Sabrina Spellman Character Switch

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Mommy’s Little Psychopath
Aug 1, 2018
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Bad Girls Club
Are you spending 50 Tokens? No

Has it been at least 6 months since your last switch? Yes

How much essence will this new character have? 2000

New Character Name: Azula

Is this character an OC or a Canon character? Canon Character

Starting Location? Opealon

Character Behavior
"The Sadistic Torturer"

Azula, formerly Crown Princess-turned-Fire Lord of the Fire Nation, does not play nice when she fights. Prevailing wisdom amongst past associates deems that she most likely suffers from some form of clinical insanity, specifically trending toward psychopathy. She holds no regard for the pain others feel, has no concept of empathy, and in general is referred to as a true sadist.

In addition to not caring if her enemies feel pain, she also seems to find enjoyment in causing it, and so she likes to stretch out those experiences for as long as possible. She's known to torture and maim before or even sometimes rather than outright killing an enemy; it could be said she likes to "play with her food," for lack of a more appropriate phrase.

Physical Description:


This image was chosen to show exactly how long her hair is, but it should be noted she normally wears it up in a bun on the top of her head.

Character History:

Pulled from the Avatar wiki:

"A firebending prodigy, Azula was sadistic, manipulative, and obsessed with power. She was a skilled strategist who orchestrated the coup over the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se, and halted the invasion on the Day of Black Sun.

Azula harbored deep mental instabilities, believing her mother loved Zuko more than her. Raised by her father in an environment without a mother-figure, Azula had to be nothing less than perfect in her father's eyes just to earn any affection from him. After the betrayal of her two closest friends Mai and Ty Lee, these instabilities were brought up to the surface. Upon the arrival of Sozin's Comet, Azula was soon to be crowned Fire Lord; however, her defeat at the hands of her brother Zuko and Katara caused her to suffer a complete mental breakdown.

Following her emotional breakdown, Azula was put in a mental health facility to recover."

At some point in the years after being locked away, she disappeared from her cell completely and a 17-year-old Azula wound up in Multerra.


Spent Essence: 1975/2000

"Fire Ball" (375) - Azula can release from her two fingertips an orb of flame slightly larger than a tennis ball and launch it across a distance. She is capable of producing blue flames, which are slightly more intense than the flames normal firebenders learn to produce.

Damage Rank 3 (300)
-- Ranged (+150)
-- Weakness: Water (-75)

"Lightning Bolt" (750) - Azula launches a bolt of light blue (almost white) lightning from the tip of her fingertips. It is incredibly powerful.

Damage Rank 5 (500)
-- Ranged (+250)

"Thrusters" (150) - Using her firebending, Azula can launch herself into the air by launching fire from the palms of both her hands at the ground. She briefly hovers, scaling great heights or crossing long distances. This is more akin to a super jump than actual flight. She must retain focus whilst doing so.

Flight 1 (200)
-- Concentration (-50)

"Heat Resistance" (100) - Being a skilled firebender, Azula can survive in incredibly hot environments.

Adaptation: Incredible Heat Environments (100)

"Fire Nation Training" (500) - Azula was not only a firebending prodigy but was also trained by some of the Fire Nation's greatest combat instructors as she grew up. This helped her become not only an incredible agile warrior, but one that could take a punch as well.

Agility 2 (400)
Endurance 1 (100)

"Master Skill: Social (Intimidation)" (100) - Azula is a true tyrant-in-training, capable of bending people to her will through sheer intimidation. She is calm and firm in all of her demands, and has been known to sway whole armies to betray their masters on the basis of fear alone. Being in a new world and having no name recognition has slightly hindered this, but she still has natural talent for it. (Rank 2)

Also would love to just have this one checked even though I'm not buying it yet:

"Jet of Flame" (700) - Azula can release from her two fingertips a long, consistent stream of fire, across a distance simply by manipulating heat particles in the air with her firebending. She is capable of producing blue flames, which are slightly more intense than the flames normal firebenders learn to produce. This fire continues blasting from her two fingertips until Azula halts the bending. She must retain focus for the entirety of the bending.

Damage Rank 4 (400)
-- Ranged (+200)
-- Ongoing (+400)
-- Weakness: Water (-100)
-- Concentration (-200)

Arthur Morgan

Pass Into Myth
Aug 2, 2018
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Spirits of Vengeance
Hey, awesome character choice! The only note I have for you here (even on Jet of Flame) is to just mention what your ability's Weakness modifier is referring to in the description. For instance, in your case it would be something like "this ability works on everything except for water."

When you've done that, you can go ahead and post your character information in the Character Profiles section of the forum! I'll be updating everything else shortly.
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