Isabelle Zulenka


[A] Mrs. Gilgamesh
Level 3
Level 2
Jul 28, 2018
Click Here
Civil Unrest



Isabelle Zulenka
Saiyan Prodigy

Bloodline: Low Class Saiyan / Imperial Valkyrie
Father & Mother: Vad & Trixie
Marital Status: Single
Temperament: Focused, Pointed, Dependable, Pragmatic

Advanced Information:

Cevanti Military Rank:
Combat Classification: Advanced Infantry
Combat Style: Skleroi Combat Training
Combat Disadvantages: Takes too many risks
Situational Strengths: Analytical Thinking; Offensive Strategy; Formally Educated
Situational Disadvantages: Her temper, left unchecked, can be a problem

IC Things to Note About Isabelle
  1. In combat Isabelle wears Vegito's fusion clothes. The orange and blue ones.
  2. These were worn by her grandfather, Toma, whose appearance resembles Vegito. (It's a Chubbs thing.)
  3. She also wears her grandfather's Potara earrings at all times. She does not know if they still work.
  4. Isabelle can be reckless just like her father and as promiscuous as her mother much to Hailey's dismay.
  5. Hailey Richards is Isabelle's guardian and mentor while her mother and father are away.
  6. While Isabelle can manipulate metal with binding, the main difference is that she can create metal from her finger tips with her ki.

Isablle is a Pragmatic Duelist. She handles situations in a sensible and realistic way rather than letting false truths and what-if's cloud her response. While Isabelle does have a temper, she actively fights against succumbing to it in stressful situations. She’d rather be pragmatic and only apply her temper towards a sensible solution that will resolve the problem than to fly off the handle like in the stories about her father. While she wasn’t raised by Vad, Isabelle is nonetheless a Zulenkan prodigy. Combined with her Saiyan heritage she was practically built to thrive and survive in combat. Isabelle is a better person than her father. Luna made sure of that. Her grandmother made sure that she’d have a strong morale code and a good head on her shoulders capable of handling any situation. While she does think that the things her father did were atrocities, she loves him just the same and hopes that she can make him proud in her own way.

Character History
Born in 2048 during a period of peace to Vad and Trixie Zulenka, the young Isabelle lost both of her parents within the first ten years of her life. At age 5 Vad finally succumbed to old age and passed in his sleep. Surviving him was his wife Trixie, a demon who had initially possessed his soul. With the help from an elderly Piper, she was able to keep her demonic form corporeal for another five years. Long enough to see her daughter off into the capable hands of Vad’s mother, a woman of legend, Luna Zulenka. Taken aback by the child’s appearance, Luna happily accepted responsibility for her granddaughter. Isabelle bore the resemblance of the ancient Skleros founder, a direct ancestor of Luna.

Luna trained and taught the young Isabelle everything she knew. She did her best to impart the Zulenka way, but she ended up teaching the budding warrior how to fight like a Skleros. The senior Saiyan took Isabelle to every volatile corner she had learned of in her nearly 100 years of existence to train. Isabelle had been born with the fiery temper of her father and the stubbornness to never quit. Despite getting beat down each time, she demanded that Luna stay in Super Saiyan 3 for their training. Ignoring the fact that Luna was a living god in that form, Isabelle wanted, no she needed, to prove to herself and her dead parents that she could cut it. Luna had taken every opportunity to teach her granddaughter about the two families she belonged to, as well as her demon heritage. House Zulenka, House Skleros, and the Imperial Valkyrie bloodline coursed through her veins.

As much as they tried in her early twenties, Luna couldn’t get Isabelle to transform into a Super Saiyan. She fell back to teaching the young woman a technique that her late husband primarily used and, much to Luna’s amusement, Isabelle said she would prefer. Kaioken. Armed with the Kaioken ability the young warrior began to scratch the surface of her potential and the sparring matches between Isabelle and the Super Saiyan 3 Luna slowly grew beyond seconds into minutes.

In 2075 on her twenty-fifth birthday Luna deemed her a true master of Skleroi Martial Arts and gave her a set of traditional armor that her House warriors would wear. Being the person that she was, Luna was called away once more to Heaven to deal with an emerging crisis, leaving Isabelle alone on Earth. Deciding to take her new-found freedom and use it to leave the planet she boarded a ship to Vegeta, curious about her family and her Saiyan heritage.

