Positive Vibes DA:C -sharing

Miyamoto Musashi

Vibrant Flower of Tengen
Level 4
Oct 3, 2018
Erde Nona
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Positive Vibes about Dante's Abyss, Comet!
Did you have a lot of fun writing with someone?
Did you have an absolute blast reading someone else's thread?
Is there some other thing you'd want to tell another participant?

Feel free to share any and all of it here!

Miyamoto Musashi

Vibrant Flower of Tengen
Level 4
Oct 3, 2018
Erde Nona
Click Here
I had an absolute blast writing with you throughout this DA. You really allowed me to explore sides of my character that I hadn't had the chance to, before.
All in all I had a lot of fun writing both your character and mine, as well as cooking up crazy shenanigans with you.
Thanks <3

You threw me a bone with Kerrigan at our first siege. I adore you for that.
You really helped me out and gave me a storyline for it.
You also ate Zenitsu, but man did I get an interesting storyline out of that too.
I also loved the monkey. Adored it.

Doomguy, Adam, Speedwagon
My Special Mention Helldivers, that I had the pleasure of accompanying throughout the event.
I had a hell of a lot of fun ripping and tearing through the unmade with you.
Helldivers forever! We gave them hell from start to finish and man am I proud of us.

I'm really glad to see some new blood in a site-wide turbo-size hyper-big event like DA. You've done an absolutely marvelous job jumping into a decade long, multiple sites spanning tradition and I look forward to your go-get-em attitude in the future.

Thank you for letting me join last minute!
Thank you for organizing the event. It has been a blast.

That bike though. My sides are still dying. Loved it.


Dynamite Kid/Mar
Level 3
Sep 10, 2018
Mesa Roja
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Let’s see where to begin:

my fellow miniskirters: damn, I’m not even sure how to say how cool you guys were. You guys showed a amazing amount of toughness through this whole event even when the miniskirts broke apart. Once a miniskirt always a miniskirt.

Jacob: your Azula was amazing to write against as a commander and enemy.

adam: Heh the betrayal of Atlantis. Didn’t expect me to pull it off. But I wondered how a au if john was in the helldivers would work

Sammy: Ki was cute and fun to write with as John’s friend

Alex: you are amazing for pulling this off every year.

Johan: iza was a pleasure to see for the first time in DA abyss/comet

Weiss: Seeing john vs Ridley was a blast even though it was just interrogation

Strazio Rockwell

Magus without Magick
Level 2
Aug 2, 2018
Mesa Roja
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Lake of Fire
Jacob - 10/10 would get abducted by again

Doomguy - Finally got to write with you, even if it was only 1 post, angery bros unite.

Altanis - Oi, I love antagonistic relationships and I'm thankful you kept Demetri going even after my abduction.

Gamzee - brother.jpg

Elise - Our relationship feels so one-sided because you keep saving my ass, but I am grateful and love writing with you.

Jade - Why are you like this?

Alex - As always thank you for the hard work!

Toga Voorhees

Stabby Gurl
Level 3
Mar 31, 2019
Alex- As always, thanks for running our yearly salt fest.

Jade- Thanks for humoring this teenage girl and her ineffective struggling against the clown menace, even when you weren't feeling it.

Weiss- MVP of DA right here. Basically solo'd everyone else.

Roy- You made a few mistakes here and there, but you did your best to bounce back from them, and you kept your good humor, even while everyone was giving you the evil eye. Mad respect.

Azula- You did your best to hold things together, and even though you failed, you kept the MS alive far longer than I was expecting.

Connor- The oft-overlooked Jak Mar did what she does best: be a superb writer that doesn't get nearly enough credit when people start talking about the "best" writers on the site.

Caboose- Is friend-shaped. What else can I really say about this guy? Added some much needed levity to the game, and helped ease those raw feelings when things didn't go the way someone was expecting.

Buu- Next year, buddy. Next year.

