DGS4 -- 006: Competition and Judgement

The Man in Red

malignant masked misanthrope
Level 1
Jul 30, 2020
I wanna start a fight

As mentioned before, directly fighting with and killing each other isn't necessarily the objective of this version of the event. That said, though, there's still nothing stopping you all from doing exactly that. There's only one grand prize at the end this time, after all.

To that end, the way to start a fight goes as follows:
• Be in the same area as whoever you want to throw down with
• Write a convincing enough narrative of encountering your target, preferably working with whoever they are
• Challenge them, whether IC, OOC or both
• They will have a chance to respond before an actual fight begins

Now. If they should choose not to engage in your tomfoolery, they are 100% within their rights, and can attempt to dissuade you or simply escape, with or without the help of any allies they might be grouped with.

If you are on the receiving end of a challenge, simply state your intent to accept or refuse.
If you accept, I will begin a Face-Off -- or you may elect to write for it yourselves, at which point I will set the scene, you do your thing, and then I will do the conclusion.
If you refuse, however, then you must post an in-character post in which you showcase how you try to avoid the fight. Think of it as a 'mini challenge' in and of itself; if you can come up with a good enough reason not to fight, or do a good enogh job escaping, or something else to that effect, then you can get away without violence!

For the moment, at least.

What about other flavors of violence?[/center]

Those will mostly be things that you write about, in whatever way you see fit. I will throw a challenge at you, in the form of a prompt, as story and event progress necessitates. You will write through or around it in whatever way strikes your fancy. You may or may not take some amount of damage.

Wait, damage?

Yes. Damage.

Like in most previous iterations of this event, there will be some damage being dished out on occasion. But unlike previously, it won't be being tracked necessarily by injuries or the like. There will be a numerical system at play, keeping track of your overall condition. But we'll cover that later.

What's that face-off thing you mentioned before?

That's the classic staple of these kinds of events, that your character(s) will occcasionally find themselves in. Along with other narrative events, they are the primary method by which you sustain damage and can potentially be killed, whether before or after your elimination.

It is also the one part where the writing, and thus your character's actions, are entirely out of your hands. To such an extent, when you join you thereby consent and agree with the fact that you're okay with someone else writing your character (said someone being me, the Host, of course, along with any allies or people you might write with). Given the game, your consent for being potentially injured and (eventually, and in all probability) killed, in ways entirely outside your direct control is also directly assumed and given.

And how do you judge these things?

Before anything else: I will of course do my best to write your characters accurately and to the best of my ability. But I am not perfect; if I make mistakes, I can only beg forgiveness and chalk it up to the stress and/or excitement of the event making them act a little...off.

But of course, even with all that said, I know you have one question. How does the judgement work? How exactly do I decide who wins these engagements?

Well, dear readers, there are several ways, but it does boil down to a few important, key factors:

Injuries -- A character who is heavily injured will of course be at a disadvantage. They hurt, they're weakened, they may be missing a lot of blood or even limbs. Life is hard and full of agony. They will need some way to get around their handicap, or they're not going to do well.
Player Role -- Just like in rock paper scissors, or old Fire Emblem, sometimes a matchup just isn't in your favor. This won't really decide anything, but in the (unlikely) event that all else is equal, it might tip the balance.
My Opinion -- The big one. I am the sole judge and grader of this nonsense. Everything is 100% based on my own opinion and thoughts, with the other factors mentioned above only coloring that opinion.

There is nothing like a 'score sheet', nor will I be grading anything/everything you write or post up. But I am going to read things, and they are going to sway and color my opinions. They might make me like your character more, they might not. They might make me hate your character more, they might not. They might inspire me, and make me think you deserve to do well, or that you suck and should be eliminated sooner.

Be aware: quantity of posts has nothing to do with anything. Posting too much might actually hurt you a little. I prefer good quality and substance over long drawn-out posts (Ironic, I know). You can write thousands of words every day, post once ever hour you're awake, and it all be boring as trash. Someone else might post a few hundred words, only once every other day, and it be amazing.

Guess which one I'll probably like more.

Don't go crazy with things like post length, as if things get too long (regardless of how good) I start to zone out and lose focus and/or interest. That's not good for you. Don't go crazy with flowery words and purple prose, don't pick up your nearest dinosaur lexicon of similar words, don't try and "force it" to make things better for the sake of it. Write how you do, be genuine, be you.