From within the central seat of his 'lair', the Man in Red sat with steepled fingers and stared impassively at the large bank of monitors. He was rarely displeased or upset about things, but this turn of events had left him extremely disgruntled. He might have been able to make this little slice of the stars his personal stage and do as he wished with it, but just like an actual stage...some things were just out of his hands. Little errors and mistakes behind the scenes by the rest of his crew and cohorts could lead to disastrous outcomes.
Like the genius idea of the engineers for this event to use the power sources and infrastructure of the town itself for monitoring the event. When a particularly spicy run-in between two of the monsters had knocked out the town's power, it had also taken their monitoring offline, and the Man in Red could not overstate how immensely he was frustrated. It had only taken a few days to get a backup running and get the connections working again with outside sources, but even so...there was so much content lost forever.
Just flushed away out a proverbial airlock.
Briefly, his masked gaze flitted to the opposite wall, a full length window, where the engineer in charge of the power and monitoring decision went listlessly floating by in the vacuum of space outside. It was far more generous than he deserved.
"Sir. We've managed to get our tracking back aligned for all the remaining contestants. Or...the remaining contestant."
"Only one is left?" This came as a genuine surprise to the Man in Red, who leaned forward in his seat.
"Yes, sir. The others...they've all died, or managed to find your secret escape routes."
"Ah, excellent... Show me the results, and who our winner is, won't you?" The scarlet-clad showman leaned back in his seat, returning his attention to the bank of monitors.
"Yes, sir."
Like the genius idea of the engineers for this event to use the power sources and infrastructure of the town itself for monitoring the event. When a particularly spicy run-in between two of the monsters had knocked out the town's power, it had also taken their monitoring offline, and the Man in Red could not overstate how immensely he was frustrated. It had only taken a few days to get a backup running and get the connections working again with outside sources, but even so...there was so much content lost forever.
Just flushed away out a proverbial airlock.
Briefly, his masked gaze flitted to the opposite wall, a full length window, where the engineer in charge of the power and monitoring decision went listlessly floating by in the vacuum of space outside. It was far more generous than he deserved.
"Sir. We've managed to get our tracking back aligned for all the remaining contestants. Or...the remaining contestant."
"Only one is left?" This came as a genuine surprise to the Man in Red, who leaned forward in his seat.
"Yes, sir. The others...they've all died, or managed to find your secret escape routes."
"Ah, excellent... Show me the results, and who our winner is, won't you?" The scarlet-clad showman leaned back in his seat, returning his attention to the bank of monitors.
"Yes, sir."
Contestant #001 — Klarion the Witch Boy | WINNER
Participation Reward: 398 | Coin Prize: 5,000 | Winner's Trophy | Additional Relic Prize
Managing to evade the worst of the town's horrors and dangers, the witch boy squirreled himself into victory by destroying the altars empowering the Operator, and making the entity vulnerable to its eventual defeat. It took long enough that the event had all but come to a close, leaving him the last one standing, figuratively as well as literally.
Contestant #001 — Klarion the Witch Boy | WINNER
Participation Reward: 398 | Coin Prize: 5,000 | Winner's Trophy | Additional Relic Prize
Managing to evade the worst of the town's horrors and dangers, the witch boy squirreled himself into victory by destroying the altars empowering the Operator, and making the entity vulnerable to its eventual defeat. It took long enough that the event had all but come to a close, leaving him the last one standing, figuratively as well as literally.
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