Izaneus Phortea

Level 3
Jun 8, 2021
Erde Nona
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I wanna start this off with a GIANT thank you to everyone who helped me get started and answered all my newbie questions (of which I'm sure there are many more to come) as well as the people who helped me get Izaneus situated in the crossroads, and helped me understand my first DA!

Now. Onto the stuff!!

Alex - Thank you for being understanding and making this amazing Event. It was an awesome kickstarter for the adventures of Iza. And I'm excited for the new ones!

Roy - The mentorship you showed my boi will never be forgotten, and I super appreciate The friendship you have Iza on his first few days. Thank you.

Jade - You blew up our castle, XD you made some of the biggest plays, even with two forces on you, you did an awesome job!

Mirage - you're also one of Iza's first friends here, and as part of team firewall, it was more than a pleasure serving alongside you.

Wraith - it was fun rping with you for the short time our characters were near! It was awesome!

Jak - I'm glad to have rpd with you at the end!! It was awesome to see Connor do all his stuff!!

Elise - Iza and Elise didn't start off on the best foot, but I hope they can be friends in the future!

Once more, thank you, everyone. I'm super excited to write with you all in the future!!


Mommy’s Little Psychopath
Aug 1, 2018
Click Here
Bad Girls Club
I famously love to just chatter on about how much I love people so I’m going to try my best to be concise here, but who tf knows.

Sigmund - my Stheno, my partner, my friend. I have a long list of people I have been wanting to write with but you have been near the top of it for some time. This experience did not disappoint. Azula and Stheno complimented each other so excellently, and you were such a grand person to make every move with, bounce every decision off of, and just in general get to know better during this process. I’m so happy it worked out this way, friend.

Jak - similar to Stheno above. I walked into this not knowing how or if Azula and Connor would mesh, but they DID, and it was wild. The amount of trust and friendship we grew in this was amazing, and you are always such a supportive and encouraging friend that I have such respect for, and I hope I succeed in offering that same friendship in return.

Aaron - Elise is SUCH an incredibly fascinating character, and although things didn’t go perfectly between our girls, I’m glad we got to write, however briefly, together, and create such a layered relationship.

Roy - my bro. We were in the weeds together those first few weeks and I am so impressed with how amazing you were doing. You are such a superstar and how you juggled so much and wrote so well all at once I’ll never know. Just truly magic.

Jeff - Toga and Azula’s friendship, however brief, was one of the most fun aspects of this DA for me. I’m sad we didn’t get to see more of it, but so proud of you for being a badass and throwing yourself into the deep end. You always shine and stand out in these competitions and I hope you know that and feel that way.

Straz - 10/10 would abduct again! You have been one of my favorite writers for a long, long time and I am still geeking out that my hairbrained scheme to write with you worked.

Adam - Thanks for not rescuing Straz! It was a blast writing that Azula/Altanis scene with you even if it didn’t work out the way I wanted, and I’ll be eager to ask Alex in the postmortem what he thinks would’ve happened if we had broke north to attack Jade together, because I was really feeling for like 24 hours that Azula/Altanis was too compelling a pair of generals to lose, and that’s on how much I love and enjoy writing with you anytime.

Jade - yet again, we didn’t get to write together, and yet again, you still somehow managed to be one of my main points of contact in this competition. You were really there for me in moments when I got overwhelmed and frustrated and so this message is mostly a thank you for your wonderful friendship. The way it’s grown over the past year has been, frankly, irreplaceable— you are irreplaceable, and I am so glad to have you in my corner and be in yours.

Joe/Deme - I didn’t get to write a lot with Mirage and Wraith but their story was so compelling, and you guys were such helpful voices as I was trying to wrangle the Miniskirts into gear. I’m so thankful for both of you — for Joe’s continued friendship after over a decade (!!!) and for the opportunity to keep getting to chill and get to know you, Deme!

Weiss - fuckin. Someone said it above but you are probably this DA’s superstar MVP. I’m glad Ridley is back for good because you slayed.

