war machine, and that she "is not programmed with how to 'hold back'." It is mostly a joke, and more an attempt to unnerve others than an actual threat. But if it should come to blows...well. Her synthetic body is very easy to wash clean of blood, and she can simply systematically file away or outright delete unpleasant memories, so who or whatever she has to pulverize makes no difference to her, and won't weigh on her conscience. It's more about efficiency, in such instances.

Possible Reactions
Ashe's reactions to most situations will be similar in their opening stages: Simply remaining mostly silent to observe and gauge the potential risk or severity of any new interaction. She will speak and respond if questioned or spoken to in kind, in her own limited and to-the-point fashion, but scarcely volunteer more than strictly necessary or what was asked for. Rarely will she instigate a fight, unless she deems it necessary or a more expedient way to resolve a situation, but will quite readily respond to and reciprocate one. She is hard to rattle or shake with unexpected happenings, such as traps or ambushes, or any amount of bluster or threatening and intimidation, and will usually respond to such efforts with half-sarcastic and half-factual quips about not being programmed to experience fear or other such things. The one thing which seems to get to her to any extent is any sort of genuine kindness, which was wholly lacking in her projected role as 'expendable war machine' back home, and this can give her great pause and confusion, and get to her to a far deeper extent than most anything else.

Ashe has had precious few encounters or meetings of any kind. She has no true relationships or friendships to speak of, though has met with Okuyasu Nijimura previously, and does hold some measure of gratitude for his assistance.

‘Combat’ Style
Ashe is a pragmatist, and will resort to anything and everything which could and/or would be effective. There's no such thing as 'right' or 'wrong' in a fight; fighting dirty is every bit as viable as fighting clean. If it means a tactical retreat to more favorable terrain, threatening or attacking someone not even involved, playing dead or even surrendering to put her opponent(s) off guard, then so be it. She is tactical, but in a subtle fashion and constantly puts up a brutish facade of simply trying anything and everything in desperation, while slowly compiling a list of 'yes' and 'no' to what does and doesn't work against a particular target, before going on an all-out offensive to crush them once she has a surefire strategy. She is not above capitalizing on her size and brute strength either, to simply hurl large objects at her adversaries -- or outright hurl her adversaries around, or even at each other.

In the event she has allies fighting with her, she will opt to assume a more defensive nature instead, and shield them from harm to the best of her abilities while carefully scanning and observing the flows of battle to keep track of what appears to work best, and offering advice and insight into such things, only to leap in at opportune times to land strikes or add to the efforts herself. She will not hesitate to interpose herself between even devastating attacks or environmental hazards, viewing herself as 'expendable', and will freely use herself as distraction or cover for more vulnerable allies.

Eligible Abilities
Behemoth (2,100)
Growth 3 (600)
-- Ongoing (300)
Move Object 3 (300)
-- Ongoing (300)
Damage 3 (300)
Speed 1 (200)
-- Ongoing (100)

Descriptor: Ashe is constructed at a large scale, easily several times larger than a 'normal' human-sized creature, though still retains mostly human-like proportions scaled up to something of a matching height. This larger size affords her proportionally greater levels of strength and simple mobility.

Artificial Construction (900)
-- Need to Breathe (200)
-- Starvation and Thirst (50)
-- Need for Sleep (50)
-- Chemical and Toxic Environments (50)
-- Disease (50)
-- Nonbiological Anatomy (300)
-- Immune to Pain (200)

Descriptor: Ashe is a construct of indeterminate origin, made of machinery and synthetic components rather than flesh and blood. This removes many of the typical vulnerabilities of normal organic or living creatures.

Defense & Repair Matrix (900)
Protection 3 (300)
-- Ongoing (300)
Healing 1 (200)
-- Ongoing (100)

Descriptor: Ashe's construction incorporates materials which are relatively lightweight and of similar density to an organic creature of similar build, though of a surprising robustness and durability comparable to most forms of lighter combat-grade armor. Complimented by an internal array of energy dissipators and disruptors to cope with particularly grievous impacts and external forces, it affords surprising protection with no external giveaways to its presence.

It is combined with a set of nanotech fluids, which flows through Ashe's body in a similar way that blood does in living creatures, and which carris a host of micro-scaled repair droids which constantly work to mitigate and repair damage at a slow, but constant rate to dramatically prolong effective lifespan of deployments without needing actual downtime and repairs.

  • Ashe is extremely deadpan and serious most of the time. She rarely offers a simple "Yes" or "No, and instead offers alternatives such as "Affirmative" and "Understood", or else "Negative."
  • The one way she does often express herself is slipping in somewhat colorful and silly descriptors and designations, and open sarcasm often at the expense of others she dislikes. All delivered in the same deadpan, utterly serious and casual tone.
  • She often spends far more time thinking or debating over a situation than actually following through on it, and rarely does things before at least some level of consideration.
  • She does occasionally get quite fed up with things, especially when they are dangerous or drag on to a needless and/or comical extent, and will openly voice her frustration when they do.
  • She is prone to simple statements of fact about current situations, indulging in a very 'human' aspect of voicing her concerns or thoughts aloud now and then.
  • She will always be incredibly blunt, and ask questions which should sometimes be quite obvious. Both to throw off or confuse those around her, as well as to simply clarify things.
  • Rather than posing simple questions, especially direct 'yes/no' ones, she will phrase it in a way to ask if is safe for her to assume something.
  • She has grown to despise the rain, and it makes her incredibly grumpy and ill-tempered.
"....what a very strange place." - on numerous occasions​
"I am a war machine, not a companion droid. My fists are more eloquent than my speech patterns."​
"....this may pose a problem." - when confronted by any situation not immediately resolvable without more than basic effort​
"Hmm. Difficult." - anything which cannot be solved at all​
"I am a machine. I do not feel fear. I do not bleed. May we skip further posturing and proceed to the onset of actual hostilities?" - intentionally irritating way to cut off someone trying to be threatening​
"You have encountered an error. Process 'mercy.exe' cannot be located. Would you like to file a complaint?" - intentionally mocking someone trying to ask for mercy, after being warned of her inability to hold back​

Threads/Post -
This thread, being her first one. Provides a better look at how she acts when on her own.​
And this one, provides a better look at how she acts with other people, especially when mocking someone.​
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