On her way the ship was sucked into a wormhole and forced to make an emergency landing on Cevanti. Making her way to Markov despite the wild Zoids, the young hybrid found work at the local bounty office as a debt collector. She was eventually recruited into the military and transferred to Roy Mustang’s command where she helped defend Markov from the unmaking siege. She was promoted to Staff Sergeant at the conclusion of the siege and tasked with taking the fight to the Unmaking in the ruined city of Cyrene. The report says that eighty percent of her company died during a push into the city to reestablish communications and that Isabelle died of her wounds.

Or at least…that’s what the official report states.

Character Source: OC
Location: Cevanti
Profession: Markov Soldier
Spent Essence: 7,100
Affinity: Formidable

Physical Tendencies:
Power(P): 25%
Toughness(T): 20%
Quickness(Q): 20%
Skill(S): 35%

Personality Tendencies:
Aggression(A): 15%
Cunning(C): 40%
Diplomacy(D): 25%
Support(S): 20%

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[A] Mrs. Gilgamesh
Level 3
Level 2
Jul 28, 2018
Click Here
Civil Unrest

Sense Rank 1 [Extrasensory] (100E)
Ongoing Rank 1 (100E)

Inherited from her father and honed by her grandmother, Isabelle is actively able to sense the presence of life force energy.

Communication Rank 1 (100E)
Removable (-50E)

The newest in the line of cellphones from Cytokine Industries. Capable of interplanetary communication via voice or text.


Damage Rank 7 (700E)
Removable (-350)
Protection Rank 7 (700E)
Removable (-350)
Variable Creation Rank 4 (800E)
Removable (-200)

Inherited from her father, Isabelle has the ability to manipulate and generate metal into a liquid form. This allows her to make anything from shields to knives and various stabbing weapons. She can coat herself in liquid metal to protect herself. Like any normal armor or weapon, they can be removed and broken away from her body with enough damage or force requiring her to replace the lost metal.

Damage Rank 2 (200E)
Ongoing (200)
Removable (-100)
Finite - 30 Round Magazine (-50)

A standard issue combat rifle produced by Cytokine Arms for use in the war against the Unmaking. It’s nothing special. It uses a thirty round magazine and fires a proprietary plasma round. It’s designed to be mass produced and easy to strip down and maintain in the field.

View attachment SSJ2.mp4

Damage Rank 7 (700E)
Limited to SSJ2 (-350)
Protection Rank 7 (700)
Ongoing (700)
Limited to SSJ2 (-350)
Agility Rank 7 (1400E)
Limited to SSJ2 (-350)
Endurance Rank 7 (700E)
Limited to SSJ2 (-350)
Flight Rank 7 (1400E)
Ongoing (700)
Limited to SSJ2 (-350)

The ascended version of a Super Saiyan. Completely superior to the base form in every way. When Isabelle transforms into this she has spiky golden hair, teal eyes, and a chaotic and violent golden aura that is charged with sheets of electricity. SSJ2 is powerful and lets Isabelle face her opponents at her absolute maximum. She is capable of incredible feats while using this form, including the ability to defend herself.


Damage 5 (500E)
Ranged (250)

A powerful ki blast handed down from her grandfather, Toma. The user charges up a dense sphere of ki in one of their palms, holding it by their side. The user then releases the ki blast by pushing it forward in front of them. Riot Javelin take a conical shape as leaves the users' palm and blasts anything within range.

The Race to SSJ


Hailey Richards
Hailey is a human female who was captured and enslaved at a young age by an organization called The Agency. The Agency operated on Planet Vejita, creating super soldiers and highly trained assassin's for use in political scheming as well as The Agency's own agenda. Hailey was put through the experimental and severe physical and mental training program that Vad Zulenka went through. Only two subjects ever made it out alive. Vad and Hailey herself. Due to her being a human and not a saiyan, Hailey suffers from advanced cellular decay now that she's middle aged. She keeps her youthful appearance because of her training, but she's required to take a regimen of pills every day to keep herself alive. The doctors gave her six months. She's turned that into three years. Hailey is a powerful warrior capable of many feats. Her primary source of power is the transformations that she has developed over the years. She has two versions, each providing a different level of power. They're unnamed, but each version can be told apart by the color of her eyes. Form 1 has bright blue eyes and brilliant blue aura. In Form 2 her eyes turn a bright shade of purple and her aura turns a similar color. She's working on a third, but she doesn't think she'll have it unlocked before she dies. Whenever that is. Hailey is a mentor to Isabelle and teaches her everything she can about fighting. She's also a proven sparring partner, her power being far beyond that of Isabelle's.

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