How to Build My Character?


Level 1
Jul 5, 2022
Erde Nona
Hey guys, really new here and sort of struggling to build my character. First one was a bit of a flop so I'm trying again with a more support-based build to hopefully be of assistance to allies. My characters is a Jojo OC and has a Stand Ability with the following powers. I'm only Level 1 so I'm fine with leaving a few out or upgrading them later on.

This is what I have so far.

Summon - (300)
Limited: Being Exhausted Prevents Summoning (-100)
Limited: Physically weaker than a human being (-50)
Side Effect: All damage/physical effects are reflected onto the user (-50)
Total Points Remaining: 1900

Stand Ability: Guidance

The primary ability of Paisley Park involves assisting individuals significant to Saburo in finding and reaching destinations more expediently or escaping perilous situations. It displays time-limited choices on his cellphone or laptop. After selecting an option, Paisley Park provides Saburo with the item he asked for which then comes in handy later. For example, the choice of flashlight results in Paisley Park giving it to Saburo, which then illuminates the location of something else she ends up needing a few minutes later. It offers a choice whenever Saburoo needs to solve a problem, despite whether or not he's aware of what's going to happen, but doesn't act when he is too slow to choose.

Variable Creation Rank 2 (400) (Since the options it presents are varied and are useful)
Limited: Options require technology with a screen and are time-limited to 10 seconds maximum to choose (-100)
Activation: Even after choosing an option from Paisley Park's Guidance, it can take some time for the given object to be of use. (-50)
Total Points Remaining: 1650

It's long-ranged and has no power or speed in Stand Stats so it's more for intel gathering.
It's powers are the Guidance Options, it's power to manipulate electronics and hack into them and shapeshifting, being able to go from 3D to 2D and alter parts of it's appearance. I'm fine with delaying the shapeshifting until later and just want to get guidance and electronics manipulation up and running.
Jul 27, 2018
Mesa Roja
Click Here
Limited is always -50 per Rank, so your Summon Ability would cost 150 Essence, not 100. Because you have two Ranks of Variable Creation, the Activation Modifier on it will save you 100 Essence, instead if 50.

Be aware that without other Effects, the things created with Variable Creation will be mundane and relatively weak. For example, if you wanted to make a roughly knife-like weapon, you'd need to take a Rank in Damage along with Variable Creation.

Sigmund Vrell

Cosmic Brain
Staff member
Level 6
Level 5
Sep 9, 2018
Mesa Roja
Click Here
Some more points:

You can’t stack multiple uses of limited, so with limited and side effect, the price would be 200

As for guidance, you’ll need the ongoing modifier to maintain the constructs for more than a few moments


Level 1
Jul 5, 2022
Erde Nona

Paisley Park's primary ability involves assisting individuals significant to Saburo in finding and reaching destinations more expediently, or escaping perilous situations. Paisley Park has for example manipulated a phone's GPS application, the results of a web search engine to enhance the efficiency of his investigations and instigated a chain of events allowing Saburo to bypass security clearance through mistaken identity. Paisley Park can also separate from its user and go far away to help another ally in need.

When Saburo discovers Paisley Park for himself, it displays time-limited choices on his cellphone, laptop or any nearby screen. After selecting an option, Paisley Park provides him with the item he asked for which then comes in handy later. For example, the choice of flashlight results in Paisley Park giving it to Saburo, which then illuminates the location of something else he ends up needing a few minutes later. It offers a choice whenever Saburo needs to solve a problem, despite whether or not he's aware of what's going to happen, but doesn't act when Saburo is too slow to choose.

Stand Ability: Guidance
The primary ability of Paisley Park involves assisting individuals significant to Saburo in finding and reaching destinations more expediently or escaping perilous situations. It displays time-limited choices on his cellphone or laptop. After selecting an option, Paisley Park provides Saburo with the item he asked for which then comes in handy later. For example, the choice of flashlight results in Paisley Park giving it to Saburo, which then illuminates the location of something else she ends up needing a few minutes later. It offers a choice whenever Saburoo needs to solve a problem, despite whether or not he's aware of what's going to happen, but doesn't act when he is too slow to choose.

Variable Creation Rank 2 (400) (Since the options it presents are varied and are useful)
Limited: Options require technology with a screen and are time-limited to 10 seconds maximum to choose (-100)
Activation: Even after choosing an option from Paisley Park's Guidance, it can take some time for the given object to be of use. (-100)
Total Points Remaining: 1650

Electronics Manipulation

Although it mainly resides in his cellphone, Paisley Park enables Saburo to interact with various electronics at a level beyond humanly possible.

Paisley Park can hack into various electronic devices with ease and use them to help Saburo in his investigations or any other activity he is focused on, bypassing any security they may have. For instance, it could break into the data servers of the local police to identify a suspect by linking a tooth to medical records and dental prints. It can also travel through computer networks from Saburo's mobile phone in order to interact with other systems without being near the hardware. This particular ability is portrayed as Paisley Park going through endless corridors full of doors and breaking locks. At a more basic level, Paisley Park can delete/wipe files such as images or videos from other people's phones if Saburo wills it. Paisley Park also seems to be able to "copy" certain technological abilities. For instance, she is shown using her hand as an X-Ray to find the pieces of metal in a gunshot wound.

These are the two powers I want to focus on and the start, I can probably add the rest in later once I have enough Essence.
I have 1650 Essence remaining. How would you build it considering I've just started with Guidance and I'm not sure how to get Electronics Manipulation going?
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