Iza - I love a badass new member, and I am so super stinking proud of how you just jumped right on into this mess. It’s not for the faint of heart!! I hope you stick around a long time!!

Sammy - you are a light, and having you around in my unit for most of the game was always such a joy. Thanks for being you anc bringing this neat character in ❤️

Alex - the man. The myth. The legend. This had to have been such a challenge to organize and run and keep up with and I am always in such awe of how you keep it all together. We’ve known each other for fifteen years — longer than most of my IRL best friends — and since the early days of that you have looked out for me, been there for me, and offered me such friendship and support and it is no different now. I love you and love how much you care about everyone in this community being happy and having a good, badass time every single summer.

Well. Still long. I’m sure I had more to say about more people too, so let me just say everyone’s stories were SO EFFING BADASS this year. Like damn. Good game, y’all.

Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
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Cytokine Industries
Whew this DA has been a ride! (the feels guys, the feels!)
OOC notwithstanding, Roy's storyline in this year's DA is pretty much everything I could hope for to keep tone for the character. Thanks to everyone for your part in making the story what it was.

To the Armada: You guys were great, every single one of you. People were engaged, and were always willing to dialogue about next steps instead of just being told what to do. It fell apart towards the end, but that wasn't on any of you, and up until that happened, I couldn't have asked for a better team!

Azula: I wish we had more time to explore the Roy/Azula dynamic. I was really looking forward to dealing with Azula-based shenanigans, instead you had to clean up my mess. I have SO much respect for you for stepping in to try to reassemble the miniskirts after Roy's disappearance. Agni kai when?

Iza: You jumped right in the deep end and ended up being a natural swimmer! I think I sat out two DAs before I had the confidence to try my hand at it. Iza was a much-needed fallback for Mustang, a touchstone to help him keep some element of sanity through all the chaos. If Iza's ever in the market for a job, stop by Cevanti. Mustang's always on the lookout for field agents he knows he can trust.

Wraith and Mirage: Don't tell Mickymesh, but you guys are my favorite Multerra power couple. Not being able to make good on our counter-plan is probably the thing I'm saddest about coming out of this DA. If they don't hate mustang's guts he'd happily work alongside them on Cevanti. If they do hate his guts he'd probably still work with them. They're hot-heads, but honest ones.

Elise and Nico: Team Teen spirit was the surprise grouping that I was most excited about. Your characters were out of their element with this year's theme, and I respect that they didn't morph to fit the theme but instead followed their own goals inside the bounds of the game.

Stheno: Alex can confirm, if the pick for a number 2 had been an IC decision, Roy would've picked her. I feel bad that you didn't get into the action for so long, but I'm so glad that Azula had someone to stick with her. Will Stheno be around post-DA? I'd read more!

Ki & Connor: I didn't get much chance to write with either of you, but you both had excellent perspectives on the events. Connor is great, and I hope to see more of him in the future (with his robot back too), and I love Ki's uniqueness as the calm collected cat samurai.

Lupus: I miss wolf girl already. There's something nice about a character who's operating on that kind of instinctive level. Hope to see you again when life allows it!

Hell divers: You guys were the ones who beat the Unmaking. Mad respect for that. Nobody can say you guys didn't throw everything you had at killing those demons. For all Roy's talk about fighting the unmaking, (I was trying to, really I was) it was you guys that actually beat them. What's even better, you guys managed to keep your character arcs interesting and entertaining without all the betrayals and double-crossings (aside from Altanis of course) that the Armada was doing. It was pure character dynamic that drove you guys for this entire event, and that's impressive. RIP AND TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE.

Pennywise: Jaeeeeeddd, why'd you make fighting a horde of evil monster clowns so realistically difficult? I think you were playing the commander game at a higher level than I was, and I've gotta respect that. If you had done the unthinkable and won 2 DAs in a row, you would've deserved to.

