

New member
Mar 7, 2023
Erde Nona
Username: Oceaus

Have you read the rules? Yes

Character Name: Oceaus

Character Source: Original

Starting Location: The Beyond

Character Behavior:
Oceaus is a Mindful Divine. He tends to go through with decisions that often don't have immediate consequences, but tend to help him further down the line to his plans. Which is largely aided by his ability to see into the future. He is tactical and analytical of the consequences his choices make. As every one is a ripple through the future that may help or hinder his endeavors. He cares deeply for any and every person who is affected by his choices. But nonetheless goes through with them. As he views it his solemn duty.

In combat, Oceaus uses a mixture of his own divinity, and the spells he learned as a Wizard before his ascension. Moving to dominate each battlefield with carefully planned and similarly calculated moves to entrap his opponent. He does his best to avoid death, despite that being his primary domain. As he believes that too much blood will already be spilled in his name and his plans.

However, should it be the only solution forward. He will not shy from taking a life. Or several.

Physical Description:

Due to a deep and powerful curse beset upon him by other gods, fearful of Mortal ascension. Oceaus is a writhing mass of darkness and destruction. This form he has no control of, it acts purely on animalistic instinct. Which is why he separated a portion of himself from his physical form. Which, through Shikiria's death, however brief, allowed him to take her form as his own. For most purposes in any case. This includes her facial features, hair color, height, and every other aspect.

Character History:

Salathorn Ventrius Phortea was the peak of Arcane research in his day. Beginning each day with a monotonous routine that consisted of breakfast, practice, research, dinner, more research, and then bed. However through his research he learned of the most valuable secret to any mortal. Apotheosis. He was indeed the first Wizard to learn of such a task, and the first to accomplish it. Upon which he learned it was every mortal's task to one day reach this height. Knowledge flooded his mind of the Creator's will.
Including that he was not originally from the Crossroads, that his true home was on Infreya, as it was with the other children of the Creator who inhabited the crossroads as divines.

What he did not know however. Was that the Creator's children, The Gods of Infreya were against this change. At least the majority were. In a tense and tiring battle, Salathorn had lost everything he'd cared about, and his family name was dragged through the mud, as though to ensure that none from the house could attempt ascension again. Nor gain the required materials.

They then sealed him deep within a monstrous form that he could not control nor escape from, and cast him within the depths of space, out of sight and thus of mind

Here he sat in anguish, devoid of hope after watching his home burn to the ground, and his family fall deeper into depravity than ever before

However his suffering did not end. While stationary within the depths of space, he suddenly felt a pull on his entire being. Upon using his divinity to gaze down at his previous home, he found his home, his family, now obscured in the nobility they once stood at the height of. Casting a spell to derive power from him... or, in more straightforward terms. Rip his soul in pieces to then house that portion of power within themselves.

However, hubris tends to dull caution, and they made a mistake. The resulting explosion of power sent that piece of Oceaus' soul forward through time. Until it landed in the heart of a young child. Born with the wonderful gift to see and understand magic.

It was here that for once, Oceaus' body began to lurk forward, hurtling towards the child, in an attempt to be whole again. It was here that Oceaus was forced to plan the deaths of many, and the suffering of many more.

What starting Affinity does your character have? Immortal


Arcane Prodigy
Rituals/Arcana 5
Knowledge (Arcana) 5
Research/Investigation 5
Cost: 750

Grave's Coercion
Damage 5 (500)
Mod:Ranged(250) Indirect (500) Weakness(-125 Does not work against targets without organic minds, or those who don't fear death) Limited(-250 only works on living targets) Concentration(-250)
Debuff 3 (300)
Modifiers:Indirect (300) Ranged (150) Weakness (-75 Does not work against targets without organic minds or those who don't fear death) Concentration (-150)
Desc: Oceaus reaches out with his Divinity to a living target, drifting the time of their death ever closer. Inflicting wounds deep onto their soul proportionate to the amount of time he spends concentrating on the effort, unfortunately, due to the time he spent in the prison of his own form. His powers are nowhere near their height. While he concentrates, he fills the target's mind with the myriad ways they could and will die at his hand if they continue. Those with strong wills, or have no fear of death however, ignore this effect.

How much Essence did you spend? 1900

How much Essence do you have left? 100

Were you referred by an existing member? nope

What is your Discord name? JohanNishigami