**ELIMINATED 14** #08 -- Flak

The Man in Red

malignant masked misanthrope
Level 1
Jul 30, 2020
Name: Flak


Flak, portraying his characteristic dismissal of the idea of wearing a shirt.

Personality – Flak is a boisterous brute.
Talkative but irritable, Friendly but surprisingly prickly when pressed, Flak's most easily visible traits are his Stupidity, and his confidence. While relatively loud and obnoxious, he is not usually hostile or combative, unless people tax his fairly small brain or insult him in some fashion. Fairly sensitive to small jabs, he is also pretty quick to forgive and completely forget. Out of combat, he possesses some survival skills but isn't great at decision making a lot of the time - the type to make a decision quickly, stick with his gut, and get stuck in a tree rather quickly if left unattended. Despite that, his simple view on life and his relative tolerance of people that don't try to piss him off make him pretty easy to get along with for a moron.

The exception, of course, being combat - despite barely being literate and counting on his fingers most of the time, Flak randomly finds his strategic legs when given the shot, and has an intrinsic knowledge of strategy and tactics, able to make decisions that are not superhuman, but extremely competent, particularly in context with his usual brand of idiocy. There are obvious holes, and sometimes his best-laid plans fall apart because of one particular detail where stupid mode briefly engaged, but he is more than a match for the average army general and only really outshone by truly prodigious strategic genius. he is also surprisingly talented and graceful in hand-to-hand combat despite his normal clumsiness, able to beat most people in a fight.

Possible Reactions – Known enemy. "Get back here! We're gonna settle this!"
Known friend - "hey. 's up?"
Dangerous situation. "Grrr... you guys are pushin' me? Well fine, Time for me to push back!"
Natural disaster. "Well, can't punch that. Guess I'm runnin'!
Neutral encounter. "name's Flak. Who the Flak are you?"


Of course, Brute!

Relationships – Flak absolutely adores Shinku as his buddy and Fusion partner and will personally maul anyone threatening his life with the good sense of a mama bear.
Will get along very well with anyone who got along with satan.
Generally a fan of Wyvern members and extremely respectful of Roman soldiers and believes they have massively strong super-strength.

‘Combat’ Style
Flak fights more similarly to an angry Football hooligan than a proper fighter, though he knows the very basics of grappling, and has a good understanding of a boxer's stance. He is usually not the creative type, and when he is, from a personal combat level, it's generally finding more and more creative ways to smash. if he feels he's truly outmatched, he'll try actual tactics, but they'll usually be something along the lines of a stupid trick and always delivered at high speeds. Flak will only retreat if he feels he's at an overwhelming disadvantage and about to die, and will usually swear vengeance. he holds grudges easily and will be much nastier to opponents that have humiliated him in the past. Flak has no real problem with killing but isn't the type to torment anyone and is generally fine with the idea that they've stopped moving. He might have some reservations about thumping an actual child and go a bit easier on those, though. Flak believes in the strike first advantage, in order to reduce the damage of the counter-attack, and will always attempt immediate violence over an ambush if caught in spontaneous combat.

Quotes – "That guy, he's kinda like me, except... I'm me."

“I guess the Man in Red likes Burger king. He got us one of their hats.”

“People of Blanket Town! This is General Flak, of the New Black Hole Army! This territory now belongs to me!”

“Back in boot camp, my instructor told me this helmet is the difference between life and death. So, y’know, I figure if I never take it off, I’ll never die! Haw!”

Threads/Post - I have but one thread to give outside of last year's deathgame still: https://multerra.zulenka.com/index.php?threads/taking-some-flak.1999/post-17878

Extra – I plan on posting a Flak NPC sheet to list some of his abilities in brief extremely soon but as far as stuff that's immediately relevant: He has a machine gun this time.