Wiess: Ridley was the MVP of this DA, hands down. I was consistently impressed by your ability to create interesting story out of a character who's individuality was suppressed throughout the event. I greatly enjoyed our little epilogue of an interrogation at the end, and I'm happy to see that the Ridster will be back in the Crossroads after DA. Definitely a name that Mustang will remember.

And of course, Alex. DAs are a crazy amount of work. I am consistently impressed at both your ability to keep all the details organized, and your willingness to indulge my constant barrage of questions and clarifications throughout this event. All the great stories we had this past month are thanks to your work, and I appreciate that so much.

Let's all get killed by Jasons! (poor Joof, he missed out on Toga's dream DA experience!)


The Reigning Wyrm
Staff member
Level 2
Aug 15, 2018
Click Here
alright, going to be a bit more general with whats said than a few of the others here because - honestly, I'd have something to say about everyone. this was the first DA I was really able to keep fully on top of and read everyone's posts at all times, and I enjoyed reading everyone's stuff. It was a blessing to be able to read through so much good stuff.

So, to be more general: I had a blast reading just about everyone's thread, seeing how they handled stuff, building off other people and working to create moments. From Mirage dropping a titan on boss mouse, to Azula knocking everyone's nose, to Altanis and Strazio's constant back and forth... (well, constant until something happened), I really enjoyed seeing it. I also enjoyed seeing that a few people I didn't expect a lot of activity out of surprise me and become superstars willing to really dig into their characters stories - even without any post deadlines or limits. I was expecting to see very few posts in a DA that didn't require them, but just about everyone that could rolled up their sleeves and got it done.

As far as specific 'Writing with someone's' that I had a fun time with:

Helldivers: We had a good dance going on for a while. It felt very fun to finally have that opportunity to play Ridley as the big boss dragon, and you guys rose up to the challenge to make for amazing opponents. Looking forward to getting my head cut off by 'sashi in the finals (unless...?)

Doomguy:....I've already said so much, but it was fun getting a fight with Ridley and the slayer. I'm sure we can go for it again properly when you have more time, darling. We certainly have the story for it. Watching Flynn's story was great from beginning to end and his final post shook some things.

Musashi: I was worried if you'd be able to keep up with the pace early. I shouldn't have been. you were writing some amazing, consistent and quality stuff, and I had plenty of fun writing against ya with Kerrigan and the Rids. Can't wait to see how that goes.

Civic: I didn't get to see ya much this round but buu's story was fun. Next time, when you have the time, we'll go for real bud.

Speedy: Caboose was a thing of joy, thanks for writing him in.

Roy: We barely met, like lovers sharing a first kiss before parting for different oceans, and yet we built quite a relationship between these two, didn't we? Not one of love, camaraderie, or solidarity, but of mild disgust, hatred, and grudging mutual respect. I look forward to seeing how we can build on that in the future, Lieutenant-Colonel

Iza: You drew pictures of Ridley and gave me the chance to write a halfway-normal conversation with the Rids, so congrats. we didn't get to see much of eachother, but that might get to change one day. until then!

Jak: our time was short but sweet. Look very forward to seeing where John goes with this newfound resolve to fight the unmaking goes! Great story arc.
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Miyamoto Musashi

Vibrant Flower of Tengen
Level 4
Oct 3, 2018
Erde Nona
Click Here
I guess, now that my final post is written, 'tis time for further ruminations, within the gauntlet.

I'd like to offer special thanks to Weiss and Jade.

It has been absolutely amazing writing a long, DA-spanning story-arc with you and despite our time differences, I think we've managed to work together very well.
Ridley's and Sashi's feud has been an utter joy to collab with you, and whoever wins, I'm glad we both made it to the end and I can't wait to see what your final post brings our way.

You offered me some very valuable and well constructed criticism and I am utterly delighted that you took the time out of your busy schedule to provide me with such.
I will treasure it and be sure to do my very best to improve based on it!

And as a whole, to everyone?
It for sure has been one heck of a ride, y'all!

Thanks for being there to ride with me!

Rip and tear, until it is done.
And I do believe, I am done.